
Terms for subject Microsoft containing plan | all forms | exact matches only
active power planAktiv strømstyringsmodel (The power plan that is currently selected in Power Options in Control Panel)
activity planaktivitetsplan (A schedule for planning the activities that often follow the completion of a project)
baseline planoprindelig plan (The original project plans [up to 11 per project] used to track progress on a project. The baseline plan is a snapshot of your schedule at the time that you save the baseline and includes information about tasks, resources, and assignments)
budget planbudgetplan (A document that is used to develop estimates for amounts and units in budget plan scenarios)
budget plan scenariobudgetplanscenarie (A classification of budget plan lines, such as Prior year or Department request, that describes the budget that you are working with or planning for)
building planbygningsplan (A general category that could represent a floor plan, home plan, or other layout)
build-to-planfremstillet efter plan (Pertaining to the process of manufacturing computers according to a general specification)
composite plansammensat plan (A plan that is calculated by summing discrete components and which is usually associated with a span of time. This is often an annual cash bonus plan or other plan that depends on measurable past performance)
contingency plannødplan (A plan for addressing recognized risks that may arise during the course of a project. The plan identifies alternative strategies to be used to ensure project success if specified risk events occur)
data plandataplan (A standardized service agreement between a cell phone user and a mobile operator that establishes data service details such as pricing, types of services, and bandwidth)
data plandataabonnement (A standardized service agreement between a cell phone user and a mobile operator that establishes data service details such as pricing, types of services, and bandwidth)
demand planefterspørgselsplan (The estimated future demand for a product family. A demand plan is similar to a sales forecast, but if the demand cannot be met, the sales will be less than the demand)
Develop Skills Needs - Hiring Plan - Hiring ForecastDefiner nødvendige kvalifikationer - Ansættelsesplan - Ansættelsesprognose (A template that provides a framework for the general activities, from a Human Resources departmental perspective, that are undertaken to perform an analysis of forecasted skills needs and the potential hiring and/or training plans needed to address the gap between needed skills and available skills)
dial planopkaldsplan (A grouping of telephony users with some specific properties, such as unique telephone extension numbers, that allow the Private Branch eXchange (PBX) to determine what action to take with dialed digits)
floor planetageplan (A drawing that shows the layout of individual rooms or entire floors of a building including the wall structure, building core, and electrical symbols. A type of building plan)
forecast planhovedplan (A long-range plan for estimating capacity, quantities of finished goods to be sold, and quantities of components needed, and for establishing financial priorities)
home planboligplan (A drawing that shows the layout of a house. It can be used to draw new house plans or remodeling plans, kitchen and furniture arrangements, or plans to add a new room to your home. A type of building plan)
HVAC planHVAC-plan (A drawing that shows the layout of heating, ventilation, and cooling ductwork. A type of building plan)
intercompany master planintern behovsplan (A master plan that is used for intercompany master scheduling)
interim planmidlertidig plan (A set of task start and finish dates that you can save at certain stages of your project. You can compare an interim plan with the baseline plan or current plan to monitor project progress or slippage. You can save up to 10 interim plans)
learning planlæreplan (A list of required and elective courses that are taken to satisfy a goal. Required courses can be based on Microsoft corporate mandates; company-wide, business-group or regional initiatives; or the learner's career stage profile)
mailbox planpostkasseaftale (A template that automatically populates multiple mailbox properties when a mailbox is created in the service. A mailbox plan also assigns default permissions to the corresponding user account)
metered data plandataabonnement efter forbrug (A mobile broadband or other network or data plan that bills according to data use, such as megabytes downloaded, messages sent, or webpages viewed)
non-peak power planstrømstyringsplan uden spidsbelastning (A Configuration Manager power plan that you can configure with power settings that are applied outside peak hours or business hours)
peak power planstrømstyringsplan med spidsbelastning (A Configuration Manager power plan that you can configure with power settings that are applied during the peak hours or business hours that you specify)
power planstrømstyringsplan (A group of preset power-management options. For example, you can set elapsed times for putting your computer on standby and for turning off your monitor and hard disk. You save these settings as a named power scheme)
query planforespørgselsplan (An internal strategy by which a database server tries to create result sets quickly)
risk management planplan for risikostyring (A document defining how risk will be managed throughout the project. It can include identified risks, probabilities, contingency plans and methods for implementing them, and a strategy for allocating resources if a risk event occurs)
service planserviceaftale (A collection of Exchange features, organization-wide resource limits, and permissions that are automatically configured or applied when a new hosted organization is provisioned in the service)
service plan templateskabelon for serviceaftale (An XML file used to define the elements of a service plan or a mailbox plan)
site planområdeplan (A drawing used for residential and commercial landscape design, parks planning, yard layouts, plat maps, outdoor recreational facilities, and irrigation systems. Uses a scale of 1:200. A type of building plan)
space planindretningsplan (A drawing that uses Space shapes and resource shapes to track the approximate location of resources in a building. A type of building plan)
storage planlagerløsning (A subscription that provides a certain amount of online storage space)