
Terms for subject Natural sciences containing large | all forms | exact matches only
four-wheel drive tractor with four even large wheelsfirehjulsdreven traktor med ensartet hjulstørrelse
large area low volume sprayinglow volume-sprøjtning over større arealer
large area treatmentområdesprøjtning
large backbonerygsøjle
large backbonerygben
large bindweedskovsnerle (Calystegia silvatica Griseb., Calystegia sylvestris Roem. et Schult.)
large bird's foot trefoilsumpkællingetand (Lotus pedunculatus Auct.non Cav., Lotus pendunculatus, Lotus uliginosus Schkuhr, Lotus uliginosus)
large bird's foot trefoilLotus uliginosus (Lotus pedunculatus Auct.non Cav., Lotus pendunculatus, Lotus uliginosus Schkuhr, Lotus uliginosus)
large brown pine weevilnåletræsnudebille (Curculio abietis, Hylobius abietis)
large brown pine weevilstor brun snudebille (Curculio abietis, Hylobius abietis)
Large Electron-Positron acceleratorLarge Electron-Positron-accelerator
Large Electron-Positron colliderLarge Electron-Positron-accelerator
large elm bark beetlestor elmebarkbille (Eccoptogaster destructor, Eccoptogaster scolytus, Scolytus destructor, Scolytus scolytus)
large-eye breamslethrinid-slægt (Gymnocranius)
large-eyed dentexstorøjet havrude (Dentex macrophthalmus, Polysteganus macrophthalmus)
large flax flea beetlestor hørjordloppe (Aphthona euphorbiae, Aphthona virescens)
large-flowered bittercressvandkarse (Cardamine amara L.)
large-flowered hempnettlehamphanekro (Galeopsis speciosa Mill., Galeopsis versicolor Curt.)
large fruit flyæbleflue (Rhagoletis pomonella, Spilographa pomonella, Zonosema pomonella, mouche des fruits)
large garden snailvinbjergsnegl (Helix pomatia)
large grape bucket for high-clearance tractorstor druespand til højtbygget traktor
large poplar longhornpoppelbuk (Lamia carcharias, Saperda carcharias)
large rose sawflyrosensyhveps (Arge ochropus, Arge rosae)
Large-scale targeted project in the North Atlantic of the Research and Technical Development specific programme on marine science and technology 1991 to 1994Stort, målrettet projekt i Nordatlanten inden for F&U-fællesskabsprogrammet for havforskning og -teknologi 1991-1994Mastprogrammet
large-scaled gurnardru knurhane (Lepidotrigla asper, Lepidotrigla cavillone, Trigla aspera)
large spored mushroomstorsporet champignon (Agaricus macrosporus, Agaricus villaticus sensu Bres. Lg., Psalliota macrosporus, Psalliota villaticus sensu Bres. Lge.)
large water grasshirse (Paspalum dilatatum Poir.)
large willow aphidstor pilegrenlus (Lachnus salignus, Pterochlorus salignus, Tuberolachnus fuliginosus, Tuberolachnus punctatus, Tuberolachnus ribarius, Tuberolachnus salicina, Tuberolachnus salicis, Tuberolachnus salignus)
large yellow croakergul trommefisk (Collichthys crocea, Pseudosciaena crocea)
large yellow underwing mothsmutugle (Agrotis pronuba, Triphaena pronuba)
larger banded snaillundsnegl (Cepaea nemoralis, Helix nemoralis)
larger green weevilpæreløvsnudebille (Phyllobius piri, Phyllobius pyri)
larger pine weevilstor fyrresnudebille (Pissodes pini)
larger pith borerfyrrens marvborer (Blastophagus major, Blastophagus piniperda, Hylesinus piniperda, Myelophilus piniperda, Tomicus piniperda)
larger pith borermarvborer (Blastophagus major, Blastophagus piniperda, Hylesinus piniperda, Myelophilus piniperda, Tomicus piniperda)
larger shot-hole boreruens vedborer (Anisandrus dispar, Xyleborus dispar)
possible large stellaratoreventuel stor stellarator
rear mounted fork lift for large hodbagmonteret gaffellift til store bøtter
Very Large Telescopemeget stort teleskop
with large bloomstorblomstret
with large bloomsmåblomstret