
Terms for subject Natural sciences containing international | all forms | exact matches only
Agreement on Cooperation in the Engineering Design Activities for the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactoraftale om samarbejde om den tekniske projektering af en international termonuklear forsøgsreaktor
Agreement on Cooperation in the Engineering Design Activities for the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactorsamarbejdsaftale om aktiviteter i forbindelse med detailprojektering af den internationale termonukleare forsøgsreaktor
Agreement on Cooperation in the Engineering Design Activities for the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactoraftale mellem Det Europæiske Atomenergifællesskab, Japans regering, regeringen for Den Russiske Føderation og regeringen for Amerikas Forenede Stater om samarbejde om den tekniske projektering af en international termonuklear forsøgsreaktor
Chernobyl Centre for International ResearchTjernobyl-Centret for International Forskning
Chernobyl Centre of International ResearchTjernobyl-Centret for International Forskning
Convention on International Liability for Damage Caused by Space Objectskonvention om internationalt ansvar for skade forårsaget af rumgenstande
International Association for Hydraulic ResearchDet Internationale Hydraulikforskningsforbund
International Association for the promotion of cooperation with scientists from countries of the former Soviet UnionDen Internationale Sammenslutning til Fremme af Samarbejdet med Forskere fra Lande i det Tidligere Sovjetunionen
International Association of GeodesyDet Internationale Geodæsiforbund
International Association of HydrologyDet Internationale Hydrologiforbund
International Association of Physical OceanographyDet Internationale Forbund for Fysisk Oceanografi
International Association of Quaternary ResearchDet Internationale Forbund for Kvartærforskning
International Association of SeismologyDet Internationale Seismologiforbund
International Astronautical FederationDen Internationale Astronautiske Sammenslutning
International Astronomical UnionDen Internationale Astronomiske Union
International Biological ProgrammeDet Internationale Biologiske Program
international conference on research and technology organizations in Europeinternational konference om forsknings- og teknologiorganisationer i Europa
International Electrotechnical CommissionDen Internationale Elektrotekniske Kommission
international elephant conservation programmeinternational program til bevarelse af elefanter
International Geosphere-Biosphere Programmeinternationalt geosfære-biosfære-program
International Organisation for Biological ControlDen Internationale Organisation for Biologisk Kontrol
International Organisation for Biological Control of Noxious Animals and PlantsDen Internationale Organisation for Biologisk Kontrol
International Organisation for Legal MetrologyDen Internationale Organisation for Retslig Metrologi
International Science and Technology Centreinternationalt videnskabs- og teknologicenter
International Science and Technology Centreinternationalt center for videnskab og teknologi
International Scientific Cooperationinternationalt videnskabeligt samarbejde
International Space StationDen Internationale Rumstation
International Special Committee on Radio InterferenceDen Internationale Specialkomité på Radiostøjområdet
International Test and Evaluation Programmeinternationalt afprøvnings- og evalueringsprogram
International Union for the Protection of New Plant VarietiesDen Internationale Union til Beskyttelse af Plantenyheder
International Union for the Protection of New Plant VarietiesDen Internationale Union for Beskyttelse af PlantenyhederUPOV
International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of PlantsDen Internationale Union til Beskyttelse af Plantenyheder
International Workshop on the Housing of Laboratory Animalsinternational workshop om opbevaring af forsøgsdyr til laboratoriebrug
ITER International Fusion Energy OrganisationITER-organisationen
ITER International Fusion Energy OrganisationDen Internationale Fusionsenergiorganisation for ITER
plan to stimulate the international cooperation and interchange needed by European research scientistsprogram for stimulering af internationalt forskersamarbejde og -udveksling i Europa