
Terms for subject Transport containing international | all forms | exact matches only
Additional Protocol to the European Convention for the Protection of Animals during International Transporttillægsprotokol til den europæiske konvention om beskyttelse af dyr under international transport
Advisory Committee on the international carriage of goods by roadDet Rådgivende Udvalg for International Vejgodstransport
Agreement on the International Carriage of Passengers by Road by means of Occasional Coach and Bus Servicesaftale om lejlighedsvis international personbefordring ad landevej med omnibusser
Agreement on the International Carriage of Passengers by Road by means of Occasional Coach and Bus Servicesaftale om lejlighedsvis international personbefordring ad landvej med omnibusser
Agreement on the International Carriage of Perishable Foodstuffs and on the Special Equipment to be used for Such Carriagetraktat om international transport af letfordærvelige levnedsmidler og om det specielle materiel, som skal bruges til sådan transport
Agreement on the international combined road-rail carriage of goodsaftale om kombineret international godstransport jernbane/landevej
Airports Association Council InternationalDet Internationale Lufthavnsråd
Airports Association Council InternationalAirports Council International
Airports Council InternationalAirports Council International
Airports Council InternationalDet Internationale Lufthavnsråd
1999 Amendments to the Annex to the Convention on Facilitation of International Maritime Traffic, 1965, as amendedændringer af 1999 i tillægget til konventionen om lettelse af international samfærdsel ad søvejen, 1965, som ændret
Amendments to the Annex to the Convention on Facilitation of International Maritime Traffic, 1965, as amended, adopted by the Conference of Contracting Governments on 5 March 1986ændringer i tillægget til konventionen om lettelse af international samfærdsel ad søvejen, 1965, med ændringer, vedtaget af en konference af de kontraherende regeringer den 5.3.1986
Assembly of the International Civil Aviation OrganizationICAO-Forsamlingen
Central Office for International Railway TransportCentralbureauet for Internationale Jernbanebefordringer
Central Office for International Railway TransportCentralkontoret for internationale jernbanetransporter
Chicago Convention on International Civil AviationChicago-konventionen angående international civil luftfart
Chicago Convention on International Civil Aviationkonvention om international civil luftfart
Chicago Convention on International Civil Aviationkonvention angående international civil luftfart
Chicago Convention on International Civil AviationChicago- konventionen
Code of Practice on the International Transboundary Movement of Radioactive Wastekodeks for international grænseoverskridende transport af radioaktivt affald
Committee dealing with International Travel Facilities for Railway Staff F.I.P.Den Internationale Frirejsegruppe
Committee of Experts on International Road TariffsTarifudvalget for Landevejstransport
Committee of Experts on International Road TariffsDet Faglige Udvalg for Tariffer for International Landevejstransport
compliance with international standards on safety at seaoverholdelse af internationale normer for sikkerhed til søs
Conference of Contracting Governments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea 1974 on the Global Maritime Distress and Safety SystemKonferencen af Kontraherende Regeringer i den Internationale Konvention af 1974 om Sikkerhed for Menneskeliv på Søen vedrørende det Globale Maritime Nød- og Sikkerhedssystem
Convention and Statute on the Regime of Navigable Waterways of International Concernkonvention og statut angående ordningen af sejlbare vandløb af mellemfolkelig betydning
Convention concerning International Carriage by Railkonvention om internationale jernbanebefordringer
Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules for International Carriage by Airkonvention om indførelse af visse ensartede regler for international luftbefordring
Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules for International Carriage by AirMontrealkonventionen
Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to International Carriage by AirMontreal-konventionen
Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to International Carriage by Airkonventionen angående indførelse af visse ensartede regler om international luftbefordring
Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to International Carriage by Airkonvention om indførelse af visse ensartede regler for international luftbefordring
Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules relating to International Carriage by Airkonvention angående indførelse af visse ensartede regler om international luftbefordring
Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules relating to International Carriage by AirWarszawakonventionen
Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to International Carriage by AirWarszawa-konventionen
Convention on an international customs transit procedure for goods carried by railkonvention om international toldforsendelse af varer, der forsendes pr. jernbane
Convention on Facilitation of International Maritime TrafficFAL-Konvention
Convention on Facilitation of International Maritime Traffic, 1965 as amendedkonvention om lettelse af international samfærdsel ad søvejen
Convention on International Civil Aviationkonvention om international civil luftfart
Convention on International Civil AviationChicago-konventionen angående international civil luftfart
Convention on International Civil Aviationkonvention angående international civil luftfart
Convention on International Civil AviationChicago- konventionen
Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipmentkonvention om internationale sikkerhedsrettigheder i mobilt udstyr
Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Roadkonvention om fragtaftaler ved international godsbefordring ad landevej
Convention on the International Maritime Organisationkonvention angående Den Internationale Søfartsorganisation
Convention on the International Regime of Railwayskonvention angående en mellemfolkelig jernbaneordning
Convention on the Taxation of Road Vehicles Engaged in International Passenger Transportkonvention om beskatning af køretøjer, som benyttes til international befordring af passagerer ad landevej
Convention on the Taxation of Road Vehicles for Private Use in International Traffickonvention om beskatning af køretøjer til privat brug i international trafik ad landevej
Convention Supplementary to the Warsaw Convention, for the Unification of Certain Rules relating to International Carriage by Air Performed by a Person Other than the Contracting Carriertillægskonvention til Warszawakonventionen, angående indførelse af visse ensartede regler om international luftbefordring, der udføres af en anden person end den kontraherende befordrer
Convention:procedure of international transit by railKonventionen:ordning for den internationale jernbanetransport
Council of the International Civil Aviation OrganizationICAO-Rådet
to cross-subsidize their international operationsfinansiere deres internationale operationer
Danish International Register of ShippingDanmarks Internationale Skibsregister
Danish International Ship RegisterDanmarks Internationale Skibsregister
Danish International Shipping RegisterDansk Internationalt Skibsregister
domestic part of international air transportindenrigsdel af en international lufttransport
Engine International Air Pollution Prevention Certificateinternationalt certifikat om forebyggelse af luftforurening fra motorer
Engine International Air Pollution Prevention CertificateEIAPP-certifikat
"EUROCONTROL" International Convention relating to Cooperation for the Safety of Air Navigationinternational Eurocontrolkonvention vedrørende samarbejde om luftfartens sikkerhed
European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Inland Waterwayseuropæisk konvention om international transport af farligt gods ad indre vandveje
European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Roadeuropæisk konvention om international transport af farligt gods ad vej
European Agreement concerning the Work of Crews of Vehicles engaged in International Road Transporteuropæisk overenskomst om arbejde, der udføres af det kørende personale i international vejtransport
European Agreement on Main International Traffic Arterieseuropæisk overenskomst vedrørende internationale hovedfærdselsårer
European Agreement on the International Carriage of Perishable Foodstuffs and on the Special Equipment to be used for such Carriagetraktaten om international transport af letfordærvelige levnedsmidler og om det specielle materiel, som skal bruges til sådan transport
European Convention for the Protection of Animals during International Transport revisedeuropæisk konvention om beskyttelse af dyr under international transport revideret
European Convention for the Protection of Animals during International Transporteuropæisk konvention om beskyttelse af dyr under international transport
European Convention on Customs treatment of pallets used in international transporteuropæisk konvention angående toldbehandling af lastpaller, der bruges i international transport
Facilitation Committee of the International Maritime Organisation IMOUdvalget til Lettelse af Samfærdselen under Den Internationale Søfartsorganisation IMO
Final act of the Diplomatic Conference on the Protocol consolidating the Eurocontrol International Convention relating to cooperation for the safety of air navigation of 13 December 1960, as variously amendedslutakten for den diplomatiske konference om protokollen, der konsoliderer den internationale Eurocontrolkonvention af 13. december 1960 vedrørende samarbejde om luftfartens sikkerhed med senere ændringer
German International Shipping RegisterTysklands Internationale Skibsregister
Hong Kong International Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of ShipsHongkongkonventionen om sikker og miljømæssigt forsvarlig ophugning af skibe
Intergovernmental Organisation for International Carriage by RailDen Mellemstatslige Organisation for Internationale Jernbanebefordringer
Intergovernmental Organisation for International Carriage by RailMellemstatlig Organisation for International Jernbanebefordring
internal transport authorisation for the sections of a journey prior and subsequent to the international section of a journeytilladelse til indenrigskørsel
internal transport authorisation for the sections of a journey prior and subsequent to the international section of a journeynational kørselstilladelse
international accompanying documentinternational fragtseddel
International Aeronautic AssociationDet Internationale Aeronautiske Forbund
International Aeronautic FederationDen Internationale Aeronautiske Sammenslutning
International Aeronautical FederationDen Internationale Aeronautiske Sammenslutning
International Aeronautical FederationDet Internationale Aeronautiske Selskab
international aeronautical satellite programmeinternationalt aeronautisk satellitprogram
international agreement on control of transfrontier movements of hazardous wastesinternational aftale om kontrol med grænseoverskridende transport af farligt affald
International Agreement on the Procedure for the Establishment of Tariffs for Scheduled Air Servicesinternational overenskomst om fremgangsmåden ved fastsættelse af takster for regelmæssig lufttrafik
International Air Carrier AssociationDen Internationale Charterflysammenslutning
International Air Pollution Prevention Certificateinternationalt certifikat om forebyggelse af luftforurening
International Air Pollution Prevention CertificateIAPP-certifikat
International Air Services Transit Agreementoverenskomst om transitrettigheder for internationale luftruter
International Association of Classification Societies-
International Association of Lighthouse AuthoritiesDen Internationale Sammenslutning af Fyrvæsener
International Association of Private-Siding Users A.I.E.P.Den internationale sammenslutning af privatsporbrugereAIEP
International Association of Rolling Stock BuildersDen Internationale Sammenslutning af Jernbanevognbyggere
International Automobile FederationSammenslutningen af Automobilklubber
International Automobile FederationDet Internationale Automobilforbund
International Carriage and Luggage-Van UnionInternational Person-og Rejsegodsvognsunion
international certificate for vesselsinternationalt skibscertifikat
International Certificate of Fitness for Carriage of Liquefied Gases in Bulkinternationalt egnethedscertifikat for transport af flydende gasser i bulk
International Certificate of Fitness for Carriage of Liquefied Gases in BulkInternationalt egnethedscertifikat for transport af flydende gasser i bulk
International Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Dangerous Chemicals in Bulkinternationalt egnethedscertifikat for transport af farlige kemikalier i bulk
International Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Dangerous Chemicals in BulkInternationalt egnethedscertifikat for transport af farlige kemikalier i bulk
international certificate of fitness for the carriage of liquefied gases in bulkinternationalt egnethedscertifikat for transport af flydende gasser i bulk
International Chamber of ShippingDet Internationale Skibsfartskammer
International Civil Airports AssociationDen Internationale Sammenslutning af Civile Lufthavne
international civil aviationinternational trafikflyvning
International Civil Aviation Dayinternational dag for civil luftfart
international coastal tradeinternational kystfart
International Code for construction and equipment of ships carrying dangerous chemicals in bulkIBC-kode
International Code for construction and equipment of ships carrying dangerous chemicals in bulkinternational kode for bygning og udrustning af skibe til transport af farlige kemiske produkter i bulk
International Code for Safety for High Speed CraftInternational kode for sikkerhed i højhastighedsfartøjer
International Code for Safety for High Speed Craftkode for højhastighedsfartøjer
International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulkden internationale kode for bygning og udrustning af skibe til transport af farlige kemiske produkter i bulk
International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in BulkIBC-koden
International Code for the construction and equipment of ships carrying liquefied gases in bulkIGC-kode
International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in BulkIGC-koden
International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulkden internationale kode for bygning og udrustning af skibe til transport af flydende gas i bulk
International Code for the construction and equipment of ships carrying liquefied gases in bulkinternational kode for bygning og udrustning af skibe til transport af flydende gas i bulk
International Code for the Safe Carriage of Packaged Irridiated Nuclear Fuel, Plutonium and High Level Radioactive Wastes on Board Shipskode for sikker transport af bestrålet nukleart brændsel, plutonium og højradioaktivt affald i beholdere i skibe
International Code for the Safe Carriage of Packaged Irridiated Nuclear Fuel, Plutonium and High Level Radioactive Wastes on Board ShipsINF-kode
International Code of Safety for High Speed Craftinternational kode for sikkerhed i højhastighedsfartøjer
international combined transportinternational kombineret transportvirksomhed
international combined transportinternational kombineret transport
International Commission for Air NavigationDen Internationale Kommission for Luftnavigation
International Commission for the Protection of the Danube RiverDen Internationale Kommission for Beskyttelse af Donau
International Committee for Automobile DocumentationDen Internationale Komité for Automobildokumentation
international Community airportinternational lufthavn i Fællesskabet
International Company for the Transport of ContainersInternational Selskab for Befordring af Containere og Veksellad
International Conference for the Technical Unity of RailwaysInternational Konference for Teknisk Enhed inden for jernbanerne
International Conference on Air Lawinternational konference om luftfartsret
International Conference on Load LinesDen Internationale Lasteliniekonference
International Conference on Training and Certification of Seafarersinternational konference om uddannelse af søfarende og om sønæring
International Container Bureau B.I.C.Det internationale ContainerkontorBIC
International convention concerning the carriage of goods by railFællesregler for kontrakten om international befordring af gods med jernbane
International Convention concerning the Carriage of Goods by RailCIM - Bern 1961
International Convention concerning the carriage of goods by railinternational konvention om befordring af gods på jernbaner
International Convention concerning the Carriage of Goods by RailDen internationale overenskomst om godsbefordring på jernbaner
International Convention concerning the Carriage of Passengers and Luggage by Railinternational konvention om befordring af personer og rejsegods på jernbaner
International convention concerning the carriage of passengers and luggage by railFællesregler for kontrakten om international befordring af passagerer og bagage med jernbane
International Convention concerning the Carriage of Passengers and Luggage by RailInternational overenskomst om befordring af personer og rejsegods med jernbaner
International Convention for Safe ContainersInternational konvention om sikre containere
International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Shipsinternational konvention om forebyggelse af forurening fra skibe, 1973
International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution of the Sea by Oilinternational konvention til undgåelse af olieforurening af havet
International Convention for the Safety of Life at Seainternational konvention om sikkerhed for menneskeliv på søen
International Convention on Civil Liability for Bunker Oil Pollution Damageinternational konvention om civilretligt ansvar for forureningsskader forårsaget af bunkerolie, 2001
International Convention on Liability and Compensation for Damage in connection with the Carriage of Hazardous and Noxious Substances by Sea IMO, 1996international konvention af 1996 om ansvar og erstatning for skader opstået i forbindelse med søtransport af farlige og skadelige stoffer
International Convention on Liability and Compensation for Damage in Connection with the Carriage of Hazardous and Noxious Substances by Seainternational konvention om ansvar og erstatning for skader opstået i forbindelse med søtransport af farlige og skadelige stoffer
International Convention on Liability and Compensation for Damage in Connection with the Carriage of Hazardous and Noxious Substances by SeaHNS-konventionen
International Convention on Load Linesinternational lastelinjekonvention
International Convention on Load Linesinternational konvention om lastelinier
International Convention on Load Linesinternational konvention om lastelinjer, 1966
International Convention on Load Lines, 1966international konvention om lastelinjer
International Convention on Load Linesinternational konvention om lastelinjer
International Convention on Load Lines, 1966international konvention om lastelinjer, 1966
International Convention on Maritime Search and Rescueinternational konvention om eftersøgnings- og redningsaktioner
International Convention on Maritime Search and RescueSAR-konventionen
International Convention on Road Signs and SignalsInternationalKonvention om færdselstavler og-signaler til regulering af vejfærdslen
International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping, 1978International konvention om uddannelse af søfarende,om sønæring og om vagthold
International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarersinternational konvention om uddannelse af søfarende, om sønæring og om vagthold
International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Shipsinternational konvention om måling af skibe
International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of ShipsLondon-konventionen
International Convention relating to Cooperation for the Safety of Air Navigationinternational konvention om samarbejde vedrørende luftfartssikkerhed
International Convention relating to Intervention on the High Seas in cases of Oil Pollution Casualtiesinternational konvention om indgriben på det åbne hav i tilfælde af olieforureningsulykker
International Convention to facilitate the importation of commercial samples and advertising materialinternational konvention om lettelser for indførslen af vareprøver og reklamemateriale
International Council of Aircraft Owner and Pilot AssociationsInternational Council of Aircraft Owner and Pilot Associations
International Council of Aircraft Owner and Pilot AssociationsDet Internationale Råd af Flyejer- og Pilotforbund
International Council of Marine Industry AssociationsDet Internationale Skibsbygningsindustriråd
International coupon tariffinternational kuponbillettarif
international coupon ticketinternational kuponbillet
international crimegrov international kriminalitet
international express courier serviceinternational kurertjeneste
"International Express Parcels" Consignment Noteinternational ekspresgodsseddel
international extra-community transportinternational transport ud af fællesskabet
International Federation of Air Line Pilots AssociationsDen Internationale Føderation af Luftfartspiloternes Foreninger
International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers AssociationsDet Internationale Forbund af Lufttrafikkontrollører
International Federation of Automatic ControlDet Internationale Forbund for Reguleringsteknik
International Federation of Freight Forwarders' AssociationsDen Internationale Speditørorganisation
International Federation of Freight Forwarders AssociationsDen Internationale Sammenslutning af Fragtforbund
International Federation of Railway Tourist AssociationsInternational Sammenslutning af Turistorganisationerne for Jernbanemænd
international flightinternational fly
international free ticketinternationalt fripas
international freight serviceinternational godstransport
international gaugeinternational sporvidde
International Goods RegulationsFælles ekspeditionsforskrifter for den internationale godstrafik med jernbanen
International goods regulationsinternational forsendelsesforskrifter
International goods-train timetableInternational Godstogskøreplan
international identification codeinternational identifikationskode
international interestinternational sikkerhedsrettighed
International Load Line Certificateinternationalt lastelinjecertifikat
International Load Line CertificateInternationalt lastelinjecertifikat
International Load Line Exemption Certificateinternationalt undtagelses-lastelinjecertifikat
International Load Line Exemption CertificateInternationalt undtagelses-lastelinjecertifikat
international lorry-driverchauffør i international trafik
International Management Code for the safe operation of ships and for pollution preventionden internationale kode for sikker skibsdrift
International Management Code for the safe operation of ships and for pollution preventionden internationale kode for sikker skibsdrift og forebyggelse af forurening
International Management Code for the safe operation of ships and for pollution preventionISM-koden
International Maritime Dangerous Goods Codeden internationale kode for søtransport af farligt gods
International Maritime Dangerous Goods CodeIMDG-koden
International Maritime Dangerous Goods CodeDen internationale kodeks for søtransport af farligt gods
International Motor Vehicle Inspection CommitteeDen Internationale Bilinspektionskomité
international multimodal transportinternational multimodal transport
International Navigation AssociationInternational Navigation Association
international oil pollution prevention certificateinternationalt certifikat vedrørende forebyggelse af olieforurening
International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificateinternationalt certifikat om forebyggelse af olieforurening
International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificateinternationalt certifikat vedrørende forebyggelse af olieforurening
International Oil Pollution Prevention CertificateInternationalt certifikat verdrørende forebyggelse af olieforurening
international oil pollution prevention certificateIOPP-certifikat
International Pollution Prevention Certificate for the Carriage of Noxious Liquid Substances in BulkInternationalt forureningsforebyggelsescertifikat for transport af giftige flydende stoffer i bulk
International Pollution Prevention Certificate for the Carriage of Noxious Liquid Substances in Bulkinternationalt forureningsforebyggelsescertifikat for transport af giftige flydende stoffer i bulk
International Rail-Transport CommitteeInternationale jernbanetransport komite
International Railway Congress Association AICCF IRCAInternational jernbanekongres-sammenslutningAICCF
International Railwaymen's Sporting UnionInternationale Jernbaners Idrætsforbund
International Railway-Owned refrigerated Transport CompanyJernbanernes internationale selskab for køletransporter
international rateinternational tarif
international registersekundært register
international removal extending to third countriesflyttegodstransport til og fra tredjelande
international Rhine fleetinternational Rhin-flåde
international road trafficinternational vejtrafik
international road trafficinternational landevejstrafik
international road transport terminalTertir terminal
International Road Transport UnionDen Internationale Vejtransportunion
International Road Transport UnionDen Internationale Vognmandsorganisation
International Road Transport UnionDen Internationale Vejtransportorganisation
International Road/Rail Combined Transport Unionden internationale union for kombineret jernbane/landevejstransport
International Safety Managementinternational sikkerhedsstyring
International Safety Management Codeden internationale kode for sikker skibsdrift
International Safety Management CodeISM-koden
International Safety Management Codeden internationale kode for sikker skibsdrift og forebyggelse af forurening
International Sewage Pollution Prevention Certificateinternationalt certifikat om forebyggelse af forurening med kloakspildevand
International Ship and Port Facility Security CodeISPS-kode
International Ship and Port Facility Security Codeinternational kode for sikring af skibe og havnefaciliteter
International Ship Security Certificateinternationalt skibssikringscertifikat
international shippinginternational søtransport
International Sleeping-car and Touring CompanyDet Internationale Sovevogns Selskab
International Sleeping-Car CompanyDet Internationale Sovevogns Selskab
international standardinternational standard
international standardinternationale standarder
International standard atmosphereinternational standardatmosfære
International Standard Atmosphereinternational standardatmosfære
international standard system for precision approach and landinginternationalt standardsystem for præcisions-anflyvning og landing
international standardsinternational standard
international standardsinternationale standarder
international ticketinternational billet
International Tonnage Certificateinternationalt målebrev
International Tonnage CertificateInternationalt Målebrev
international trafficinternational trafik
international traininternationalt tog
international transit by railinternational jernbanetransport
International Transport FederationDet Internationale Transportforbund
International Transport ForumEuropæiske Trafikministres Konference
International Transport ForumDen Europæiske Transportministerkonference
International Transport Workers' FederationDet Internationale Transportarbejderforbund
International Union for Inland NavigationDen Internationale Flodskibsfartsunion
International Union of Combined Rail-Road TransportDen internationale forening af huckepack-selskaber
International Union of Combined Road/Rail TransportDen Internationale Forening af Huckepack-selskaber
International Union of Private Wagon Owners AssociationsInternational Sammenslutning af Privatvognejere
International Union of Public TransportDen Internationale Union for Offentlige Transportmidler
International Union of Public TransportInternational Union for Offentlig Trafik
International Union of Rail-Road Transportden internationale union for kombineret jernbane/landevejstransport
International Union of RailwaysInternationale Jernbaneunion
International Union of RailwaysDen internationale Jernbaneunion
international vehicle registrationnationalitetsmærke
International Wagon UnionInternational Godsvognsunion
Madeira International Ship RegisterMadeiras Internationale Skibsregister
Madeira's International Shipping RegisterMadeiras Internationale Skibsregister
Norwegian International Ship RegisterNorsk Internationalt Skibsregister
Permanent International Association of Navigation CongressesInternational Navigation Association
Permanent International Association of Road CongressesDen Permanente Internationale Forening for Vejkongresser
Protocol consolidating the EUROCONTROL International Convention relating to Cooperation for the Safety of Air Navigation of 13 December 1960, as variously amendedprotokol, der konsoliderer den internationale Eurocontrolkonvention af 13. december 1960 vedrørende samarbejde om luftfartens sikkerhed med senere ændringer
Protocol for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts of Violence at Airports Serving International Civil Aviationprotokol til bekæmpelse af ulovlige voldshandlinger i lufthavne, der betjener den internationale civile luftfart
Protocol for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts of Violence at Airports Serving International Civil Aviation, supplementary to the Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Civil Aviationprotokol til bekæmpelse af ulovlige voldshandlinger i lufthavne, der betjener den internationale civile luftfart
Protocol of 3 June 1999 for the Modification of the Convention concerning International Carriage by Rail COTIF of 9 May 1980 1999 Protocolprotokol af 3. juni 1999 vedrørende ændring af konvention om internationale jernbanebefordringer COTIF af 9. maj 1980 protokol 1999
Protocol of 1988 relating to the International Convention on Load Lines 1966protokol af 1988 til den internationale konvention om lastelinier af 1966
Protocol of 1997 to amend the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, as modified by the Protocol of 1978 relating theretoprotokol af 1997, som ændrer MARPOL-konventionen af 1973, som ændret ved protokollen af 1978
Protocol of 1997 to amend the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, as modified by the Protocol of 1978 relating theretoprotokol af 1997 om ændring af den internationale konvention af 1973 om forebyggelse af forurening fra skibe, som ændret ved protokollen af 1978 herom
Protocol on the accession of the European Community to the Eurocontrol International Convention relating to Cooperation for the Safety of Air Navigation of 13 December 1960, as variously amended and as consolidated by the Protocol of 27 June 1997protokol om Det Europæiske Fællesskabs tiltrædelse af den internationale Eurocontrolkonvention af 13. december 1960 vedrørende samarbejde om luftfartens sikkerhed med senere ændringer, konsolideret ved protokollen af 27. juni 1997
Protocol relating to the 1973 International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships1978-protokol til international konvention om forebyggelse af forurening fra skibe, 1973
Protocol relating to the 1974 International Convention for the Safety of Life at Seaprotokol af 1978 til den internationale konvention af 1974 om sikkerhed for menneskeliv på søen
Protocol to Amend the Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to International Carriage by Air Signed at Warsaw on 12 October 1929protokol til ændring af den i Warszawa den 12. oktober 1929 undertegnede konvention angående indførelse af visse ensartede regler om international luftbefordring
Protocol to amend the International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules of Law relating to Bills of Lading, signed at Brussels on 25th August 1924protokol vedrørende ændring af den internationale konvention om indførelse af visse ensartede regler om konnossementer, undertegnet i Bruxelles den 25. august 1924
Protocol to the Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road CMRprotokol til konventionen om fragtaftaler ved international godsbefordring ad landevej CMR
regular and shuttle international services by coach and businternational rutekørsel og pendulkørsel ad landevej med omnibusser
Regulation concerning the international carriage of express parcels by railFælles reglement om international befordring af ekspresgods med jernbane
Regulation on the international carriage by rail of dangerous goodsreglement for international befordring af farligt gods med jernbane
Regulation on the international carriage by rail of dangerous goodsinternationalt reglement for befordring af farligt gods på jernbaner
Regulations concerning the International Carriage of Containers by Railreglement for international befordring med jernbane af containere
Regulations concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Railreglement for international befordring af farligt gods med jernbane
Regulations concerning the international carriage of dangerous goods by railreglement for international befordring af farligt gods med jernbane
Regulations concerning the international carriage of dangerous goods by railinternationalt reglement for befordring af farligt gods på jernbaner
Regulations concerning the International Carriage of Express Parcels by Railreglement for international befordring af ekspresgods med jernbane
Regulations concerning the international Carriage of Express Parcels TrafficForskrifter for den internationale ekspresgodstrafik
Regulations concerning the International Haulage of Private Owners' Wagons by Railreglement for international befordring med jernbane af private vogne
Regulations governing the international carriage of dangerous goods by railReglement for international befordring af farligt gods med jernbane
Regulations governing the reciprocal use of carriages and brake vans in international trafficreglement for gensidig benyttelse af passager- og bagagevogne i international trafik
Regulations governing the reciprocal use of wagons in international trafficreglement for gensidig benyttelse af godsvogne i international trafik
Resolution FAL.422 adopted on 29 April 1993 - Adoption of Amendments to the Convention on Facilitation of International Maritime Traffic, 1965, as amendedresolution FAL.422 vedtaget den 29. april 1993 - vedtagelse af ændringer i tillægget til konventionen om lettelse af intermational samfærdsel ad søvejen, 1965, med ændringer
Resolution FAL.117 adopted on 17 September 1987 - Adoption of Amendments to the Convention on Facilitation of International Maritime Traffic, 1965, as amendedresolution FAL.117 vedtaget den 17. september 1987 - vedtagelse af ændringer i tillægget til konventionen om lettelse af international samfærdsel ad søvejen, 1965, med ændringer
Special Group on International OrganisationsSpecialgruppen vedrørende Internationale Organisationer
Standard International Express Parcels TariffFælles international ekspresgodstarif
Standard International Passenger and Baggage TariffFælles international passager- og bagagetarif
Uniform rules concerning contracts of use of vehicles in international rail trafficfælles regler for kontrakten om anvendelse af vogne i international jernbanedrift
Uniform Rules concerning the Contract of International Carriage of Passengers by Railinternational konvention om befordring af personer og rejsegods på jernbaner
Uniform rules concerning the contract of use of infrastructure in international rail trafficfælles regler for kontrakten om anvendelse af infrastruktur i international jernbanetrafik
Uniform rules concerning the technical admission of railway material used in international trafficfælles regler vedrørende teknisk godkendelse af jernbanemateriel, der agtes anvendt til international transport
Uniform rules concerning the validation of technical standards and the adoption of uniform technical prescriptions applicable to railway material intended to be used in international trafficfælles regler for godkendelse af tekniske standarder og vedtagelse af fælles tekniske beskrivelser til brug for jernbanemateriel der agtes anvendt til international transport
United Nations Convention on International Multimodal Transport of GoodsDe Forenede Nationers konvention om international multimodal transport