
Terms for subject Politics containing internal | all forms | exact matches only
Commissioner for Internal Market and Serviceskommissær for det indre marked og tjenesteydelser
Committee for application of the legislation concerning common rules for the development of the internal market of Community postal services and the improvement of quality of serviceUdvalget for Fælles Regler for Udvikling af Fællesskabets Indre Marked for Posttjenester og Forbedring af disse Tjenesters Kvalitet
Committee on Fees, Implementation Rules and the Procedure of the Boards of Appeal of the Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market trade marks and designsUdvalget vedrørende Gebyrer, Gennemførelsesbestemmelser og Sagsbehandling for Appelkamrene ved Kontoret for Harmonisering i det Indre Marked varemærker, mønstre og modeller
Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer ProtectionUdvalget om det Indre Marked og Forbrugerbeskyttelse
DG Internal Market and ServicesGeneraldirektoratet for det Indre Marked og Tjenesteydelser
Directorate 1A - Internal Market, Environment, TransportDirektoratet for Det Indre Marked, Miljø og Transport
Directorate 1A - Internal Market, Environment, TransportDirektorat 1A - Det indre marked, miljø, transport
Directorate for the Internal Market, Environment and TransportDirektorat 1A - Det indre marked, miljø, transport
Directorate for the Internal Market, Environment and TransportDirektoratet for Det Indre Marked, Miljø og Transport
Directorate 1 - Internal Market, Competition, Customs Union and Transport PolicyDirektorat 3 - Konkurrenceevne
Directorate-General C - Competitiveness, Innovation and Research, Industry and Information Society, Internal Market, Competition and Customs, Transport, EnergyGeneraldirektorat C - Konkurrenceevne, innovation og forskning, industri og informationssamfundet, det indre marked, konkurrence og told, transport, energi
Directorate-General for Competitiveness, Innovation and Research, Industry and the Information Society, the Internal Market, Competition and Customs, Transport and EnergyGeneraldirektorat C - Konkurrenceevne, innovation og forskning, industri og informationssamfundet, det indre marked, konkurrence og told, transport, energi
Directorate-General for Internal Policies of the UnionGeneraldirektoratet for Interne Politikker
Directorate-General for the Internal Market and ServicesGeneraldirektoratet for det Indre Marked og Tjenesteydelser
internal appeal procedureintern klagemulighed
internal areaindre område
Internal Audit ServiceDen Interne Revisionstjeneste
Internal Audit UnitEnheden for Intern Revision
Internal Audit UnitAfdelingen for Intern Revision
Internal Communication UnitEnheden for Intern Kommunikation
Internal Control ServiceKontoret for Intern Kontrol
Press, Internal and External CommunicationPresse, Intern og Ekstern Kommunikation
Secretariat of the Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer ProtectionSekretariatet for Udvalget om det Indre Marked og Forbrugerbeskyttelse
Unit for Internal Organisation and Human Resource PlanningEnheden for Intern Organisation og Planlægning af Menneskelige Ressourcer