
Terms for subject Fish farming pisciculture containing international | all forms | exact matches only
Agreement between the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark and the International Organisation for the Development of Fisheries in Eastern and Central Europe EUROFISH relating to the Headquarters in Copenhagen of the Organisationaftale mellem Kongeriget Danmarks regering og Den Internationale Organisation for Udvikling af Fiskeri i Øst- og Centraleuropa Eurofish vedrørende organisationens hovedsæde i København
Agreement for the establishment of the International Organisation for the Development of Fisheries in Eastern and Central Europe EUROFISHaftale om etablering af Den Internationale Organisation for Udvikling af Fiskeri i Øst- og Centraleuropa Eurofish
Agreement on the International Dolphin Conservation Programmeaftale om det internationale program for bevarelse af delfiner
Agreement to Promote Compliance with International Conservation and Management Measures by Fishing Vessels on the High Seasaftale om fremme af fiskerfartøjers overholdelse af internationale bevarelses- og forvaltningsforanstaltninger på det åbne hav
Convention of the International Overfishing Conferencekonvention angående fastsættelse af maskestørrelse for fiskeredskaber og mindstemål for fisk
International Commission for Southeast Atlantic FisheriesDen Internationale Kommission for Fiskeriet i det Sydøstlige Atlanterhav
International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic TunasDen Internationale Kommission for Bevarelse af Tunfiskebestanden i Atlanterhavet
International Convention for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunasinternational konvention om bevarelse af tunfiskebestanden i Atlanterhavet
International Convention for the Conservation of Atlantic TunasICCAT-konventionen
International Convention for the Regulation of Whalinginternational konvention angående regulering af hvalfangst
International Convention for the Safety of Fishing VesselsTorremolinoskonventionen
International Convention for the Safety of Fishing Vesselsinternational konvention om sikkerhed i forbindelse med fiskerfartøjer
International Convention for the Safety of Fishing Vesselsden internationale konvention om fiskeskibes sikkerhed
International Council for the Exploration of the SeaDet Internationale Havundersøgelsesråd
International Fisheries Agreementinternational fiskeriaftale
International Fisheries CommissionDen Internationale Fiskerikommission
International Fishing Vessel Exemption CertificateInternationalt Undtagelsescertifikat for Fiskeskibe
International Fishing Vessel Safety CertificateDet Internationale Fiskeskibssikkerhedscertifikat
International Organisation for the Development of Fisheries in Eastern and Central EuropeDen Internationale Organisation for Udvikling af Fiskeri i Øst- og Centraleuropa
international plan of actioninternational handlingsplan
International Southeast Atlantic Fisheries CommissionDen Internationale Kommission for Fiskeriet i det Sydøstlige Atlanterhav
International Whaling CommissionDen Internationale Hvalfangstkommission
International Whaling Conventioninternational konvention angående regulering af hvalfangst
joint international inspection schemeordning for fælles international inspektion
scheme of joint international enforcementordning for fælles international håndhævelse
scheme of joint international inspection and surveillanceordning for fælles international inspektion
Standing Committee on International ControlDet Stående Udvalg for International Kontrol
Torremolinos Protocol of 1993 relating to the Torremolinos International Convention for the Safety of Fishing Vessels, 1977protokol til den internationale Torremolinoskonvention om fiskeskibes sikkerhed, 1977