
Terms for subject Health care containing international | all forms | exact matches only
Agreement between the Member States of the Council of Europe on the issue to Military and Civilian War-Disabled of an International Book of Vouchers for the repair of Prosthetic and Orthopaedic Appliancesoverenskomst mellem Europarådets medlemslande om tildeling af et internationalt bonhæfte til istandsættelse af proteser og ortopædiske hjælpemidler til militære og civile krigsinvalider
International Agency for Research on CancerDet Internationale Kræftforskningscenter
international agglutinating unitinternational agglutinationsenhed
International Agreement for the Creation of an International Office for Epizootics in Parisinternational overenskomst om oprettelse i Paris af et internationalt bureau til bekæmpelse af husdyrsygdomme
International Aids Vaccine Initiativedet internationale aidsvaccineinitiativ
International Animal Health Codeterrestriske dyrs sundhedskodeks
International Cell Research Organisation ICROInternational Cell Research Organization
International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutesinternational kodeks for markedsføring af modermælkserstatninger
International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutesinternational markedsføringskode for modermælkserstatninger
International Code of Marketing of Breast-Milk Substitutesinternationalt kodeks for markedsføring af modermælkserstatninger
International Commission on Non-Ionising Radiation ProtectionDen Internationale Kommission for Beskyttelse mod Ikkeioniserende Stråling
International Commission on Radiological ProtectionDen Internationale Kommission for Strålingsbeskyttelse
International Committee for Animal RecordingDen Internationale Kontrolforeningsorganisation
International Committee of the Red CrossDen Internationale Røde Kors Komité
International Conference on Harmonisationden internationale konference om harmonisering af krav til registrering af lægemidler
International Conference on Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Useden internationale konference om harmonisering af krav til registrering af lægemidler
International Convention Against Doping in Sportinternational konvention mod doping i idræt
International Cooperation on Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Registration of Veterinary ProductsInternational konference om harmonisering af tekniske krav til registrering af lægemidler til dyr
international drug traffickingulovlig international narkotikahandel
International Health Regulations 2005det internationale sundhedsregulativ 2005
International Medical Guide for ships of the IMOIMO's "International Medical Guide for Ships"
International Narcotics Control Boardinternationalt kontroludvalg for narkotiske midler
International Office of EpizooticsVerdensorganisationen for Dyresundhed
International Office of EpizooticsDet Internationale Kontor for Epizootier
International Opium Conventionden internationale opiumskonvention 1925
International Organisation for Pure and Applied BiophysicsInternational Organization for Pure and Applied Biophysica
International Partnership against AIDS in Africadet internationale partnerskab mod aids i Afrika
International Partnership against AIDS in AfricaAfrikapartnerskabet
International Pharmaceutical FederationInternational Pharmaceutical Federation
International Plant Protection Conventioninternational plantebeskyttelseskonvention
International Programme on the Health Effects of the Chernobyl Accidentinternationalt program til undersøgelse af de sundhedsmæssige virkninger af Tjernobyl-ulykken
International Society for Blood TransfusionInternational Society for Blood Transfusion
International Standardinternational biologisk standard
International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health ProblemsInternational Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems
International Union for Health EducationDen Internationale Union for Sundhedsoplysning
International Union for Pure and Applied BiophysicsInternational Organization for Pure and Applied Biophysica
international unitinternational enhed
international unit of agglutinationinternationalt agglutinationsenhed
international units IU of agglutination per millilitreinternationale agglutinationsenheder pr. ml
International Year of SanitationDet Internationale Sanitetsår
International Zoo-Sanitary Codeterrestriske dyrs sundhedskodeks
modified international nonproprietary namemodificeret internationalt fællesnavn
Protocol concerning the Office International d'Hygiène Publiqueprotokol vedrørende l'Office International d'Hygiène Publique