
Terms containing leads | all forms | exact matches only
el.A and B leadsfirerkredsløb
el.A and B leadsfirer
environ.a greater concentration of lead in the bonesen forhøjet koncentration af bly i knoglerne
health., environ.a nephropathy which is not a result of lead poisoningen nyrelidelse,som ikke skyldes blyforgiftning
environ., chem.a part of the lead remains adsorbed on the protein precipitateen del af blyet forbliver adsorberet til proteinbundfaldet
health.a patient with symptoms of pre-lead poisoningen patient med symptomer på begyndende blyforgiftning
met.a too high hardening temperature leads to meltingalt for høje hærdetemperaturer medfører partiel smeltning
med.ABC leadsABC-afledninger
med.abdominal leadbugvægsafledning
med.abdominal leadabdominalafledning
health.abdominal lead electrodesbugvægselektroder
health.abdominal lead electrodesabdominalelektroder
commun.access leads assignmenttildeling af adgangsledning
environ., chem.adding lead alkyl compounds to petrol as anti-knock devicesder tilsættes alkylblyforbindelser til benzin som antibankningsmiddel
med.after-effects of lead poisoningsene blyskader
transp., construct.air-leadpæl med tovskive
el.airframe bonding leadelektrisk forbindelse mellem flystelkomponenter
environ.airway deposition of lead aerosolsaflejring af en bly-aerosol i luftvejene
gen.angle of leadforspringsvinkel
mech.eng.angular leadkrumtappens fremspringsvinkel
med.atrophic kidney by lead poisoningblynyre
IT, el.axial leadsaksiale ledningsender
IT, el.axial leadsaksiale tråde
IT, el.axial leadsaksiale terminaler
IT, el.axial leadsaksiale komponentben
mech.eng.base lead anglestigningsvinkel ved grundcylinder
el.base lead inductancebasis-tilledningsinduktans
industr., construct., chem.basic lead sulphatebasisk blysulfat
chem.basic silicate white leadbasisk blysilikat
chem.basic sulphate white leadbasisk blysulfat
el.beam leadbeam-lead teknik
IT, el.beam-leadleadframe
el.beam leadbjælkeleder
el.beam-lead-isolated integrated circuitintegreret beam-lead kredsløb
el.beam-lead isolationbeam-lead isolering
el.bipolar leadbipolær afledning
med.bipolar limb-leadstandardafledning
med.bipolar limb-leadbipolær extremitetsafledning
chem.black leadnaturlig graphit
chem.black leadplumbago
chem.black leadblack lead
health.blood-lead levelblyindhold i blodet
med.blood lead levelblyindhold i blodet
fin.book-running lead bankbogførende bank
fin.book-running lead managerbogførende bank
mech.eng., el.borehole lead insulationhulakselisolation
environ.burning of waste crankcase produces lead emissionsforbrænding af kasseret motorolie fremkalder blyemission
chem.carbonate of leadPbCO3
chem.carbonate of leadblycarbonat
chem.carbonate white leadblykarbonat
patents.cardiac pacing leadspacemakerledninger
med.chest leadthoraxafledning
med.chest leadprækordialafledning
med.chest leadpræcordialafledning
med.chest lead'sunipolar elektrokardiografisk afledning
fin.co-lead managermedgaranter
fin.co-lead managerkonsortialbanker
el.cold leadkold tilledning
el.collector leadkollektortilledning
el.collector leadkollektorkontakt
el.collector lead inductancekollektor-tilledningsinduktans
industr., construct.comb leadnålebly
polit.Commission leadintroduktion: Kommissionen
polit.Commission leadKommissionen introducerer
polit., environ.Committee for the Adaptation to Scientific and Technical Progress of the Directives on Limit Value for Lead in the AirUdvalget for Tilpasning til den Videnskabelige og Tekniske Udvikling af Direktivet om Grænseværdi for Bly i Luften
construct.construction lead timebyggetid
el.contact lead-inkontaktstyr
chem.Contains lead. Should not be used on surfaces liable to be chewed or sucked by children. Warning! Contains lead.Indeholder bly. Må ikke anvendes på genstande, som børn vil kunne tygge eller sutte på. Advarsel! Indeholder bly.
gen.Convention concerning the Use of White Lead in Paintingkonvention angående anvendelse af blyhvidt i maling
met.copper-leadkobber-bly forlegering
chem.copper lead selenidedobbeltselenid af bly og kobber
earth.sc.covering of leadblybeklædning
mech.eng.curve leaddrejeled
mech.eng.curve leadbuegang
gen.curve leadbuestykke
transp., tech.curved slab with lead-pelletshvælvet plade fyldt med blypellets
comp., MScustomer leadkundeemne (A potential customer who must be contacted by a salesperson and either qualified or disqualified as a sales opportunity. Leads will be converted into accounts, contacts, or opportunities if they are qualified. Otherwise they are deleted or archived)
comp., MSdemand during lead timeefterspørgsel under gennemløbstid (The average daily demand for a product multiplied by the average lead time)
environ.deposition of lead aerosol in the respiratory passagesaflejring af en bly-aerosol i luftvejene
met., mech.eng.diagonal lead shavingdiagonalshaving
el.direct leaddirekte afledning
comp., MSDisqualify Leaddiskvalificer kundeemne (To render or declare something, such as a lead, unqualified or unfit)
industr., construct.dog leadhunde snor
commun.down leadnedføring
el.down-lead coaxial cablenedførings-koaksialkabel
el.drain leaddrainledning
el.drain leaddrainkontakt
el.draw lead bushinggennemstiksgennemføring
el.draw lead bushinggennemstiksbøsning
gen.dry cutting leads to blockage of jetstørbrydning forårsager tilstopning af dyserne
commun., el.E leade-tråd
med.early symptoms of lead poisoningtidlige symptomer på blyforgiftning
el.earth leadjordledning
el.earthing leadjordleder
earth.sc., el.electrical leadelektrisk ledning
earth.sc., el.electrical leadtilførselsledning
med.electrocardiogram leadekg-afledning
el.E&M leadse-og m-tråde
el.E&M leadsE/M-tråde
gen.embedding in a lead alloyindstøbning i en blylegering
el.emitter leademittertilledning
el.emitter leademitterkontakt
el.emitter-lead inductanceemittertilledningsinduktans
health.even the normal lead ingestion interferes with the porphyrin metabolismallerede den normale blyoptagelse påvirker porphyrinstofskiftet
laweventual framing of a common defence policy, which might in time lead to a common defenceudformning på langt sigt af en fælles forsvarspolitik, som med tiden vil kunne føre til et fælles forsvar
health.exposure to leadvære udsat for bly
health.exposure to leadeksponering for bly
med.exposure to lead poisoningudsættelse for blyforgiftning
transp., mech.eng.fair-leadtovskive
transp., tech.fifth wheel leadsættevognkoblingens fremplacering
commun., industr., construct.fish leadfiskelod
industr.flat-rolled product plated or coated with leadfladvalset produkt belagt eller overtrukket med bly
earth.sc.flaw leadkystisrende
el.flexible beam leadfleksibel beam-lead
transp., construct.frame leadsmægler
med.Frank leadFrank's afledning
el.free leadfrit bly
gen.graphite pencil leadgraphitstift til blyanter
earth.sc., el.ground leadjordledning
el.ground leadjordkabel
earth.sc., el.ground leadledning til jord
agric., mech.eng.ground leadlav slæbebane
agric., mech.eng.ground-lead cable loggingtransport med lav slæbebane
agric., mech.eng.ground-lead haulingtransport med lav slæbebane
agric., mech.eng.ground-lead loggingtransport med lav slæbebane
life.sc.Hand leadhåndlod
life.sc.hand leadhåndlodline
agric.hand leadhåndlod
life.sc.hand lead soundinghåndlodning
met.hard leadhårdbly
met.hard leadantimonbly
agric., mech.eng.high-lead cable loggingtransport med høj slæbebane
agric., mech.eng.high-lead haulingtransport med høj slæbebane
agric., mech.eng.high-lead loggingtransport med høj slæbebane
agric.high-lead skiddingudslæbning
agric., mech.eng.high-lead yardingtransport med høj slæbebane
transp.ignition leadfortænding
met.increasing the tempering temperature leads to a decrease in hardnessen stigning i anløbningstemperaturer medfører et fald i hårdheden
el.indirect leadindirekte afledning
tech.instrument leadinstrumentledninger
el.interleaved beam leadsindskudte beam-lead forbindelser
comp., MSinternal lead timeintern leveringstid (The lead time for an intercompany sales order)
interntl.trade., environ.International Lead and Zinc Study GroupDen Internationale Bly- og Zinkundersøgelsesgruppe
fin., industr.International Lead and Zinc Study GroupDen Internationale Undersøgelsesgruppe for Bly og Zink
comp., MSin-transit lead timegennemløbstid (The lead time required for an item to leave the shipping party and arrive at the receiving party)
mech.eng.involute profile checker and lead checking machineevolvent-og stigningsprøvemaskine
fin.joint lead managermedgaranter
fin.joint lead managerkonsortialbanker
med.Jordan lead acetate agarJordan's blyacetatagar
med.late sequel of lead poisoningsene blyskader
life.sc., chem.lead acetateblyacetat
med.lead acetate agarblyacetatagar
chem.lead acetate paperblyacetatpapir
transp., energ.ind.lead-acid batteryblysvovlsyreakkumulator
transp., energ.ind.lead-acid batteryblysyrebatteri
transp., energ.ind.lead-acid batteryblysakkumulator
transp., energ.ind.lead-acid batteryblyakkumulator
gen.lead agencyledende organisation
gen.lead agencyførende organisation
chem.lead alkyl compoundblysalt
chem.lead alkyl compoundblyalkylforbindelse
chem.lead alkyl compoundblyalkyl
chem.lead arsenitePbAsO22
med.lead arthralgiaarthralgia saturnina
fin.lead bankerledende emissionsgarant
transp.lead bargeforreste pram
invest.lead brokerledende mægler
met.lead bullionværkbly eller råbly
el.lead-calcium alloybly-calcium legering
earth.sc., environ.lead can exist in ionogenic or non-ionogenic formsbly kan forekomme i ionisk og ikke-ionisk form
industr., construct.lead castingtypestøbemaskine og typesættemaskine
health.lead causes lesions in the red corpuscle membranebly forårsager beskadigelser af røde blodlegemers cellemembran
chem.lead chamber processblykammermetode
chem.lead chromate molybdate sulphate redblychromatmolybdatsulfat, rød
med.lead circulationcirkulerende bly
el.lead-coated partbly-belagt del
chem.lead coil for water circulationblyspiral med vandgennemstrømning
med.lead colicblykolik med obstipation
med.lead coliccolique sèche
med.lead coliccolica saturnina
gen.lead commissionprimært ansvarligt underudvalg
med.lead-component hammerblyhammer
transp.lead contentblyindhold i benzin
transp.lead content of petrolblyindhold i benzin
med.lead content of the bloodserumbly
med.lead content of the bloodblyspejl
med.lead-contrast procedureblykontrastmetode
energ.ind.lead-copper crustbly-kobber skorpe
environ.lead countryledende stat
environ.lead countryledende land
industr., construct.lead-covered cableblyomvundet kabel
mech.eng.lead covered iron conduitarmeret isolerrør med blybelægning
earth.sc.lead covered protective screenbeskyttelsesskærm beklædt med bly
earth.sc.lead covered protective screenbeskyttelsesskærm med blybeklædning
earth.sc.lead covered protective screenbeskyttelsesskjold beklædt med bly
earth.sc.lead covered protective shieldbeskyttelsesskærm med blybeklædning
earth.sc.lead covered protective shieldbeskyttelsesskærm beklædt med bly
earth.sc.lead covered protective shieldbeskyttelsesskjold beklædt med bly
environ.lead determination in a biological mediumblybestemmelse i et biologisk miljø
chem.lead diacetateblydiacetat
med.lead equivalentækvivalent blytykkelse
industr., construct.lead extruded hoseblypresset slange
construct.lead flattag beklædt med bly
el.lead-frame ribbonmonteringsrammebane
chem.lead-free fuelikke-blyholdigt braendstof
energ.ind.lead-free fuelblyfri benzin
econ.lead-free petrolblyfri benzin
med.lead gasoline poisoningblybenzinforgiftning
industr.lead glassblyglasrør til lamper
health.lead half-value layerbly-halvværdilag
med.lead handblyhånd
met.lead hardeninghærdning i blybad
med.lead hematoxylin stainingbly-hæmatoxylinfarvning
chem.lead hexafluorosilicateblyhexafluorsilicat
chem.lead hydrogen arsenateblyhydrogenarsenat
el.lead identificationben-identifikation
commun., ITlead-in cableindføringskabel
commun., el.lead-in grooveindløbsrille
commun., ITlead-in insulatorindføringsisolator
el.lead-in wiretilledning
gen.lead indicatoroverordnet indikator
med.lead-induced Basedow's diseasebly-Basedow
environ.lead-in-petrol law A binding rule or body of rules prescribed by a government to reduce or eliminate the lead content in petroleum fuels used in vehicular and other engines that pollute the air with lead-carrying exhaustlovgivning om blyindholdet i benzin
environ.lead-in-petrol lawlovgivning om blyindholdet i benzin
fish.farm.Lead Institutionledende parter
fish.farm.Lead Institutionhovedparter
fish.farm.Lead Institutionførende parter
insur.lead insurerledende forsikringsselskab
health., chem.lead intervenes with protoporphyrin in the chelation of ironbly påvirker protoporphyrins chelatisering af jern
environ.lead is a dangerous cumulative poisonbly er en farlig kumulativ gift
mater.sc., mech.eng.lead jacket or covering or sheathblykappe
chem.lead-lanthanum-zirconium titanatebly-lantan-zirconiumtitanat
environ.lead level in blood A measure of the amount of lead or lead salts absorbed by the body as a possible sign of acute or chronic lead poisoning, which can affect the nervous, digestive or muscular systemsblyindhold i blodet
environ.lead level in bloodblyindhold i blodet
fish.farm.lead lineblytælle
med.lead lineBurtons linje
fin.lead managerlead manager
fin.lead managerledende emissionsgarant
busin.lead marketlead market
busin.lead marketførende marked
chem.lead metaniobateblymetaniobat
gen.lead nationlead nation
gen.lead nationledende nation
gen.lead nationledende land
agric.lead of cutter barskærebjælkens forspring
gen.lead organisationledende organisation
gen.lead organisationførende organisation
commun., el.lead-out grooveudløbsrille
commun., el.lead-over grooveovergangsrille
el.lead oxide arresterblyoxidafleder
health.lead palsyTeleky's symptom
health.lead palsyTeleky's tegn
health.lead palsy"lead palsy"
health.lead paralysisTeleky's tegn
health.lead paralysisTeleky's symptom
health.lead paralysis"lead palsy"
met.lead patentingbratkøling i blybad
chem.lead peroxide candleblyperoxid-lys
IT, el.lead pitchafstand mellem ledninger
med.lead poisoning anemiablyanæmi
med.lead poisoning asthmablyasthma
med.lead poisoning cachexyblykachexi
med.lead poisoning dyscrasiablydyskrasi
med.lead poisoning encephalopathyencephalopathia saturnina
med.lead poisoning encephalopathyblyencephalopati (encephalopathia saturnina)
environ.lead poisoning in its acute and remission phasesblyforgiftning i den akutte og remitterende fase
met.lead quenchbratkøling i blybad
tech., mater.sc.lead radiation sourcebly-hulkatodelampe
fin.lead rating analystledende kreditvurderingsanalytiker
chem.lead registrantledende registrant
med.lead riskrisiko for blyforgiftning
construct.lead rooftag beklædt med bly
chem.lead saline oxidetriplumbumtetraoxid
chem.lead saline oxidePb304
chem.lead saline oxidemønje
industr., construct.lead-sheathed cableblyomvundet kabel
mus.lead sheetleadsheet
hobbylead shot fired by huntersblyhagl
gen.lead shot for huntingblyhagl
chem.lead silico chromateblysilicochromat
mus.lead singerforsanger
el.lead spreaderben spreder
gen.Lead Stateledende stat på det konsulære område
gen.Lead Stateledende stat
el.lead storage batteryblyakkumulator
industr., construct., mech.eng.lead stripping machineblyskræller
earth.sc., tech.lead sulfide detectorblysulfiddetektor
chem.lead sulfochromate yellowblychromatmolybdatsulfat, gul
earth.sc., tech.lead sulphide detectorblysulfiddetektor
el.lead suspended chipchip ophængt i tilledningerne
econ.to lead the inhabitants to the economic development to which they aspireat lede befolkningerne frem til den økonomiske udvikling, som de tilstræber
comp., MSlead timegennemløbstid (The minimum amount of time required for production of an item)
gen.lead timetid,der medgår til markedsføring
transp., labor.org., industr.lead timestidsplan for gennemførelse
commun.lead-tin-antimony alloybly-tin-antimonlegering
chem.lead titanate zirconateblytitanatzirconat
market.to lead to distortion of tradegribe forstyrrende ind i handelen
health.to lead to immediate loss of consciousnessstraks mister bevidsthed
agric.lead to landtilslutningsvinkel
agric., mech.eng.lead to landindstilling af furebredde
IT, el.lead-to-lead distanceafstand mellem ledninger
industr., construct.lead windforsponing/-vinding
el.lead wirestrømførende ledning
el.lead wireelektrisk ledning
fin.leads and lagsleads og lags
econ., fin.leads and lagsfremskyndelse af betalinger i forbindelse med international handel
econ., fin.leads and lagsudskydelse af betalinger i forbindelse med international handel
econ., fin.leads and lagsforskydninger i betalingssædvaner i udenrigshandelen
gen.leather leadslæderremme
gen.liquid lithium-lead eutecticflydende lithium-bly-eutektikum
transp.loading lead timelastetid
met., el.local electrochemical cells lead to pittingelektrokemiske lokalelementer fører til grubetæring
met.local mechanical stresses lead to stress corrosion crackinglokale mekaniske spændinger fører til spændingskorrosions-revnedannelse
mech.eng., el.loose leadsudføring med løse kabler
agric., mech.eng.low-lead cable loggingtransport med lav slæbebane
agric., mech.eng.low-lead loggingtransport med lav slæbebane
commun., el.M leadm-tråd
met.machine for covering electric cables with lead sheathingmaskine til at overtrække elektriske ledninger med bly
agric., mech.eng.main leadtrækkabel
agric., mech.eng.main leadtrækkekabel
agric., mech.eng.main leadtrækline
med.metabolism of inhaled and ingested leadved indaanding og gennem foeden optaget blys stofskifte
chem.metallic leadmetallisk bly
environ.method of spectrographic determination of lead in the blood serummetode til spektrografisk bestemmelse af bly i blodserum
gen.migration of leadblyafgivelse
gen.migration of leadmigration af bly
gen.migration of leadafgivelse af bly
health.mobilization of lead from the skeleton of the ageingbly deponeret i skelettet hos ældre mennesker kan bringes i opløsning og mobiliseres
chem.molecular leadmolekylarbly
chem., el.molten leadsmeltet bly
chem., el.molten leadstøbebly
transp.to moor lead and sternfortøje med spring
transp.mooring leadfortøjningsklys
transp.mooring lead and sternfortøjning med spring
industr., construct.multi-lead propelling pencilskrueblyant med flere stifter
industr., construct.multi-lead propelling pencilpencil med flere stifter
industr., construct., chem.neutral lead sulphatePbSO4
industr., construct., chem.neutral lead sulphateneutralt blysulfat
el.non-heating leadkold tilledning
chem.10-20 % of the world's lead production goes into anti-knock agents10-20 % af verdens blyproduktion bruges til fremstilling af anti-banknings-midler
chem.orange leadorangemønje
comp., MSOriginating LeadKildekundeemne (A look-up field in the opportunity, account, and contact forms in which users select the lead that was originally identified as a sales opportunity and that lead to the current opportunity, account, or contact)
med.orthogonal leadortogonal afledning
pharma., chem.particle containing leadblyholdig partikel
gen.pencil lead holdersholdere til blyanter
patents.pencil lead refillsekstra blyantstifter
gen.pencil leadsblyantstifter
el.phase leadkapacitiv faseforskydning
scient., el.phase leadpositiv fasedifferens
el.phase leadfaseforskydning foran
chem.phosphate and chloride of leadphosphat og chlorid af bly
environ.polarographic micro-determination of lead in blood and biological mediapolarografisk mikrobestemmelse af bly i blod i blod og biologiske medier
commun.power leadstrømledning
med.precardiac differential leadprækordiale differentialafledninger
med.precordial leadpræcordialafledning
med.precordial leadprækordialafledning
med.precordial leadthoraxafledning
med.precordial lead'sunipolar elektrokardiografisk afledning
el.press leadindsmeltningstråd
comp., MSproduction lead timeproduktionsgennemløbstid (The lead time required to produce an item, starting from the time the order is released to production until the item is moved to inventory)
comp., MSQualify Leadkvalificer kundeemne (To render or declare something, such as a lead, qualified or fit)
el.R leadb-tråd
environ.radiation risks at the joints between lead glass and metalstrålingsfare ved samlingerne mellem blyglas og metal
industr., construct., met.red leadmønje
chem.red leadtriplumbumtetraoxid
chem.red leadPb304
chem., met.red leadjernmoenje
gen.red lead orerødblymalm
gen.red lead orekrokoit
mech.eng.reference lead angleskråvinkel ved delecylinder
insur.Respect of Lead Agreementkonkurrenceaftale
el.ring leadb-tråd
environ.risk of contamination by exogenic leadrisiko for kontamination med exogent bly
comp., MSsales leademne (A potential customer who must be contacted by a salesperson and either qualified or disqualified as a sales opportunity. Leads will be converted into accounts, contacts, or opportunities if they are qualified. Otherwise they are deleted or archived)
nat.sc., agric.sealing with lead of the bunchesbundtning med blybånd
met.section of leadblyprofil
earth.sc.semidirect leadsemidirekte afledning
med.semidirect lead'sunipolar elektrokardiografisk afledning
earth.sc.sheathing of leadblykappe
met.sheet leadpladebly
met.sheet leadblyblik
life.sc.shore leadlandvand
life.sc.shore leadkystrende
nat.sc.sounding leadlod
gen.sounding leadssynkelod
tech., construct.sounding with a leadpejling med lod
tech., construct.sounding with a leadlodning
el.source leadsource-tilledning
comp., MSsource of leadkilde til kundeemne (The source of an account, business contact, or opportunity; for example, an advertisement or personal reference)
industr., construct.spare leadekstrastift
mech.eng.spiral leadspiral-spids
mech.eng.spiral lead anglespiralspidsvinkel
IT, el.swaged leadsbukkede terminaler
el.T leada-tråd
gen.to take the leadhave ledelsen
mech.eng.tangent of lead anglestigningsforhold
el.test leadprøveledning
chem.tetra ethyl leadtetraethylbly
med.tetra-acetate lead methodblytetraacetat-metode
chem.tetraethyl leadtetraethylplumban
chem.tetraethyl leadtetraethylbly
med.tetra-ethyl lead poisoningtetraætylbly-forgiftning
chem.tetramethyl leadtetramethylplumban
chem.tetramethyl leadtetramethylbly
environ.the isolating of the calcium by the alginate would intervene to promote the passage of the leadbinding af calcium til alginet fremmer passagen af bly
chem.the lead dithizonate remains in solution in the solventblydithizonatet forbliver i opløsning i solventet
environ.the lead extract in the form of dithizonate is recovered in a nitric solutionblyekstraktet i form af dithizonatet optages igen i en salpetersyreopløsning
gen.the lead-in toi indledningen (in limine)
gen.the lead-in toindledningen (in limine)
met.the roll-scale effect leads to localised corrosionvalsehudseffekten fører til lokal korrosion
el.thermocouple lead wiretermoelementledning
IT, dat.proc.thick leadfed streg
IT, dat.proc.thin leadtynd streg
mech.eng.thread of steep lead anglestejlgevind
el.tip leada-tråd
scient., mech.eng.tool lead angleværktøjsskaftvinkel
med.total body burden of leadsamlet optagelse af bly i legemet
environ.total retention of lead particles in the bronchial treetotal retention af blypartikler i bronchierne
transp.track leadfordelingszone
tech., coal.Trauzl lead-blockblybloksprøve
el.triple lead cabletrelederkabel
el.twin leadparledning
el.twin lead cabletvillingkabel
el.twin lead cabletolederkabel
el.twin lead cabledobbeltlederkabel
el.unipolar leadunipolær afledning
med.unipolar limb-leadunipolær extremitetsafledningWilson
market., agric.unloading lead timelossetid
market., agric.unloading lead timeudlosningstid
market., agric.unloading lead timeaflæsningstid
commer., chem.use of lead acetate as a hair dyebrug af blyacetat som hårfarvningsmiddel
environ.use of lead-based additivesanvendelse af blyholdige additiver
environ.use of lead-based additivesanvendelse af blyadditiver
chem.vanadate and chloride of leadvanadat og chlorid af bly
industr.vulcanised india-rubber insulated, lead-covered, double steel tape-armoured cablejernbåndsarmeret gummiblykabel
environ.wastes from lead thermal metallurgyAffald fra termisk baserede blyvaerker
environ.wastes from lead thermal metallurgyaffald fra termisk baserede blyværker
life.sc., agric.water leadflådningsstrækning
industr., construct.whip-leadpiskesnert
chem.white leadbasisk blykarbonat
chem.white leadblyhvidt
industr., construct.white lead paintblyhvidt
el.wide-lead transistortransistor med brede terminaler
el.WILSON leadsemi-unipolær afledning
el.WILSON leadWilson-afledning
life.sc.winch-operated leadspiltrukket lodline
el.work leadjordledning
gen.Working Party on Lead and Cadmium in Ceramic TablewareArbejdsgruppe vedrørende bly og cadmium i keramiske genstande til Levnedsmidler
gen.Working Party on Lead and Lead CompoundsArbejdsgruppe vedrørende Bly og Blyforbindelser
industr.yellow leadblyilte
industr.yellow leadblygult