
Terms for subject Taxes containing internal | all forms | exact matches only
Committee for implementation of the Community programme to improve the operation of taxation systems in the internal market Fiscalis programmeUdvalget for Fiscalis-programmet
Committee for implementation of the Community programme to improve the operation of taxation systems in the internal market Fiscalis programmeUdvalget for Gennemførelse af Fællesskabsprogrammet til Forbedring af Beskatningssystemernes Virkemåde i det Indre Marked Fiscalis
Committee for implementation of the Community programme to improve the operation of taxation systems in the internal market Fiscalis programmeFiscalisudvalget
indirect taxation arrangements that dispense with checks at internal bordersindirekte beskatningsregler uden grænsekontrol
internal revenueskatteindtægter
Programme of Community action to ameliorate the indirect taxation systems of the internal marketEF-handlingsprogram til forbedring af afgiftssystemerne i det indre marked
Programme of Community action to ameliorate the indirect taxation systems of the internal marketFællesskabshandlingsprogram til styrkelse af afgiftssystemerne i det indre marked
Programme of Community action to ameliorate the indirect taxation systems of the internal marketFiscalis-programmet
Programme of Community action to ameliorate the indirect taxation systems of the internal marketfællesskabshandlingsprogram til forbedring af afgiftssystemerne i det indre marked
Programme of Community action to reinforce the functioning of the indirect taxation systems of the internal marketFællesskabshandlingsprogram til styrkelse af afgiftssystemerne i det indre marked
Programme of Community action to reinforce the functioning of the indirect taxation systems of the internal marketfællesskabshandlingsprogram til forbedring af afgiftssystemerne i det indre marked
Programme of Community action to reinforce the functioning of the indirect taxation systems of the internal marketFiscalis-programmet