
Terms for subject Insurance containing person | all forms | exact matches only
certificate concerning employed persons in international transportblanket E110
certificate concerning employed persons in international transportattest for arbejdstagere beskæftiget ved international transport
certificate concerning the members of the family of an employed person or self-employed person to be taken into consideration for the calculation of cash benefits in the case of incapacity for workblanket E105
certificate concerning the members of the family of an employed person or self-employed person to be taken into consideration for the calculation of cash benefits in the case of incapacity for workattest om arbejdstagerens eller den selvstændige erhvervsdrivendes familiemedlemmer,der skal tages i betragtning ved beregning af kontantydelser i tilfælde af uarbejdsdygtighed
certificate for the registration of members of the employed or self-employed person's family and the updating of listsblanket E109
certificate for the registration of members of the employed or self-employed person's family and the updating of listsattest med henblik på registrering af arbejdstagerens eller den selvstændige erhvervsdrivendes familiemedlemmer samt førelse af fortegnelser
certificate of entitlement to sickness and maternity insurance benefits in kind for persons residing in a country other than the competent countryblanket E106
certificate of entitlement to sickness and maternity insurance benefits in kind for persons residing in a country other than the competent countryattest om ret til naturalydelser ved sygdom og moderskab,for så vidt angår personer bosat i et andet land end det kompetente land
certificate relating to members of the family of an unemployed person who must be taken into account for the calculation of benefitsblanket E302
certificate relating to members of the family of an unemployed person who must be taken into account for the calculation of benefitsattest vedrørende de familiemedlemmer til den arbejdstager,der skal tages i betragtning ved ydelsernes beregning
control of unemployed personskontrol med de arbejdsløse
controlled unemployed personarbejdsløs der kontrolleres af arbejdsformidlingen
employed and self-employed personsarbejdstagere og selvstændige erhvervsdrivende
guaranteed income for elderly personsgaranteret mindsteydelse til ældre
non-insured personikke-arbejdsløshedsforsikret
non-insured personikke forsikret
not unemployment-insured personikke forsikret
not unemployment-insured personikke-arbejdsløshedsforsikret
person entitled to a pensionpensionist eller rentemodtager
person entitled to a pensionperson, der har ret til pension eller rente
persons coveredpersonelt anvendelsesområde
registered as a person seeking employmentregistreret som arbejdssøgende
request for information, communication of information, request for forms, reminder on an employed person, a self-employed person, a frontier worker, a pensioner, an unemployed person, a dependantblanket E001
request for information, communication of information, request for forms, reminder on an employed person, a self-employed person, a frontier worker, a pensioner, an unemployed person, a dependantanmodning om oplysninger,meddelelse om oplysninger,anmodning om blanketter,rykkerskrivelse vedrørende en arbejdstager,en selvstændig erhvervsdrivende,en grænsearbejder,en pensionist,en pensionsansøger,en arbejdsløs,en berettiget
responsible for establishing that the person liable is unable to compensategodtgøre, at den ansvarlige part er ude af stand at yde erstatning
spécial schemes for civil servants and persons treated as suchsærlige ordninger for tjenestemænd og dermed ligestillede personer