
Terms for subject General containing international | all forms | exact matches only
ad hoc Liaison Committee responsible for the coordination of international aid to the Occupied TerritoriesAd hoc-forbindelsesudvalget, der er Ansvarligt for Koordineringen af den Internationale Bistand til de Besatte Områder
ad hoc Liaison Committee responsible for the coordination of international aid to the Occupied TerritoriesAd hoc-forbindelsesudvalget for Bistand til de Besatte Områder
Additional Agreement to the Agreement, signed in Berne on 29 April 1963, concerning the International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine against Pollutiontillægsoverenskomst til den i Bern den 29. april 1963 undertegnede overenskomst om Den Internationale Kommission for Beskyttelse af Rhinen mod Forurening
Advisory Committee on the International Programme on Chemical SafetyDen Rådgivende Komité for Det Internationale Program for Sikkerhed i forbindelse med Kemikalier
African-led International Support Mission in Maliafrikanskledet international støttemission i Mali
African-led International Support Mission in the Central African Republicden afrikansk ledede internationale støttemission i Den Centralafrikanske Republik
Agency for the International Promotion of SMEsSammenslutningen til Fremme på Internationalt Plan af Små og Mellemstore Virksomheder
Agreement between the Kingdom of Belgium, the Kingdom of Denmark, the Federal Republic of Germany, Ireland, the Italian Republic, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the European Atomic Energy Community and the International Atomic Energy Agency in Implementation of Article III and of the Treaty on the Non-proliferation of Nuclear Weaponsverifikationsaftalen
Agreement Establishing the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistanceaftale om oprettelse af Det Internationale Institut for Demokrati og Valgbistand
Agreement for Facilitating the International Circulation of Visual and Auditory Materials of an Educational, Scientific and Cultural Characteroverenskomst til lettelse af den internationale udveksling af synlige og hørbare materialer af undervisningsmæssig, videnskabelig og kulturel art
Agreement on the Privileges and Immunities of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Seaaftale om privilegier og immuniteter for Den Internationale Havretsdomstol
Agreement on the Status of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, National Representatives and International Staffoverenskomst om status for Den Nordatlantiske Traktats Organisation, medlemsstaternes repræsentanter samt organisationens internationale stab
Agreement Providing for the Provisional Application of the Draft International Customs Conventions on Touring, on Commercial Road Vehicles and on the International Transport of Goods by Roadoverenskomst om midlertidig anvendelse af forslagene til internationale toldkonventioner om turisttrafik, om erhvervskøretøjer til landevejstransport og om international godstransport ad landevejen
Agreement relating to Application of the European Convention on International Commercial Arbitrationoverenskomst om anvendelse af den europæiske konvention om international handelsvoldgift
Agreement to Promote Compliance with International Conservation and Management Measures by Fishing Vessels on the High SeasFAO-overholdelsesaftalen
an effective norm of international lifeen effektiv norm i det internationale liv
analysis of international transactionsanalyse af den internationale handel
Arrangement between the Council and the Commission concerning participation in international proceedings on commoditiesProba 20-arrangementet
Arrangement between the Council and the Commission concerning Participation in the International Tin and Copper Study GroupsProba 20a
Arrangement for the European Community's participation in International Agreements on CommoditiesProba 2002
Arrangement regarding International Trade in Textilesmultifiberarrangementet
Articles of Agreement of the International Development Associationoverenskomst om Den Internationale Sammenslutning for Økonomisk Udvikling
Articles of Agreement of the International Finance Corporationoverenskomst om Den Internationale Finansieringsinstitution
Babbar Khalsa InternationalBabbar Khalsa
Cabinet Committee on European and International Affairsunderråd
Chicago Convention on International Civil AviationICAO-konventionen
Chicago Convention on International Civil AviationChicagokonventionen
cohesive force in international relationssammenhængskraft i de internationale forbindelser
cohesive force in international relationssammenhængende faktor i internationale forbindelser
cohesive force in international relationssamlende faktor i internationale forbindelser
Collection of Model International TicketsInternational Billetmønstersamling
Commission on International Commodity TradeKommissionen for International Handel med Råvarer
Committee of Experts on International Road TariffsDet faglige Udvalg for tariffer for international transport ad Landevej
Committee on International Investment and Multinational EnterprisesKomitéen for Internationale Investeringer og Multinationale Selskaber under OECD
Committee on Resolutions of the Socialist InternationalSocialistiske Internationales Redaktionsudvalg
Committee on the consultation procedure on relations between Member States and third countries in shipping matters and on action relating to such matters in international organizations and the authorization procedure for agreements concerning maritime transportUdvalget for Konsultationsproceduren vedrørende Forbindelserne mellem Medlemsstater og Tredjelande på Søtransportområdet og vedrørende Aktioner på dette Område i de Internationale Organisationer samt Bemyndigelsesproceduren for Aftaler vedrørende Søtransport
Committee on the national and international carriage of goods and passengers by inland waterway in the CommunityUdvalget for National og International Gods- og Personbefordring ad Fællesskabets Indre Landveje
Conference on International Economic CooperationKonferencen om internationalt økonomisk Samarbejde
to conform with the legal obligations under international lawhandle i overensstemmelse med deres juridiske forpligtelser i henhold til folkeretten
Constitution of the International Organisation for Migrationstatut for Den Internationale Organisation for Migration
Constitution of the International Refugee Organisationstatutter for Den Internationale Flygtningeorganisation
Convention and Statute on the International Regime of Maritime Portskonvention og statut angående mellemfolkelige regler vedrørende søhavne
Convention concerning decent work for domestic workers, 2011, of the International Labour Organisation Convention No 189konvention af 2011 om husarbejdere
Convention concerning Safety in the Use of Chemicals at Work, 1990, of the International Labour Organization Convention No 170kemikaliekonventionen af 1990
Convention concerning the Establishment of an International Scheme for the Maintenance of Rights under Invalidity, Old-age and Widows' and Orphans' Insurancekonvention angående indførelse af en international ordning om bevarelse af rettigheder inden for invaliditets-, alderdoms- og efterladteforsikringen
Convention concerning the International Administration of the Estates of Deceased Personskonvention om international administration af arv
Convention concerning the International Exchange of Publicationskonvention angående international udveksling af publikationer
Convention establishing the International Organisation of Legal Metrologykonvention om oprettelse af en international organisation for retslig metrologi
Convention for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes 1907konvention om fredelig bilæggelse af internationale stridigheder 1907
Convention for the Partial Revision of the Conventions Adopted by the General Conference of the International Labour Organisation at Its First Twenty-eight Sessions for the Purpose of Making Provision for the Future Discharge of Certain Chancery Functions Entrusted by the Said Conventions to the Secretary-General of the League of Nations and Introducing therein Certain Further Amendments Consequential upon the Dissolution of the League of Nations and the Amendment of the Constitution of the International Labour Organisationkonvention om delvis revision af de af Den Internationale Arbejdsorganisations Generalkonference på dens første 28 møder vedtagne konventioner
Convention of 6 February 1931 between Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden comprising international private law provisions on marriage, adoption and guardianshipnordisk konvention af 1931
Convention on International Access to Justicekonvention om international retshjælp
Convention on International Civil AviationChicagokonventionen
Convention on International Civil AviationICAO-konventionen
Convention on International Exhibitionskonvention angående internationale udstillinger
Convention on International Interests in Mobile EquipmentCape Town-konventionen
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and FloraWashingtonkonventionen
Convention on the International Hydrographic Organisationkonvention om Den Internationale Hydrografiske Organisation
Convention on the International Maritime Organisationkonvention angående Den Mellemstatslige Rådgivende Søfartsorganisation
Convention on the International Mobile Satellite Organizationkonvention om Den Internationale Mobile Satellitorganisation
Convention on the International Recognition of Rights in Aircraftkonvention om international anerkendelse af rettigheder over luftfartøjer
Convention on the international recovery of child support and other forms of family maintenanceden nye Haagerkonvention
Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Seakonvention om internationale søvejsregler
Convention on the prior informed consent procedure for certain hazardous chemicals and pesticides in international tradeRotterdamkonventionen
Convention on the prior informed consent procedure for certain hazardous chemicals and pesticides in international tradePIC-konventionen
Convention relating to a Uniform Law on the Formation of Contracts for the International Sale of Goodsp.m.
Convention relating to a Uniform Law on the International Sale of GoodsULIS-konventionen
Convention relating to a Uniform Law on the International Sale of GoodsKonvention vedrørende ensartet lovgivning for internationale løsørekøb
Convention relating to Stops on Bearer Securities in International Circulationkonvention vedrørende mortifikation af ihændehaverværdipapirer i internationalt omløb
Cooperation with non-member countries and international organisationsSamarbejde med tredjelande og internationale organisationer
Cooperation with non-member countries and international organisationsFTU-aktioner
cooperation with third countries or international organizationssamarbejdsaktioner med tredjelande eller internationale organisationer
coordinator for international monitoringkoordinator for det internationale observatørkorps
corruption on an international scalekorruption af internationalt omfang
Council for European and International Affairsunderråd
Customs Convention on the International Transit of GoodsITI-konventionen
Customs Convention on the International Transport of Goods under Cover of TIR CarnetsTIR-konvention
Declaration on the Construction of Main International Traffic Arteriesdeklaration vedrørende konstruktionen af internationale hovedtrafikårer
direct or indirect measures of force in contravention of international lawdirekte eller indirekte magtforanstaltninger i strid med folkeretten
Directive on standards for the qualification of third-country nationals or stateless persons as beneficiaries of international protection, for a uniform status for refugees or for persons eligible for subsidiary protection, and for the content of the protection grantedkvalifikationsdirektivet
Directive on standards for the qualification of third-country nationals or stateless persons as beneficiaries of international protection, for a uniform status for refugees or for persons eligible for subsidiary protection, and for the content of the protection granteddirektiv om fastsættelse af standarder for anerkendelse af tredjelandsstatsborgere eller statsløse som personer med international beskyttelse, for en ensartet status for flygtninge eller for personer, der er berettiget til subsidiær beskyttelse, og for indholdet af en sådan beskyttelse
Eastern Europe Committee of the Socialist InternationalSocialistiske Internationales Østeuropaudvalg
Environment Committee of the Socialist InternationalSocialistiske Internationales Miljøudvalg
EUCDW - International policyDen Europæiske Kristelig-Demokratiske Arbejdstagersammenslutning - International politik
"EUROCONTROL" International Convention relating to Cooperation for the Safety of Air NavigationEurocontrolkonventionen
European Centre for International EconomicsBruegel
European Convention on the International Classification of Patents for Invention including Annex as amendedEuropæisk konvention vedrørende international klassifikation af patenter på opfindelser med ændringsbilag
European Convention on the International Classification of Patents for Inventionseuropæisk konvention vedrørende international klassifikation af patenter på opfindelser
European Convention on the International Effects of Deprivation of the Right to Drive a Motor Vehicleeuropæisk konvention om de internationale virkninger af fortabelse af retten til at føre motorkøretøj
European Convention on the Recognition of the Legal Personality of International Non-governmental Organisationsden europæiske konvention om anerkendelse af internationale ikkestatslige organisationers status som juridisk person
European System for the International Clearing of Vacancies and Applications for EmploymentEuropæisk system til formidling af udbud og efterspørgsel på arbejdsmarkedet
Executive Board of the International Coffee OrganizationEksekutivkommissionen Den internationale Kaffeorganisation
Expert Group on International Standards of Accounting and ReportingMellemstatslig Arbejdsgruppe af Eksperter i Internationale Standarder for Regnskab og Indberetning
External delegations, representations and offices to international organisationsDelegationer, repræsentationer og kontorer i tredjelande og ved internationale organisationer
External delegations, representations and offices to international organisationsDelegationer, repræsentationer og kontorer
... for harmonizing their views regarding international affairsat harmonisere deres synspunkter på den internationale politiks område
Foundation of the International Charlemagne Prize of Aachen inviteStiftelsen for Den Internationale Karlspris i Aachen
fulfilment in good faith of obligations under international lawopfyldelse i god tro af forpligtelser i henhold til folkeretten
General and international mattersGenerelle og internationale anliggender
Geneva Act of the Hague Agreement concerning the International Registration of Industrial DesignsGenèveaftalen
Group of Experts on International Standards of Accounting and ReportingMellemstatslig Arbejdsgruppe af Eksperter i Internationale Standarder for Regnskab og Indberetning
Hague Act of the Hague Agreement concerning the International Deposit of Industrial DesignsHaagaftalen
Hague Act of the Hague Agreement concerning the International Deposit of Industrial Designs1960-aftalen
Hague Convention of 1996 on the International Protection of ChildrenHaagerkonventionen af 19. oktober 1996
Handbook for international police cooperation in connection with football matcheshåndbog om internationalt politisamarbejde i forbindelse med fodboldkampe
Handbook with recommendations for international police cooperation and measures to prevent and control violence and disturbances in connection with football matches with an international dimension, in which at least one Member State is involvedhåndbog om internationalt politisamarbejde i forbindelse med fodboldkampe
Hong Kong International Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of ShipsHongkongkonventionen
to improve international rail transportat forbedre international jernbanetransport
Independent Commission on International Development Issues Brandt CommissionDen Uafhængige Kommission for Internationale Udviklingsspørgsmål Brandtkommissionen
Interbus Agreement on the international occasional carriage of passengers by coach and busInterbusaftalen
Intergovernmental Working Group of Experts on International Standards of Accounting and ReportingMellemstatslig Arbejdsgruppe af Eksperter i Internationale Standarder for Regnskab og Indberetning
international accounting standardIAS-standard
International Accounting Standards BoardInternational Accounting Standards Board
International Accounting Standards Committee FoundationIASC Foundation
International Accounting Standards Committee FoundationFondsbestyrelsen
International Action Network on Small ArmsInternational Action Network on Small Arms
international actual strengthaktuel international bemanding
International Advisory CommitteeDen Internationale Rådgivningskomité
International affairs relating to agricultureInternationale landbrugsspørgsmål
International Agreement on Olive Oil and Table Olives, 1986den internationale overenskomst af 1986 om olivenolie og spiseoliven
International Agreement on Olive Oil and Table OlivesDen Internationale Overenskomst om Olivenolie og Spiseoliven
International Agreement on Olive Oil and Table Olives, 2005Den internationale overenskomst af 2005 om olivenolie og spiseoliven
International Agreement on the Use of INMARSAT Ship Earth Stations within the Territorial Sea and Portsinternational overenskomst om benyttelse af Inmarsat skibsjordstationer inden for territoriale farvande og havne
International Agreement regarding the Maintenance of Certain Lights in the Red Seainternational overenskomst om opretholdelse af visse fyr i Det Røde Hav
international arbitration boardinternational voldgiftsinstans
International Arbitration CommitteeDen Internationale Voldgiftskomité
International Article NumberEuropean Article Number
International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for DevelopmentInternational Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development
International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for DevelopmentFN's Landbrugspanel
international assistanceinternational bistand
International Association for the Protection of Industrial PropertyInternational forening til beskyttelse af industriel ejendomsret
International Association of Crafts and Small and Medium-sized EnterprisesDen Internationale Union for Håndværk og Små og Mellemstore Virksomheder
International Association of Students of Economics and ManagementVerdenssammenslutningen af Handels- og Økonomistuderende
International Association of Users of Yarn of Man-made FibresDen Internationale Forening af Garn- og Kemofiberforarbejdere
International Baltic Sea Fishery CommissionØstersøkommissionen
international bodyinternational instans
international bondinternational obligation
International Bureau of the European LeftEuropæiske Venstres Internationale Forretningsudvalg
International Centre for Advanced Technical and Vocational TrainingInternationalt Center for Faglig og Teknisk Videreuddannelse
International Centre for Bantu CivilisationsDet Internationale Center for Bantu-kulturer
International Charlemagne Prize of AachenKarlsprisen
International Christian Democratic and Conservative Students UnionInternationale Kristelig Demokratiske og Konservative Studenterunion
International Civil Defence OrganisationDen Internationale Organisation for Civilbeskyttelse
international civil presenceinternational civil tilstedeværelse
International Civilian OfficeDet Internationale Civile Kontor
international civilian personnel with NATO statusinternationalt civilt personel med NATO-status
international coalition against terrorisminternational koalition mod terrorisme
International Code of Conduct against Ballistic Missile Proliferationinternational adfærdskodeks mod spredning af ballistiske missiler
International Code of Conduct against Ballistic Missile ProliferationHaagadfærdskodeksen
International Code of Conduct against ballistic missile proliferationinternational adfærdskodeks mod spredning af ballistiske missiler
International Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of Pesticidesinternationale adfærdskodeks for distribution og anvendelse af pesticider
International Codification System for Medium and High Rank Coalsinternationalt klassificeringssystem for middelkvalitets- og højkvalitetskul
international commodity agreementinternational vareoverenskomst
International Communist OrganisationDen Internationalistiske Kommunistiske Organisation
International Compact with Iraqinternational aftale med Irak
International Compact with IraqIraq Compact
international competitive biddinginternationalt udbud
international conciliation and arbitration officeKontoret med henblik på Mægling og International Voldgift
International Confederation of Associations of Experts and ConsultantsDen Internationale Sammenslutning af Ekspert- og Konsulentforeninger
International Confederation of Executive Staffs CICDen Internationale Sammenslutning af Arbejdsledere CIC
International Confederation of Manufacturers of Carpets and Furnishing FabricsDen Internationale Sammenslutning af Fabrikanter af Tæpper og Møbelstoffer
International Conference on Assistance for Refugees in AfricaDen Internationale Konference om Bistand til Flygtninge i Afrika
International Conference on Assistance to Refugees in AfricaDen Internationale Konference om Bistand til Flygtninge i Afrika
International Conference on Financing for DevelopmentMonterreykonferencen
International Conference on Former Yugoslaviaden internationale konference om det tidligere Jugoslavien
International Contact Group on LiberiaDen Internationale Kontaktgruppe vedrørende Liberia
International Control CommissionDen Internationale Kontrolkommission
International Convention against the taking of hostagesInternational Konvention imod Gidseltagning
International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships' Ballast Water and Sedimentsinternational konvention for administration og kontrol af skibes ballastvand og sediment
International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from ShipsMarpolkonventionen
International Convention for the Protection of New Varieties of PlantsUPOV-konventionen
International Convention for the Protection of the New Varieties of PlantUPOV-konventionen
International Convention for the Protection of the New Varieties of PlantDen Internationale Konvention om Beskyttelse af Plantenyheder
International Convention for the Safety of Life at SeaSolaskonventionen
International Convention for the Suppression of Counterfeiting Currencyinternational konvention til bekæmpelse af falskmøntneri
International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules of Law relating to Bills of Ladingkonnossementkonventionen
International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules of Law relating to Bills of Ladinginternational konvention om indførelse af visse ensartede regler om konnossementer
International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules relating to Maritime Liens and Mortgagesinternational konvention om indførelse af visse ensartede regler angående søpanterettigheder og kontraktmæssige panterettigheder i skibe
International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules relating to Penal Jurisdiction in Matters of Collision or Other Incidents of Navigationden internationale konvention om indførelse af visse ensartede regler angående den strafferetlige kompetence i tilfælde af skibssammenstød og andre søulykker
International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules relating to the Arrest of Seagoing Shipsinternational konvention om arrest i søgående skibe
International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules relating to the Limitation of Liability of the Owners of Seagoing Vesselsinternational konvention om indførelse af visse ensartede regler angående begrænsningen af rederes ansvar
International Convention on Civil Liability for Bunker Oil Pollution Damagebunkeroliekonventionen
International Convention on Liability and Compensation for Damage in connection with the Carriage of Hazardous and Noxious Substances by Sea IMO, 1996HNS-konventionen
International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for SeafarersSTCW-konventionen
International Convention on the Control of Harmful Anti-fouling Systems on Shipsantifouling-konventionen
International Convention on the Control of Harmful Anti-fouling Systems on ShipsAFS-konventionen
International Convention on the Establishment of an International Fund for Compensation for Oil Pollution Damagefondskonventionen af 1971
International Convention on the Establishment of an International Fund for Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage, 1992fondskonventionen af 1992
International Convention on the Establishment of an International Fund for Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage, 1992international konvention om oprettelse af en international fond for erstating af skader ved olieforurening, 1992
International Convention on the Harmonisation of Frontier Controls of Goodsinternational konvention om harmonisering af kontrol af varer ved grænserne
International Convention relative to Motor Trafficinternational konvention angående kørsel med motorkøretøjer
international co-operation in the field of certificationinternationalt samarbejde angående attestudstedelse
international cooperation in the field of technologyinternationalt teknologisk samarbejde
International Council of Experts for the ECSC Special Programme of ConstructionDet internationale Ekspertråd for EKSF's særlige Byggeprogrammer
International Criminal Tribunal for the Former YugoslaviaKrigsforbrydertribunalet vedrørende det Tidligere Jugoslavien
International Criminal Tribunal for the Former YugoslaviaDet Internationale Krigsforbrydertribunal vedrørende det Tidligere Jugoslavien
International Crisis GroupDen Internationale Krisegruppe
International Customs Observer Missioninternational toldobservator
International Dairy AgreementInternationalt arrangement vedrørende mejerisektoren
International Dairy ArrangementInternationalt arrangement vedrørende mejerisektoren
international development communityaktører i det internationale udviklingssamarbejde
International DialogueDen Internationale Dialog for Fredsopbygning og Statsopbygning
International DialogueDen Internationale Dialog
International Dialogue on Peacebuilding and StatebuildingDen Internationale Dialog
International Dialogue on Peacebuilding and StatebuildingDen Internationale Dialog for Fredsopbygning og Statsopbygning
International Dodecanese SocietyDen Internationale Forening for Dodekaneserne
International Donors' Conference for the Reconstruction of IraqMadridkonferencen
International Donors' Conference for the Reconstruction of Iraqinternational donorkonference om genopbygning af Irak
International Drugs Advisory CouncilDet Internationale Rådgivende Narkotikaråd
International economic and financial affairsInternationale økonomiske og finansielle spørgmål
International Emergency Food ReserveDen Internationale Fødevarhjælpsreserve
international events in the field of the plastic and graphic artsinternationale arrangementer inden for den bildende kunst
international exchange of obligationsinternationale flag swap
international exchange of obligationsinternational udveksling af kontrolforpligtelser
International Exhibitions Conventionkonvention angående internationale udstillinger
International Federation of Associations of Cleaning Products ManufacturersDen Internationale Sammenslutning af Foreninger af Fabrikanter af Rengøringsmidler
International Federation of Christian Trade UnionsDen kristelige faglige Internationale
International Federation of Engine ReconditionersDen Internationale Sammenslutning for Motorrenoveringsvirksomheder
International Federation of Europe HousesDen Internationale Sammenslutning af Europahuse
International Federation of Producers of Phonograms and Videograms IFPIDen Internationale Sammenslutning af Fonogram- og Videogramfremstillere IFPI
International Federation of Secondary TeachersDet Internationale Forbund for Lærere ved Offentlig Undervisning på Sekundærtrinnet
International Financial Reporting StandardsIFRS-standarder
International fisheries organisations and fisheries agreementsInternationale fiskeriorganisationer og fiskeriaftaler
international flag swapinternationale flag swap
international flag swapinternational udveksling af kontrolforpligtelser
International Force for East Timorden internationale styrke for Østtimor
International Geographical UnionDen Internationale Geografiske Union
International Grains Arrangement 1967 IGA, 1. Wheat Trade Convention 2. Food Aid Conventionden internationale kornordning 1967: konvention om hvedehandel konvention om fødevarehjælp
International Helsinki Federation for Human RightsDen Internationale Helsingforsføderation for Menneskerettigheder
International Humanitarian Fact-Finding CommissionDen Internationale Undersøgelseskommission
International Hydrographic OrganisationDen Internationale Hydrografiske Organisation
International Institute for CottonDet Internationale Bomuldsinstitut
International Institute of Strategic StudiesDet Internationale Institut for Strategiske Studier
International Institute of Strategic Studiesdet internationale Institut for strategiske Studier
International instrument to enable States to identify and trace, in a timely and reliable manner, illicit small arms and light weaponsinternationalt mærknings- og sporingsinstrument
international invitations to tenderinternational licitation
international legal basisinternationalt retsgrundlag
International Legal Metrology OrganisationDen Internationale Organisation for Retslig Metrologi
International Liaison Centre for Agricultural Machinery Distributors and MaintainersDet Internationale Forbindelseskontor for Forhandlere og Reparatører af Landbrugsmaskiner
International Management Group - Infrastructure for Bosnia and HerzegovinaDen Internationale Styringsgruppe vedrørende Genopbygning af Infrastrukturen i Bosnien-Hercegovina
International Management Teaminternational styringsgruppe
International Maritime Dangerous Goods CodeInternational Maritime Dangerous Goods Code
International Maritime OrganisationDen Mellemstatslige Rådgivende Søfartsorganisation
international migrationinternational folkevandring
international migrationinternational vandring
international military personnelinternationalt militært personel
international military postinternational militær post
International Military StaffDen Internationale Militærstab
International Ministerial Conference for Economic Assistance to the Palestinian Peopleden internationale ministerkonference om bistand til palæstinenserne
International Mission of Protection and Observation for the Restoration of Confidence in Burundiobservatørmission i Burundi
International Mission of Protection and Observation for the Restoration of Confidence in Burundiinternational beskyttelses- og observatørmission med henblik på genoprettelse af tilliden i Burundi
international money orderinternational postanvisning
International Network on Conflict and Fragilityinternationalt netværk vedrørende konflikt og struktursvaghed
international non-proliferation regimeinternationalt ikkespredningsregime
International Non-proprietary Nameinternationalt fællesnavn
International Non-proprietary NameINN-navne
international observation coordinationkoordinering af international overvågning
international observerinternational observatør
International Office of Vine and WineDet Internationale Vinkontor
International Olive CouncilDet Internationale Olivenråd
International Olive Oil CouncilDet Internationale Olivenråd
International Opium Convention 1912den internationale opiumskonvention 1912
International Organisation of Consumers' UnionsDen Internationale Forbrugerorganisation
international peacekeeping forceinternational fredsbevarende styrke
international plutonium storageinternational oplagring af plutonium
International Police Coordination Boardinternationalt politikoordineringsråd
international political sceneinternational politisk landkort
International Quartet for the Middle East Peace ProcessMellemøstkvartetten
International Quartet for the Middle East Peace ProcessKvartetten
international radio call signinternationalt radiokaldesignal
International Reconstruction Fund Facility for IraqFaciliteten for Den Internationale Genopbygningsfond for Irak
International Reconstruction Fund Facility for IraqDen Internationale Genopbygningsfond for Irak
International Red CrossInternationalt Røde Kors
International Red CrossDen Internationale Røde Kors- og Røde Halvmåne-bevægelse
International Red Cross and Red Crescent MovementDen Internationale Røde Kors- og Røde Halvmåne-bevægelse
International Red Cross and Red Crescent MovementInternationalt Røde Kors
international regimeinternationalt regime
international registered exhibitionverdensudstilling
International relations and trans-European transport and infrastructure networkstranseuropæiske transportnet og infrastrukturer
International relations and trans-European transport and infrastructure networksInternationale forbindelser
international Rhine regimeinternationale ordning for Rhinen
International Rice CommissionDen Internationale Riskommission
International Sanitary Conventionden internationale sundhedskonvention
International Seabed AuthorityDen Internationale Havbundsmyndighed
international security presenceinternational sikkerhedstilstedeværelse
International Society of Forensic HaemogeneticsInternational Society of Forensic Haemogenetics
international standard industrial classificationinternational standardklassifikation af al erhvervsmæssig virksomhed
International Standard Industrial Classification of all Economic Activitiesinternational erhvervsnomenklatur
International Standard Industrial Classification of all Economic Activitiesinternational branchenomenklatur ISIC
international standard serial numberinternationalt standardserienummer
International Strategy Conference towards the Global Ban on Anti-Personnel Landminesinternational konference om globalt forbud mod personelminer
International Sugar Agreement 1992den internationale sukkeroverenskomst 1992
International Sugar OrganisationDen Internationale Sukkerorganisation
International Tea Promotion AssociationDen Internationale Sammenslutning for Fremme af Te
International Tracing Instrumentinternationalt mærknings- og sporingsinstrument
International Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia since 1991Krigsforbrydertribunalet vedrørende det Tidligere Jugoslavien
International Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia since 1991Det Internationale Krigsforbrydertribunal vedrørende det Tidligere Jugoslavien
International Union of Local AuthoritiesDen Internationale Sammenslutning af Lokale Myndigheder
International Verification and Follow-up CommissionDen Internationale Verifikations- og Overvågningskommission
International Wheat CouncilDet internationale Hvederåd
International Wholesale and Foreign Trade CentreDet Internationale Center for Engroshandel
International Work Group for Indigenous AffairsDen Internationale Arbejdsgruppe for Indfødte Folks Anliggender
London Act of the Hague Agreement concerning the International Deposit of Industrial DesignsLondonaftalen
maintenance of international peace and securityopretholdelse af international fred og sikkerhed
Management Committee on support to bodies set up by the international community after conflicts either to take charge of the interim civilian administration of certain regions or to implement peace agreementsForvaltningsudvalget for Støtte til Visse Enheder, som det Internationale Samfund Etablerer efter Konflikter til at Sikre den Civile Administration af Visse Regioner i en Overgangsperiode og Gennemførelsen af Fredsaftaler
Maritime Session of the International Labour Conferencesøfartsdelen af Den Internationale Arbejdskonference
Military Technical Agreement between the International Security Force "KFOR" and the governments of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and the Republic of Serbiamilitær-teknisk aftale
Minister for International Developmentminister for udviklingsbistand
Ministry of Planning and International Cooperationministerium for planlægning og internationalt samarbejde
national or international organisationnational eller international organisation
NATO international civilian postNATO international civil bemandingspost
on the international scenepå den internationale arena
on the international scenepå den internationale scene
on the international scenei international sammenhæng
personnel of international organisationspersonale i internationale organisationer
personnel of international organisationsansatte ved internationale organisationer
Preparatory Commission for the International Seabed Authority and for the International Tribunal for the Law of the SeaDen Forberedende Kommission for Den Internationale Havbundsmyndighed og Den Internationale Havretsdomstol
Principles for good international engagement in fragile states and situationsprincipper for godt internationalt engagement i skrøbelige stater og situationer
Programme for International Student AssessmentPISA-programmet
programme to promote international cooperation in the energy sector - Synergy programmeSynergyprogrammet
to promote stable and equitable international economic relationsat fremme stabile og retfærdige internationale økonomiske forbindelser
Prosecutor of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former YugoslaviaICTY's chefanklager
Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949 and relating to the Protection of Victims of International Armed Conflicts Protocol Itillægsprotokol til Genèvekonventionerne af 12. august 1949 vedrørende beskyttelsen af ofre i internationale væbnede konflikter protokol I
Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949 and relating to the Protection of Victims of Non-international Armed Conflicts Protocol IItillægsprotokol til Genèvekonventionerne af 12. august 1949 vedrørende beskyttelsen af ofre i ikkeinternationale væbnede konflikter protokol II
Protocol Bringing under International Control Drugs outside the Scope of the Convention of 13 July 1931 for Limiting the Manufacture and Regulating the Distribution of Narcotic Drugs, as amended by the Protocol signed at Lake Success on 11 December 1946protokol, hvorved narkotiske midler, der falder uden for konventionen af 13. juli 1931 angående begrænsning i fabrikationen og regulering af fordelingen af narkotiske midler som ændret ved protokol underskrevet i Lake Success den 11. december 1946, bringes under international kontrol
Protocol for Limiting and Regulating the Cultivation of the Poppy Plant, the Production of, International and Wholesale Trade in, and Use of Opiumprotokol til begrænsning og regulering af dyrkningen af opiumsvalmuen samt af produktionen og anvendelsen af og den internationale handel og engroshandel med opium
Protocol of 3 June 1999 for the Modification of the Convention concerning International Carriage by Rail COTIF of 9 May 1980 1999 ProtocolVilniusprotokollen
Protocol on the Status of International Military Headquarters set up pursuant to the North Atlantic Treatyprotokol om status for internationale militære hovedkvarterer oprettet i henhold til den nordatlantiske traktat
Protocol to the Convention for the International Council for the Exploration of the Seaprotokol til konventionen om Det Internationale Havundersøgelsesråd
Regulation EU No 604/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 June 2013 establishing the criteria and mechanisms for determining the Member State responsible for examining an application for international protection lodged in one of the Member States by a third-country national or a stateless personDublinforordningen
Regulation EU No 604/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 June 2013 establishing the criteria and mechanisms for determining the Member State responsible for examining an application for international protection lodged in one of the Member States by a third-country national or a stateless personDublin III-forordningen
Revised General Act for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputesgeneralakt angående fredelig bilæggelse af mellemfolkelige tvistigheder
Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International TradeRotterdamkonventionen
Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International TradePIC-konventionen
Select Committee of Experts on International Cooperation as regards Search, Seizure and Confiscation of the Proceeds from CrimeDet Snævre Ekspertudvalg for det Internationale Samarbejde med hensyn til Efterforskning samt Beslaglæggelse og Konfiskation af Udbyttet fra Strafbart Forhold
Socialist International Middle East CommitteeSocialistisk Internationales Mellemøsten-Udvalg
South Africa Committee of the Socialist InternationalSocialistiske Internationales Sydafrikaudvalg
specific programme for research and technological development in the field of cooperation with third countries and international organizationssærprogram for forskning og teknologisk udvikling herunder demonstration inden for samarbejde med tredjelande og internationale organisationer
Specific programme for research and technological development, including demonstration, in the field of cooperation with third countries and international organisationsSærprogram for forskning og teknologisk udvikling samt demonstration inden for samarbejde med tredjelande og internationale organisationer
Specific programme of research and technological development, including demonstration, in the field of cooperation with third countries and international organizationsSærprogram for forskning og teknologisk udvikling samt demonstration inden for samarbejde med tredjelande og internationale organisationer
State Secretary for International Cooperation and Latin Americastatssekretær for internationalt samarbejde og for Latinamerika
Steering Committee of the International ConferenceDen Internationale Konferences Styringskomité
Stockholm International Peace Research InstituteStockholm International Peace Research Institute
Stockholm International Peace Research InstituteStockholms internationale fredsforskningsinstitut
Strasbourg Agreement concerning the International Patent ClassificationStrasbourgoverenskomst vedrørende international patentklassifikation
Temporary International Mechanismmidlertidig international mekanisme
Temporary International Presence in the City of Hebronmidlertidig international tilstedeværelse i Hebron
the education of youth and adults in international understandingopdragelse af unge og voksne i international forståelse
the Framework Group on the Reform of International TradeGruppen vedrørende Juridiske Spørgsmål i forbindelse med Reformen af den Internationale Handel
the international agreements and conventions on copyrightde internationale aftaler og konventioner om ophavsret
The International Criminal Police Organisation - INTERPOLDen Internationale Kriminalpolitiorganisation
the International StaffDen Internationale Stab
the progressive development, codification and implementation of international lawden fremadskridende udvikling, kodifikation og gennemførelse af folkeretten
the right to belong or not to belong to international organizationsret til at tilhøre eller ikke tilhøre internationale organisationer
the Union's capacity to conclude international agreementsEU-rets- og handleevne til at indgå internationale aftaler
Torremolinos Protocol of 1993 relating to the Torremolinos International Convention for the Safety of Fishing Vessels, 1977Torremolinosprotokollen
Union for International Action of the Confederation of Small and Medium-sized Industrial EnterprisesDen Internationale Union for Sammenslutningen af Små og Mellemstore Virksomheder
Union's ability to act on the international sceneUnionens evne til at optræde på den internationale scene
Union's ability to act on the international sceneUnionens evne til at agere på den internationale scene
United Nations Convention on the Use of Electronic Communications in International ContractsDe Forenede Nationers konvention om anvendelse af elektronisk kommunikation i internationale aftaler
Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties between States and International Organisations or between International OrganisationsWienerkonvention om traktatretten mellem stater og internationale organisationer eller mellem internationale organisationer indbyrdes
Vienna Convention on the Representation of States in their Relations with International Organisations of a Universal CharacterWienerkonventionen om staters repræsentation over for internationale organisationer af universel karakter
with due respect for their rights and international commitmentsmed behørig respekt for deres rettigheder og internationale forpligtelser
Working Party of Railway Experts on International Through Rail Tariffs ECSC no 1001Gruppe sammensat af jernbaneeksperter vedrørende den direkte internationale EKSF-tarif nr. 1001
Working Party of the International Political CommitteeArbejdsgruppen om Det Internationale Politiske Udvalg
Working Party on Company Law - International MergersArbejdsgruppe vedrørende Selskabsret - Internationale fusioner
Working Party on International Environment IssuesGruppen vedrørende Miljøet på Internationalt Plan
Working Party on International PolicyArbejdsgruppen om International Politik
Working Party on International Taxation QuestionsArbejdsgruppe vedrørende internationale Skattespørgsmål
Working Party on Preparation for International Development ConferencesGruppen vedrørende Forberedelse af Internationale Konferencer om Udvikling
Working Party on Public International Law International Criminal CourtFolkeretsgruppen Den Internationale Straffedomstol (ICC)
Working Party on Public International LawFolkeretsgruppen
Working Party on the Conference on International Economic Co-operation CIECGruppen vedrørende Konferencen om det internationale økonomiske Samarbejde CIEC
Working Party on the International Vine and Wine Officegruppen vedrørende Det internationale Vinkontor
Working Party on the Preparation of the Conference on the Law of the Sea / Sea-bed - International areagruppen til forberedelse af Havretskonferencen / havbunden - international zone