
Terms for subject Medical containing international | all forms | exact matches only
Council for International Organisations of Medical SciencesInternationale Lægevidenskabelige Organisationers Råd
International Agency for Research on CancerInternational Agency for Research on Cancer
International Anatomical NomenclatureNomenclatura Anatomica Internationalis
International Classification of DiseasesDen Internationale Sygdomsklassifikation
International Classification of Diseases, Injuries, and Causes of DeathDen Internationale Sygdomsklassifikation
international code on breastmilk substitutesinternational kodeks for modermælkserstatninger
international code on breastmilk substitutesden internationale kodeks for modermælkserstatninger
International Commission on Radiological Protection dose limitICRPs dosisgrænse
International Conference on HarmonisationICH-styringsudvalg
International Conference on Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human UseICH-styringsudvalg
International Convention for the Suppression of Illicit Traffic in Dangerous DrugsKonvention om bekæmpelse af ulovlig handel med farlige stoffer
International Council on Alcohol and AddictionsDet internationale Råd for bekæmpelse af alkoholisme og stofmisbrug
International Group HIVACHIV-vaccine
international groupinginternational sammenslutning
International Laboratory for Biological Standardsinternationale Laboratorium for biologiske standarder
International Opium ConventionDen internationale Opiumkonvention
International PharmacopoeiaInternationale Farmakopé
international, pluralistic commission for the ethical evaluationinternational, pluralistisk kommission til etisk vurdering
international standard preparationinternationale standardpræparat
International Standard Randomised Controlled Trial Numberinternationalt standardnummer for randomiserede, kontrollerede kliniske forsøg
international standard serumdet internationale standardserum
International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health ProblemsDen Internationale Sygdomsklassifikation
International System of UnitsSI-systemet
International Union of Railway Medical ServicesInternational Jernbanelæge Union
International Vaccination Cardinternational vaccinationsattest
Protocol for Limiting and Regulating the Cultivation of the Poppy Plant,as well as the production,the International and Wholesale Trade and the Use of OpiumProtokol angående begrænsning og regulering af dyrkning af valmueplanten, fremstilling af, international og engros handel med og brug af opium
WHO Pilot Research Project for International Drug MonitoringWHO's pilot-forskningsprojekt vedrørende international kontrol med narkotika