
Terms for subject Medical containing internal | all forms | exact matches only
abnormally high origin of the internal oblique musclehøjt internus-fæste
Agreement concerning the Manufacture of Internal Trade in and Use of Prepared OpiumAftale vedrørende fabrikation af, intern handel med og brug af præpareret opium
anterior limb of internal capsulecrus anterius capsulae internae
covering of internal and external body surfacesepitel
evisceration and dissection of the internal organssektion
evisceration and dissection of the internal organsåbning af kroppen
evisceration and dissection of the internal organsdissektion
external cardiac pacemaker with internal power sourceudvendig cardiac-pacemaker med indbygget strømforsyning
external exposure only, internal exposure onlyudelukkende intern bestråling
external exposure only, internal exposure onlyudelukkende ekstern bestråling
femoral neck projection with internal rotationhofteoptagelse med indadrotation
haemorrhagic internal pachymeningitispachymeningitis hæmorrhagica (pachymeningitis hemorrhagica interna)
hemiplegia of internal capsulecapsulær paralyse
hemiplegia of internal capsulehemiplegi
internal acoustic ductmeatus acusticus internus
internal acoustic ductindre øregang (meatus acusticus internus)
internal auditory canalindre øregang (meatus acusticus internus)
internal auditory canalmeatus acusticus internus
internal auditory meatusindre øregang (meatus acusticus internus)
internal auditory meatusmeatus acusticus internus
internal balanceintern ligevægt
internal base of the skullbasis cranii interna
internal bulbar axisindre øjenakse
internal bulbar axisaxis bulbi internus
internal burrmarvfræser
internal capsulecapsula interna
internal diameterdiameter interna
internal earindre øre (auris interna)
internal ear canalindre øregang (meatus acusticus internus)
internal ear canalmeatus acusticus internus
internal electrodefibrillationintern defibrillering
internal examination using fibre optic tubeendoskopi
internal fistulaintern fistel
internal haemorrhoidsplexus haemorrhoidalis internus
internal heatintern temperatur
internal hemorrhoidsplexus haemorrhoidalis internus
internal hydrocephalushydrocephalus internus
internal incarcerationindeklemt indre brok
internal incarcerationincarceratio interna
internal inhibitionhæmning
internal inhibitioninhibition
internal injury of the knee jointderangement interne
internal irradiationudstråling fra intern kilde
internal irradiationindre bestråling
internal jugular veinvena jugularis (vena jugularis)
internal knee-joint injuryindre knæledslæsion
internal mammary lymph glandslymphonodi sternales
internal medicinemedicinske sygdomme
internal occipital crestcrista occipitalis interna
internal ophthalmoplegiaophthalmoplegia interna (ophtalmoplegia interna)
internal promoterintern promotor
internal promoterdownstream promotor
internal Qi Gongintern QiGong
internal Qigongintern QiGong
internal radiationintern stråling
internal respirationindre respiration
internal retrovesical herniahernia retrovesicalis
internal secretion-relatedendokrin
internal shuntintern cerebral shunt
internal-source irradiationudstråling fra intern kilde
internal-source irradiationindre bestråling
internal temperaturekernetemperatur
internal urethral orificeostium urethrae internum
internal wiring fixationintern wire-fixering
loss of internal cellstab af interne celler
occlusive internal hydrocephalushydrocephalus internus occlusus
posterior limb of internal capsulecrus posterius capsulae internae
product for internal usepræparat til indvortes brug
prolapsed internal haemorrhoidshæmorroideprolaps
prolapsed internal hemorrhoidshæmorroideprolaps
to quantify internal exposurebestemme størrelsen af intern eksponering
retrolentiform part of the internal capsulepars retrolentiformis capsulae internae
semicircular canals-system of the internal earbuegangsapparatet
sublentiform part of the internal capsulepars sublenticularis capsulae internae (pars sublenticularis)
thrombosed internal haemorrhoidthrombose i intern hæmorrhoide
thrombosed internal hemorrhoidthrombose i intern hæmorrhoide