
Terms for subject Economy containing plan | all forms | exact matches only
agricultural development planlandbrugsudviklingsplan
agri-environmental planmiljøplan for landbruget
anti-crisis planantikriseplan
business planprojektplan
business planforretningsplan
Colombo PlanColombo-planen
Community action plan to assist tourismEF-handlingsplan på turistområdet
completion of the plan for materially improving of the holdingplan for konkret forbedring af bedriften
completion of the plan for materially improving of the holdingplanens afslutning
completion of the plan for materially improving of the holdingforbedringsplan
Consumer policy action planHandlingsplan for forbrugerpolitikken
corporate planforretningsplan
cost planomkostningsplan
cropping plandyrkningsplan
development planudviklingsplan
economic planøkonomisk plan
European Economic Recovery Planplan til genopretning af den europæiske økonomi
European Economic Recovery Planeuropæisk økonomisk genopretningsplan
European Innovation Planeuropæisk innovationslov
European Innovation Planeuropæisk innovationsplan
European Stimulation Plan for Economic Scienceeuropæisk plan til stimulering af økonomisk videnskab
farm development planudviklingsplan for landbrugsbedrifter
farm development planlandbrugsudviklingsplan
farming plandyrkningsplan
farming plandriftsplan
financing planfinansieringsplan
forestry management planskovdriftsplan
four-year planfireårsplan
Investing in research: an action plan for Europeinvestering i forskning: en handlingsplan for Europa
Natali PlanNatali-plan
National Action Plan for Employmentnational handlingsplan for beskæftigelsen
national employment action plannational handlingsplan for beskæftigelsen
national recovery plannational genopretningsplan
overall development plan in the regions lagging behindgenerelt program for regionaludvikling i strukturelt tilbagestående regioner
plan by stagesetapeplan
Plan for the transnational development of the supporting infrastructure for innovation and technology transfer 1983 to 1985Plan for transnational udvikling af infrastruktur til støtte for innovation og teknologioverførsel1983-1985
Plan to stimulate European cooperation between and the interchange of researchers in economic science-Stimulation P lan for Economic Science 1989-92Europæisk plan til stimulering af forskersamarbejde og-udveksling inden for økonomisk videnskab1989-1992
regional development planegnsplan
regional development planregionplan
regional development planplan for udviklingen på regionalt niveau
regional development planregional udviklingsplan
Rehabilitation and Revival Planrehabiliterings- og genopbygningsplan
risk capital action planhandlingsplan for risikovillig kapital
seven-year plansyvårsplan
Skills and Mobility Action Planaktionsplan vedrørende kvalifikationer og mobilitet
Staff Retirement PlanPensionsplan for personalet
Stimulation Plan for Economic Scienceeuropæisk plan til stimulering af økonomisk videnskab
Strategy and plan of action for the protection of the environment in the MediterraneanStrategi og handlingsplan for miljøbeskyttelse i Middelhavsområdet
technology management planteknologiforvaltningsplan
three per cent action planinvestering i forskning: en handlingsplan for Europa
trading plandriftsplan
trading plandyrkningsplan
working plandyrkningsplan
Youth Employment PlanUngdombeskæftigelsesplanen