
Terms for subject Microsoft containing order | all forms | exact matches only
back orderrestordre (An unfilled customer order or commitment. A back order is an immediate (or past due) demand against an item whose inventory is insufficient to satisfy the demand)
bank payment orderbankoverførselsordre (A source document that documents a request for a bank to perform an electronic funds transfer service)
blanket orderrammeordre (A purchase order with a specific supplier that covers a period of time rather than specific line items. A blanket order can be used to obtain recurring, short-term releases of goods or materials)
build-to-orderfremstillet efter ordre (Pertaining to the process of manufacturing a computer according to a customer`s specification)
bulk ordermasseordre (An order for a large quantity of products or services. The minimum quantity that qualifies as a bulk order is set by individual companies)
byte order markbyterækkefølgemærke (A Unicode character used to indicate that text is encoded in UTF-8, UTF-16 or UTF-32)
configure-to-orderkonfigurer efter ordre (Pertaining to the process of manufacturing a computer according to a customer`s specification by customizing a pre-existing image of a master installation)
consolidated orderkonsolideret ordre (A source document that documents more than one referenced order)
custom orderbrugerdefineret rækkefølge (User-defined sort order. For example, you could define a custom sort order to display values in the EmployeeTitle column on the basis of the title's seniority)
expected purchase order net amountforventet indkøbsordrenettobeløb (The anticipated currency amount for a purchase order line, calculated as follows: Purchase order Net unit price Invoice quantity)
firm planned orderfast planlagt ordre (An order that is generated to fulfill an item requirement and that cannot be modified as to quantity or time)
intercompany purchase orderintern indkøbsordre (A purchase order that one legal entity generates from a sales order sent by another legal entity that is part of the same organization that consolidates the accounts of both legal entities)
intercompany purchase order invoiceintern indkøbsordrefaktura (A purchase order invoice that is created from an intercompany purchase order and posted to an intercompany account)
intercompany sales orderintern salgsordre (A sales order that one legal entity places with another legal entity that is part of the same organization that consolidates the accounts of both legal entities)
inventory orderlagerordre (A request for items from inventory. Items might be requested by a sales order or by production)
job order costingefterkalkulering af jobordre (A costing method that uses production orders to assign incurred production costs to specific jobs)
Line Item OrderRækkefølge af linjeelementer (The display name of an attribute that specifies the position of an item in the list of contract line items)
on orderi bestilling (Having the status of being ordered but not yet delivered)
open orderåben ordre (An order that has not yet been posted to the ledger)
order discountordrerabat (A fixed amount or percentage deducted that applies to an order total)
order entryordreindtastning (A method of capturing sales orders and purchase orders using a software application)
order headerordrehoved (The part of a sales order or purchase order that applies to the entire order)
order IDordre-id (A number that the system assigns to an order for identification purposes)
order lineordrelinje (The part of a sales order or purchase order that specifies the detailed information about a requested item)
original sales orderoprindelig salgsordre (A normal sales order that is created in an intercompany company for an external customer and that automatically generates intercompany orders)
out-of-order screenskærmbilledet I uorden (The screen that covers the entire device, computer, or Surface unit screen when they are out of order. This screen might appear when the current application fails and stops responding or when an administrator remotely logs on the unit for maintenance. When this screen appears, users see a sequence of images and text that indicates that the system is not currently working)
planned orderordreforslag (An order generated to fulfill an item requirement)
planned production orderproduktionsordreforslag (A source document that documents production requirements generated from a production plan)
planned purchase orderindkøbsordreforslag (An order proposal generated by a master scheduling calculation to fulfill a requirement for a purchased item)
planned transfer orderflytteordreforslag (An order proposal generated by a master scheduling calculation to fulfill a requirement for a transferred item)
playback orderafspilningsrækkefølge (A sequence of playback of selected music/videos)
production orderproduktionsordre (A source document that documents the requirements for producing items to meet a demand)
production order lineproduktionsstykliste (The part of a production order that specifies detailed information about the components included in the order)
production order lineproduktionsordrelinje (The part of a production order that specifies the parent item to be produced)
purchase orderindkøbsordre (A source document that documents the offer to buy products or the acceptance of an offer to sell products in exchange for payment)
purchase orderkøbsordre (A source document that documents the offer to buy products or the acceptance of an offer to sell products in exchange for payment)
purchase order discountindkøbsordrerabat (An amount deducted from the total net amount calculation on a purchase order)
purchase order overdelivery percentagetilladt overleveringsprocent (The percentage by which product receipt quantities are allowed to exceed the purchase order quantity)
purchase order policypolitik for oprettelse af indkøbsordre (A policy that authorizes parties to modify purchase order terms and to control order processing)
purchase order underdelivery percentagetilladt underleveringsprocent (The percentage by which product receipt quantities are allowed to be less than the purchase order quantity)
quarantine orderkarantæneordre (A request to move items to or from quarantine)
reading orderlæseretning (The visual order in which characters, words, and groups of words are displayed. English and most other European languages are displayed in left-to-right order and Hebrew, Arabic, Persian, and Urdu are displayed in right-to-left order)
released orderfrigivet ordre (An order that has been authorized for production)
Right-to-Left Reading OrderHøjre mod venstre-læseretning (The item on the right-click menu in a conversation that changes the Communicator user interface so it supports a right-to-left language)
sales ordersalgsordre (An agreement between two parties for the sale of goods or services)
sales order discountsalgsordrerabat (An amount deducted from the total net amount calculation on a sales order)
sales order linesalgsordrelinje (The part of a sales order that specifies the detailed information about a requested item)
sales order policypolitik for salgstilbud (A policy that authorizes parties to modify sales order terms and to control order processing and payment processes)
service orderserviceordre (A request for a single service visit by one or more service technicians)
service order lineserviceordrelinje (The part of a service order that specifies detailed information about the requested service)
solve orderløsningsrækkefølge (The order of evaluation (from highest to lowest solve order) and calculation (from lowest to highest solve order) for calculated members, custom members, custom rollup formulas, and calculated cells in a single calculation pass of a multidimensional cube)
sort ordersorteringsrækkefølge (A way to arrange data based on value or data type. You can sort data alphabetically, numerically, or by date. Sort orders use an ascending (1 to 9, A to Z) or descending (9 to 1, Z to A) order)
stacking orderstablingsrækkefølge (The order in which shapes overlap other shapes on the page and the order in which shapes are selected)
tab ordertabulatorrækkefølge (The order in which the TAB key moves the input focus from one control to the next within a dialog box. Usually, the tab order proceeds from left to right in a dialog box, and from top to bottom in a radio group)
transfer orderoverflytningsordre (A request to move items between warehouses. A transfer order keeps track of the items shipped out of one warehouse and received into another warehouse)
transfer orderflytteordre (A request to move items between warehouses. A transfer order keeps track of the items shipped out of one warehouse and received into another warehouse)
transfer order lineoverflytningsordrelinje (The part of a transfer order that specifies detailed information about a request to transfer a specific item to a different warehouse)
transfer order lineflytteforslagslinje (The part of a transfer order that specifies detailed information about a request to transfer a specific item to a different warehouse)
z-orderz-rækkefølge (The order in which objects are placed in a layer. An object higher in the stack will cover up (appear on top of) one lower in the stack)