
Terms for subject Agriculture containing international | all forms | exact matches only
Agreement establishing the International Fund for Agricultural Developmentoverenskomst om oprettelse af Den Internationale Fond for Landbrugsudvikling
Agreement establishing the International Organisation of Vine and Wineaftale om oprettelse af Den Internationale Vinorganisation
Bureau of the International Animal Health Code Commissionbureauet for Kommissionen for den Internationale Dyresundhedskodeks
Centre for International Cooperation in Agronomical Research for DevelopmentCentret for Internationalt Samarbejde vedrørende Agronomisk Forskning i Udviklingsøjemed
Cereals Trade Convention and the Food Aid Convention, constituting the International Cereals Agreement of 1995konventionen om kornhandel og konventionen om fødevarehjælp, der tilsammen udgør den internationale kornoverenskomst af 1995
Commission for the Common Market for International Trade in Flower Bulbs and PlantsFællesmarkedsudvalget for den Internationale Handel med Blomsterløg og -planter
Common Market Commission for the International Confederation of European Beet GrowersFællesmarkedsudvalget for Det internationale forbund af europæiske Roedyrkere
Common Market Commission of the International Flax and Hemp Confederation-CILGFællesmarkedsudvalget for Det internationale fællesforbund for Hør og Hamp - CILC
Common Market Committee of the International Union of Retail Food Organizations-UIDAFællesmarkedsudvalget for Den internationale union af organisationerne af Detailhandlende inden for Levnedsmiddelbranchen - UIDA
Common Market Group of the International Confederation of Agricultural Credit CICAFællesmarkedsgruppen for Det internationale Fællesforbund for kreditgivning til Landbruget-CICA
Consultative Group on International Agricultural ResearchDen Rådgivende Gruppe for International Jordbrugsforskning
EEC Committee for the International Liaison Centre of Agricultural Machinery Traders and Repairers-CLIMMAREØF-udvalget for Det internationale forbindelsescenter for forhandlere og reparatører af Landbrugsmaskiner-CLIMMAR
International Agreement on Jute and Jute Products, 1989, Geneva, 3 November 1989Den Internationale Overenskomst om Jute og Jutevarer af 1989,Genève,den 3.november 1989
International Agreement on olive oil and table olivesinternational overenskomst om olivenolie og spiseoliven
International Agricultural Research Centreinternationalt jordbrugsforskningscenter
International Baltic Sea Fisheries CommissionDen Internationale Østersøfiskerikommission
International Baltic Sea Fishery CommissionDen Internationale Østersøfiskerikommission
International Bovine Meat AgreementInternationalt arrangement vedrørende oksekød
International Centre for Maize and Wheat DevelopmentDet Internationale Majs- og Hvedeforædlingscenter
International Centre for Tropical AgricultureDet Internationale Center for Tropisk Landbrug
International Cereals AgreementDen Internationale Kornoverenskomst
International Circle of Dairy Research LeadersInternational Circle of Dairy Research Leaders
International Cocoa Agreementden internationale kakaoaftale
International Cocoa Agreementden internationale kaokaooverenskomst
International Cocoa CouncilDet Internationale Kakaoråd
International Cocoa Council OrganisationDen Internationale Kakaoorganisation
International Cocoa OrganisationDen Internationale Kakaoorganisation
International Cocoa OrganisationDen internationale kakaoorganisation
International Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of Pesticidesinternationalt adfærdskodeks for distribution og anvendelse af pesticider
International Code of Practice for Ante-Mortem and Post-Mortem Judgment of Slaughter Animals and MeatInternational kodeks om ante mortem- og post mortem-undersøgelse af slagtedyr og kød
International Commission for Agricultural IndustriesDen Internationale Kommission for Landbrugsindustrier
International Commission on Agricultural EngineeringDen Internationale Kommission for Landbrugsteknik
international complement-fixation test unitICFT-enhed
International Confederation of AgricultureDen Internationale Landbrugsforbund
International Confederation of European Beet GrowersDen Europæiske Organisation af Sukkerroedyrkere
International Convention for the Safety of Fishing VesselsDen Internationale Konvention om Fiskeskibes Sikkerhed
International Convention for the Unification of Methods for the Analysis and Appraisal of Winesden internationale konvention om standardisering af analyse- og vurderingsmetoder for vin
International Convention on the Use of registered designations of origin and names of cheesesinternational konvention om anvendelse af oprindelses- og varebetegnelser for oste
International Cooperative Programme on Assessment and Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on ForestsDet internationale samarbejdsprogram for vurdering og overvågning af luftforureningens virkninger på skove
International Cotton Advisory CommitteeDen Internationale Rådgivende Bomuldskomité
International Dairy Arrangementinternationalt arrangement vedrørende mejerisektoren
International Dairy FederationInternationalt Mejeriforbund
International Dairy FederationInternationalt Mælkeriforbund
International Embryo Transfer SocietyDet Internationale Selskab for Overførsel af Embryoner
International Farm Management AssociationInternationale Sammenslutning for Landbrugsledelse
International Federation of Agricultural ProducersDen Internationale Sammenslutning af Landbrugsproducenter
International Federation of Olive GrowersDen internationale sammenslutning af Olivenfrugtavlere
International Federation of Wines and SpiritsDen Internationale Sammenslutning for Vin og Spiritus
International Federation of Wines and SpiritsDen Internationale Sammenslutning af Fabrikanter og Grossister i Vin- og Spiritusbranchen
international fisheries organisationinternational fiskeriorganisation
International Food Policy Research InstituteDet Internationale Forskningsinstitut for Fødevarepolitik
International for the Control of the Colorado BeetleInternationale Komité til Bekæmpelse af Koloradobillen
International Grains AgreementDen Internationale Kornoverenskomst
International Grains AgreementDen internationale kornaftale
1995 International Grains Agreementden internationale kornoverenskomst af 1995
International Grains Arrangement 1967internationale kornordning 1967
international group/grade meetinginternationale gruppeløb
International Information System for Agricultural Sciences and TechnologyFAO's internationale informationssystem for landbrugsforskning
International Institute of Tropical AgricultureDet Internationale Institut for Tropisk Landbrug
international instrument for the protection of forestsinternational overenskomst om beskyttelse af skove
International Jute CouncilDet Internationale Juteråd
International Jute OrganisationDen Internationale Juteorganisation
International Load Line Certificateinternationalt lasteliniecertifikat
international locust control campaigninternational kampagne mod græshopper
International Maize and Wheat Improvement CenterDet Internationale Majs- og Hvedeforædlingscenter
International Meat SecretariatInternational Meat Secretariat
International Medical Guide for ShipsLægebog for søfarende
International Natural Rubber OrganisationInternational Naturgummiorganisation
International Oenological Codexinternational ønologisk kodex
International Olive Oil Agreementden internationale olivenolieoverenskomst
International Olive Oil Agreementinternational olivenolieoverenskomst
International Olive Oil FederationDen Internationale Sammenslutning af Olivendyrkere
International Organisation of Vine and WineDen Internationale Vinorganisation
International Potato CentreDet Internationale Kartoffelforskningscenter
International Rice Research InstituteDet Internationale Risforskningsinstitut
international rulenordamerikansk kubiktabel
International Seed-testing AssociationDet Internationale Frøkontrolforbund
International Service for National Agricultural ResearchDet Internationale Kontor for National Landbrugsforskning
International Society for the Protection of AnimalsDet Internationale Selskab for Dyrebeskyttelse
international sugar conferenceinternationalt kollokvium om sukker
International Union of the Wholesale Flower Trade-Union FleursDen internationale union for engros-handelen med Blomster-UNION FLEURS
Permanent International Committee of Common Market Vinegar-CPIVDet internationale stående udvalg for fællesmarkedseddike-CPIV
practical international coding system for feed materialsinternationalt kodesystem for fodermidler
Scheme of Joint International Enforcement to permit inspectionsordning om fælles international håndhævelse
scheme of joint international inspectionsordning for fælles international inspektion