
Terms for subject Mineral products containing international | all forms | exact matches only
Convention for the International Council for the Exploration of the Seakonvention om Det Internationale Havundersøgelsesråd
International Agreement on the setting up of an Experimental European Network of Ocean Stations Cost 43aftale om etablering af et eksperimentelt europæisk net af maritime datastationer Cost 43
International Association of Lighthouse AuthoritiesDen Internationale Sammenslutning af Fyr- og Vagervæsener
International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution of the Sea by Oilden internationale konvention til undgåelse af forurening af havet med olie
International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules concerning Civil Jurisdiction in Matters of Collisioninternational konvention om tilvejebringelse af ensartede regler i sager vedrørende skibes sammenstød
International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules relating to the Immunity of State-owned Vesselsinternational konvention om indførelse af visse ensartede regler om immunitet for statsskibe
International Convention on Maritime Search and Rescueinternational konvention om maritim eftersøgning og redning, 1979
International Convention on Salvageinternational konvention om bjærgning
International Convention relating to the Limitation of the Liability of Owners of Seagoing Shipsinternational konvention om begrænsning af rederes ansvar
international standards for ship safetyinternationale standarder for skibes sikkerhed
Protocol of 1988 relating to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974protokol af 1988 til den internationale konvention om sikkerhed for menneskeliv på søen af 1974