
Terms containing insurance | all forms | exact matches only
gen.Accident and Health Insuranceulykkes- og sygeforsikring
gen.accident insurance contributionulykkesforsikringsbidrag
econ.accident insurance transactionskadesforsikringstransaktion
insur., busin., labor.org.acquisition commissions or the cost of drawing up the insurance document or including the insurance contract in the portfolioprovisioner og omkostninger i forbindelse med policeudstedelse og optagelse af forsikringerne i forsikringsbestanden
gen.Act on Farmers' Employment Accident Insurancelov om ulykkesforsikring for landbrugere
law, social.sc.Act on lump-sum compensation paid under employment accident insurancelov om udbetaling af bestemte former for ulykkeserstatning i form af éngangsydelse
law, social.sc.Act on sickness and accident insurance for civil servantslov om sygdoms- og ulykkesforsikring for embedsmænd
law, social.sc.Act on social insurance of notarieslov om social sikring for notarer
law, social.sc.Act on social insurance of notarieslov om notarforsikring
law, social.sc.Act on unemployment insurancelov om arbejdsløshedsforsikring
econ.actuarial reserves against outstanding risks and reserves for with-profits insuranceaktuarmæssige reserver til dækning af løbende risici og reserver til dækning af bonusforpligtelser over for forsikringstagere
insur.additional insurancetillægsforsikring
gen.additional payments from policyholders for expenses borne by the insurance undertakingaccessoriske ydelser fra forsikringstagere til dækning af udgifter, som selskabet har afholdt
law, insur., ITadmission to voluntary or optional continued insuranceadgang til frivillig forsikring eller frivillig fortsat forsikring
insur.Advisory Committee on Export Credit InsuranceDet Rådgivende Udvalg for Eksportkreditforsikring
health., industr.Advisory Committee on the Implementation of Directive 89/105/EEC relating to the Transparency of Measures Regulating the Pricing of Medicinal Products for Human Use and their Inclusion in the Scope of National Health Insurance SystemsRådgivende Udvalg til Gennemførelse af Direktiv 89/105/EØF om Gennemsigtighed i Prisbestemmelserne for Lægemidler til Mennesker og disse Lægemidlers Inddragelse under de Nationale Sygesikringsordninger
gen.Advisory Services to the Russian Insurance Industryrådgivning af den russiske forsikringsbranche
social.sc., lab.law.aggregation of periods of insurance, employment or residencesammenlægning af forsikrings-, beskæftigelses- eller bopælsperioder
econ.agricultural insurancelandbrugsforsikring
social.sc., agric.Agricultural Insurance OrganisationOrganisationen af Landbrugsforsikringer
law, insur.approved private insurance companyautoriseret privat forsikringskasse
patents.arranging of insuranceorganisering af forsikringsvirksomhed
insur.to assemble someone's insurance recordopgørelse over et forsikringsforløb
patents.assessing and processing insurance claimstaksering og behandling af forsikringskrav
patents.assessing insurance claimstaksering af forsikringskrav
insur.assessment insuranceevalueringsforsikring
patents.assurance and insurance brokerage, pension, annuity, savings, investment, financial planning and financial management servicesassurance- og forsikringsmæglervirksomhed, pension, annuitet, opsparing, investering, finansiel planlægning og forvaltning af formuer
lawauthorization of insurance undertakingsadgang til udøvelse af forsikringsvirksomhed
patents.banking, financial and insurance servicesbankvirksomhed, finansiel og forsikringsmæssig virksomhed
fin.basic own-fund insurance itemkernekapitalelement
insur., transp., construct.to be subject to compulsory insurancevære omfattet af tvungen forsikring
gen.Belgian law relating to sickness and invalidity insurancebelgisk lovgivning om syge- og invaliditetsforsikring
fin.body for credit insurance or financekreditforsikrings- eller finansieringsinstitut
econ.breakdown by sector of different types of insurance technical reservesfordeling efter sektor af de forskellige former for forsikringstekniske reserver
insur.business insuranceerhvervsforsikring
account.captive insurance corporationsinterne forsikringsselskaber
fin., social.sc.care insuranceplejeforsikringsordninger
social.sc.care insurance benefit in kindafhængighedsydelser, der er naturalydelser
insur.care not covered by the basic insurancelægebehandling, som ikke er omfattet af basisforsikringen
insur., transp.cargo insuranceladningsforsikring
fin., transp.carriage, insurance paid tofragt og forsikring betalt til
insur.casualty insuranceulykkesforsikring
insur.certificate concerning the aggregation of periods of insurance, employment or residenceblanket E104
insur.certificate concerning the aggregation of periods of insurance, employment or residenceattest om sammenlægning af forsikrings-,beskæftigelses-eller bopælsperioder
sec.sys.certificate concerning the entitlement of unemployed persons and the members of their family to sickness and maternity insurance benefitsblanket E119
sec.sys.certificate concerning the entitlement of unemployed persons and the members of their family to sickness and maternity insurance benefitsattest om arbejdsløses og deres familiemedlemmers ret til ydelser fra syge-og moderskabsforsikringen
insur.certificate of entitlement to benefits in kind under insurance against accidents at work and occupational diseasesattest for ret til naturalydelser fra forsikringen mod arbejdsulykker og erhverssygdomme
insur.certificate of entitlement to benefits in kind under insurance against accidents at work and occupational diseasesblanket E123
social.sc.certificate of entitlement to sickness and maternity insurance benefitsattest om ret til naturalydelser ved sygdom og moderskab
insur.certificate of entitlement to sickness and maternity insurance benefits in kind for persons residing in a country other than the competent countryblanket E106
insur.certificate of entitlement to sickness and maternity insurance benefits in kind for persons residing in a country other than the competent countryattest om ret til naturalydelser ved sygdom og moderskab,for så vidt angår personer bosat i et andet land end det kompetente land
insur.certified statement specifying the periods of insuranceattest for forsikringsperioder
insur.certified statement specifying the periods of insuranceattestation af forsikringsperioder
econ.change in insurance technical reservespåvirkning af de forsikringstekniske reserver
econ.changes in the reserves for with-profits insuranceforøgelser i bonusreserver
fin.civil liability insurance in respect of the use of motor vehiclesautomobilansvarsforsikring
fin.civil liability insurance in respect of the use of motor vehiclesansvarsforsikring for motorkøretøjer
insur.claimright insurancefordringsforsikring
gen.classes of direct insuranceklasser af direkte forsikring
fin., busin., labor.org.commissions charged for brokerage services in connection with savings and insurance contracts and loansservicegebyrer i forbindelse med lånetransaktioner, opsparings- eller forsikringskontrakter
commer., polit.Committee on harmonisation of the main provisions concerning export credit insurance for transactions with medium- and long-term coverUdvalget for Harmonisering af de Væsentligste Bestemmelser vedrørende Eksportkreditforsikringsdækning af Mellem- og Langfristede Forretninger
polit.Committee on harmonisation of the provisions concerning export credit insurance for transactions with medium and long-term coverUdvalget for Harmonisering af de Væsentligste Bestemmelser vedrørende Eksportkreditforsikringsdækning af Mellem- og Langfristede Forretninger
gen.companies or corporations engaged in insuranceselskaber med aktie- eller anpartskapital hvis hovedfunktion består i at forsikre
econ.compulsory insurancelovpligtig forsikring
law, insur.compulsory or optional continued insurancetvungen forsikring eller en frivillig fortsat forsikring
insur.Conference of Insurance Supervisory Authorities of the European Economic CommunityKonferencen af Forsikringstilsynsmyndigheder i EF
fin.Conference of Insurance Supervisory Authorities of the Member Stateskonference om forsikringstilsynsmyndighederne i landene inden for Det Europæiske Økonomiske Fællesskab
lawConsolidated Law on private insuranceden sammenfattende lov om udøvelse af privat korsikringsvirksomhed
gen.Consultative Committee for implementation of Directive 89/105/EEC relating to the transparency of measures regulating the pricing of medicinal products for human use and their inclusion in the scope of national health insurance systemsDet Rådgivende Udvalg til Gennemførelse af Direktiv 89/105/EØF vedrørende Gennemsigtighed i Prisbestemmelserne for Lægemidler til Mennesker og disse Lægemidlers Inddragelse under de Nationale Sygesikringsordninger
insur.contingent liability motor insuranceansvarsforsikring som holder kommittent skadesløs
gen.continued optional insurancefrivillig fortsat forsikring
gen.contract of insuranceforsikringsaftale
insur.contract works insuranceentrepriseforsikring
agric.Convention concerning Compulsory Invalidity Insurance for Persons Employed in Agricultural Undertakingskonvention angående tvungen invalideforsikring for personer, der har lønnet beskæftigelse i landbrugsvirksomheder
agric.Convention concerning Compulsory Old-Age Insurance for Persons Employed in Agricultural Undertakingskonvention angående tvungen alderdomsforsikring for personer, der har lønnet arbejde i landbrugsvirksomheder
gen.Convention concerning Compulsory Old-Age Insurance for Persons Employed in Industrial or Commercial Undertakings, in the Liberal Professions, and for Outworkers and Domestic Servantskonvention angående tvungen alderdomsforsikring for personer, der har lønnet beskæftigelse i industri- og handelsvirksomheder og i liberale erhverv, samt for hjemmearbejdere og tyende
agric.Convention concerning Compulsory Widows' and Orphans' Insurance for Persons Employed in Agricultural Undertakingskonvention angående tvungen efterladteforsikring for personer, der har lønnet beskæftigelse i landbrugsvirksomheder
agric.Convention concerning Sickness Insurance for Agricultural Workerskonvention angående sygeforsikring for landarbejdere
gen.Convention concerning Sickness Insurance for Seamenkonvention angående søfolks sygeforsikring
gen.Convention concerning Sickness Insurance for Workers in Industry and Commerce and Domestic Servantskonvention angående sygeforsikring for arbejdere i industri og handel og for huslig medhjælp
gen.Convention concerning the Establishment of an International Scheme for the Maintenance of Rights under Invalidity, Old-age and Widows' and Orphans' Insurancekonvention angående indførelse af en international ordning om bevarelse af rettigheder inden for invaliditets-, alderdoms- og efterladteforsikringen
gen.Coordination Group on credit insurance, credit guarantees and financial creditsArbejdsgruppen til Koordinering af Politikken med hensyn til Kreditforsikring, Garantier og Finanskreditter
insur.cost escalation insuranceforsikring mod omkostningsstigninger
insur.cost escalation insurancedækning af risikoen for omkostningsstigninger
commer., transp.cost,insurance and freightvarens pris, forsikring, fragt
commer., transp.cost,insurance and freightcif
commer., transp.cost, insurance, freightCif-salg
account.cost, insurance, freight valuationomkostninger forsikring fragt værdiansættelse
commer., transp.cost,insurance,freightvarens pris, forsikring, fragt
commer., transp.cost,insurance,freightcif
econ., insur., ITcost insurance freight priceCIF pris
gen.cost of insurance against ordinary risksforsikringsudgifter til dækning af simple risici
gen.cost of insurance against ordinary risks breakage, theft, fireforsikringsudgifter til dækning af simple risici brækage, tyveri, brand
insur.coupon insurancekuponforsikring
insur.credit accident insurancekreditulykkesforsikring
econ.credit and insurance servicesfinansielle tjenester og forsikringstjenester
gen.credit and suretyship insurancekredit - og kautionsforsikring
insur.credit card insurancekreditkortforsikring
econ.credit insurancekreditforsikring
insur.credit insurance organisationeksportkreditforsikringsinstitut
econ., market.credit insurance policykreditforsikringspolice
market., fin.credit insurance premiumkreditforsikringspræmi
insur.credit insurance systemkreditforsikringsordning
gen.creditors arising out of direct insurance operationsgæld i forbindelse med direkte forsikring
insur., agric.crop insurancehøstforsikring
econ., market.crop insurance schemeafgrødeforsikringsordning
environ.damage insuranceskadesforsikring
environ.damage insurance A commercial product which provides a guarantee against damage to property in return for premiums paidskadesforsikring
insur.death insurancedødsfaldsforsikring
gen.debtors arising out of direct insurance operationstilgodehavender i forbindelse med direkte forretninger hos forsikringstagere
gen.debts arising out of direct insurance operationstilgodehavender i forbindelse med direkte forretninger hos forsikringsmæglere
fin., social.sc.dependency insuranceplejeforsikringsordninger
insur.difference insurancedifferenceforsikring
insur.Directive 2002/92/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 December 2002 on insurance mediationEuropa-Parlamentet og Rådets direktiv 2002/92/EF om forsikringsformidling
gen.Directive 2002/92/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 December 2002 on insurance mediationforsikringsmæglingsdirektivet
gen.Directive 2002/92/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 December 2002 on insurance mediationforsikringsformidlingsdirektivet
fin.Directive 2009/138/EC on the taking-up and pursuit of the business of Insurance and ReinsuranceEuropa-Parlamentets og Rådets direktiv 2009/138/EF om adgang til og udøvelse af forsikrings- og genforsikringsvirksomhed
gen.Directive 2009/138/EC on the taking-up and pursuit of the business of Insurance and ReinsuranceSolvens II
econ.disability insuranceinvalideforsikring
insur.disposal of the object of insuranceforsikringsgenstanden afhændes
econ.distribution of income account of resident insurancehjemmehørende forsikringsselskabers indkomstfordelingskonto
insur.to draw up someone's insurance historyopgørelse over et forsikringsforløb
insur.to draw up someone's insurance recordopgørelse over et forsikringsforløb
gov., sociol.during the insurance periodi forsikringens løbetid
lab.law.Employer's Liability Insurance Associationfagligt forsikringsselskab
law, fin., social.sc.Employment Accident Insurance Actlov om arbejdsulykkesforsikring
gen.European Convention on Compulsory Insurance against Civil Liability in respect of Motor Vehicleseuropæisk konvention om tvungen forsikring mod erstatningsansvar for motorkøretøjer
insur.European Export Credit Insurance Facilityeuropæisk eksportkreditforsikringsfacilitet
sociol., health.European Health Insurance CardEU-sygesikringskort
fin., transp., polit.European Pool for Export Credit InsuranceDen Europæiske Pulje for Eksportkreditforsikring
law, immigr.evidence of medical insurancedokumentation for sygeforsikring
econ.export credit insuranceeksportforsikring
commer., insur.export credit insuranceeksportkreditforsikring
fin., transp.export credit insurance agencyeksportkreditforsikringsinstitut
insur.Export Credit Insurance OrganisationExport Credit Insurance Organization
econ.exports of insurance serviceseksporterede forsikringstjenester
econ.exports of insurance serviceseksport af forsikringstjenester
gen.Farmers' Accident Insurance Actlov om ulykkesforsikring for landbrugere
law, social.sc., health.Federal Act on General Social Insuranceforbundslov om almindelig socialforsikring
law, health., agric.Federal Act on Social Insurance for Farmersforbundslov om socialsikring for landbruget
law, health., agric.Federal Act on Social Insurance for Farmersforbundslov om social forsikring for landmænd
law, fin., health.Federal Act on Social Insurance for Persons engaged in Trade and Commerceforbundslov om socialforsikring for personer beskæftiget i handelssektoren
law, fin., health.Federal Act on Social Insurance for Persons engaged in Trade and Commerceforbundslov om social forsikring for personer, der er beskæftiget inden for handel
social.sc.Federal Insurance Office for Clerical Staffforbundsforsikringsinstitutionen for funktionærer
social.sc., transp.Federal Railways Insurance Officeforsikringsinstitutionen for forbundsjernbanerne
fin., social.sc., health.Federation of Accident Insurance InstitutionsUlykkesforsikringsanstalternes Forbund
social.sc.federation of health insurance fundsforbundssammenslutningen af lokale sygekasser
insur.fine arts insuranceforsikring af kunst
insur., agric.fire-insurancebrandforsikring
lawfirst loss fire insuranceau premier risque forsikring
gen.flight equipment insuranceforsikring af flymateriel
account.foreign controlled insurance corporations and pension fundsudenlandsk kontrollerede forsikringsselskaber og pensionskasser
lawfranchisee insurancefranchisetagerens forsikringsart
lawfranchisee insurancefranchisetagerens forsikring
insur.freezer insurancedybfryserforsikring
transp.freight insurancefragtforsikring
gen.friendly societies as insurance enterprisesgensidige forsikringsselskaber
insur.frontier insurancegrænseforsikring
life.sc.frost insuranceforsikring mod frostskader
insur.full insuranceall-risk forsikring
insur.full value insurancefuldværdiforsikring
insur.general insuranceskadesforsikring
law, fin., social.sc.General Law on Insurance for Widows and Orphanslovgivning om forsikring for enker og forældreløse børn
law, fin., social.sc.General Law on Insurance for Widows and Orphansalmindelig forsikring for enker og efterladte børn
law, fin., social.sc.General Law on Old-Age Insurancealmindelig aldersforsikring
law, fin., social.sc.General Law on Old-Age Insurancealmindelig alderdomsforsikring
social.sc.general old-age insurance schemealderdomsforsikringsordning
law, fin., social.sc.general widows' and orphans' insurancelovgivning om forsikring for enker og forældreløse børn
law, fin., social.sc.general widows' and orphans' insurancealmindelig forsikring for enker og efterladte børn
insur., hobbygolfer's insuranceforsikring for golfklub
gen.Group for Credit Insurance, Credit Guarantees and Financial Creditsgruppen vedrørende kreditforsikring, garantier og finanskreditter
law, insur., transp.group insurancegruppeforsikring
econ.group insurance taken out by the head of an enterprise on behalf of his employeeskollektive kontrakter,som f.eks.er tegnet af en virksomheds ledelse på arbejdstagernes vegne
insur., agric.hail insurancehaglskadeforsikring
insur.hangarkeeper's liability insuranceansvarsforsikring for hangarudlejere
social.sc., health.health care insurancesygeforsikring
gen.health fund insuranceobligatorisk sygeforsikring
econ.health insurancesygeforsikring
gen.health insurancesygeforsikringsvirksomhed
gen.hospital insurancesygehusforsikring
insur.houseowner's insurancehusejerforsikring
insur., transp.hull insurancekaskoforsikring
lawimmovable and movable property covered by the same insurance policyfast ejendom og løsøre omfattet af samme forsikringsaftale
econ.imports of insurance servicesimport af forsikringstjenester
econ.imputed interest accruing to insurance policy holdersimputerede renter af forsikringstekniske reserver
obs., fin.income derived from insuranceindtægter fra forsikring
econ., market.income insurance programmeordning af garanterede minimumsindkomster
econ.indemnity insuranceskadesforsikring
law, insur.industrial third party insurancebedriftsforsikring
insur., lab.law.insurance against accident at workarbejdsulykkesforsikring
insur., lab.law.insurance against accident at workforsikring mod arbejdsulykker
insur.insurance against all risksall-risk forsikring
gen.Insurance against Fire and other Damage to Propertybrandforsikring og anden grundejerforsikring
lawinsurance against increased valueforsikring af increased value
insur., agric.insurance against loss by firebrandforsikring
gov., health., unions.insurance against occupational diseasessikring mod erhvervssygdomme
gov., health., unions.insurance against occupational diseaseserhvervssygdomssikring
gen.insurance against occupational diseasessikring imod risiko for erhvervssygdomme
patents.insurance and financeforsikring og finansiel virksomhed
patents.insurance and finance researchundersøgelser vedrørende forsikring og finansiering
patents.insurance and financial affairsforsikringsvirksomhed, finansiel virksomhed
patents.insurance and financial servicesforsikringsvirksomhed og finansiel virksomhed
econ., fin.insurance and guarantee schemeforsikrings-og garantiordning
account.insurance assessortaksator
account.insurance auxiliarieshjælpevirksomhed i forbindelse med forsikring
gen.insurance brokerageforsikringsmæglervirksomhed
account.insurance brokersforsikringsmæglere
gov., sociol.insurance certificateforsikringscertifikat
econ.insurance claimforsikringsbegivenhed
econ.insurance claimsforsikringstekniske reserver
patents.insurance-claims examinationundersøgelse af forsikringskrav
gen.Insurance CommitteeForsikringsudvalget
insur.Insurance Companies Act 1958/67love om forsikringsselskaber 1958/67
econ.insurance companyforsikringsselskab
gen.insurance consultancyforsikringsforhold rådgivning vedrørende -
patents.insurance consultancyforsikringsrådgivning
econ.insurance contractforsikringsaftale
law, tax.insurance contract lawforsikringsaftaleret
account.insurance corporations and pension fundsforsikringsselskaber og pensionskasser
econ.insurance enterprises constituted as private or public companiesforsikringsselskaber,der er organiseret som selskaber med aktie-eller anpartskapital
patents.insurance, financial affairs, monetary affairs, real-estateforsikringsvirksomhed, finansiel virksomhed, valutarisk virksomhed, ejendomsmæglervirksomhed
patents.insurance, financial and banking servicesforsikringsvirksomhed, finansiel virksomhed og bankvirksomhed
lawinsurance for account of whom it may concernforsikring til fordel for trediemand
lawinsurance for account of whom it may concernforsikring for fremmed regning
lawinsurance for account of whom it may concernforsikring af trediemands interesse
lawinsurance for account of whom it may concernforsikring af fremmed interesse
insur.insurance in respect of deathforsikring i tilfælde af dødsfald
insur.insurance in respect of deathdødsfaldsforsikring
sec.sys.insurance in respect of invalidityforsikring i tilfælde af invaliditet
econ.insurance indemnityforsikringserstatning
gen.insurance informationforsikringsforhold rådgivning vedrørende -
patents.insurance informationforsikringsoplysning
insur.insurance intermediaryassurancemægler
econ.insurance lawforsikringsret
econ., fin., tax.insurance mediationforsikringsformidling
insur.Insurance Mediation DirectiveEuropa-Parlamentet og Rådets direktiv 2002/92/EF om forsikringsformidling
gen.Insurance Mediation Directiveforsikringsmæglingsdirektivet
gen.Insurance Mediation Directiveforsikringsformidlingsdirektivet
law, insur.insurance obligationeksplosion
econ.insurance occupationassurandørerhverv
fin., transp.insurance of export-credit risksforsikring af kortfristede eksportkreditrisici
agric.insurance of fishing tacklefangstpolice
insur., transp., nautic.insurance of shipowner's disbursementsforsikring for shipowner's disbursements
insur.insurance on the basis of reconstructionforsikring på grundlag af nyopførelsesværdien
account.insurance other than life assuranceskadesforsikring
ed.insurance personnelpersonale i forsikringsbranchen
account.insurance policiesforsikring
gen.insurance policy covering civil liabilitylovpligtig ansvarsforsikring
econ.insurance premiumforsikringspræmie
insur.insurance product with investment elementsforsikringsinvesteringsprodukt
law, insur.insurance programforsikringsordning
law, fin.Insurance Regulationslov om socialforsikring
patents.insurance researchundersøgelser vedrørende forsikring
econ.insurance serviceforsikringstjeneste
econ.insurance service allocated among branches or sectorsfordeling af forsikringstjenester på brancher eller på sektorer
patents.insurance servicestjenesteydelser vedrørende forsikringstegning
account.insurance services and pension funding servicesforsikringsselskabers og pensionskassers tjenesteydelser
econ.insurance services on imported goodsforsikringstjenester på importerede varer
gen.insurance supervisory authoritiesforsikringstilsynsmyndigheder
econ.insurance technical reservesforsikringstekniske reserver
obs., fin.insurance through captives and affiliatesforsikring gennem kontrollerede og tilknyttede selskaber
gen.insurance underwritingforsikringsvirksomhed
patents.insurance underwritingtegning af forsikringer
gen.interest imputed on insurance technical reservesimputerede renter af forsikringstekniske reserver
gen.intermediate insurance holding companymellemliggende forsikringsholdingselskab
insur., social.sc.International Credit Insurance AssociationDen Internationale Forening af Kreditforsikringsselskaber
fin.International Credit Insurance AssociationDet Internationale Kreditforskningsforbund
lawinternational health insurance certificateinternational sygekassebevis
fin., transp.international third party motor insurance systemgrønt kort-ordningen
sec.sys.invalidity insuranceforsikring i tilfælde af invaliditet
social.sc.Invalidity Insuranceinvalideforsikring
social.sc.invalidity insuranceinvalideforsikring
insur.investment insuranceinvesteringsgaranti
social.sc., ITjoint centre for data-processing, insurance registration and collection of contributions of the social institutionsdatacentralen for registrering og opkrævning af bidrag for de sociale sikringsinstitutioner
insur.Joint Committee on the agreement between the EEC and Switzerland on direct insurance other than life assuranceDen Blandede Komité for Aftalen mellem EØF og Schweiz vedrørende Direkte Forsikring Bortset fra Livsforsikring
gov., insur., sec.sys.Joint Sickness Insurance Schemeden fælles sygeforsikringsordning
gov., insur., sec.sys.Joint Sickness Insurance SchemeFællesordningen for Syge- og Ulykkesforsikring
lawLaw of 13.7.1930 concerning contracts of insurancelov af 13.7.1930 om forsikringsaftaler
lawLaw of 16.5.1891 concerning the supervision of insurance matterslov af 16.5.1891 om kontrol med forsikringsforhold
law, social.sc., health.Law on General Insurance against Special Medical Expensesalmindelig lov om særlige sygdomsudgifter
law, fin., social.sc.law on general old-age insurancealmindelig aldersforsikring
law, fin., social.sc.law on general old-age insurancealmindelig alderdomsforsikring
lawlaw on insurance for workerslov om forsikring af arbejdstagere
law, social.sc.law on public health insuranceLov om offentlig sygesikring
law, fin.Law on Social Insurancelov om socialforsikring
law, fin., social.sc.Law relating to insurance against incapacity for worklov om forsikring mod uarbejdsdygtighed
law, insur.legal expenses insuranceretshjælpsforsikring
fin.liability insuranceansvarsforsikring
insur.licence insurancelicensforsikring
insur.licence insurancebevillingsforsikring
insur.life insuranceforsikring på livsfald
insur.life insurancelivsforsikring
fin., social.sc.life-insurancelivsforsikring
lawlist of classes of insurancefortegnelse over fosikringsarter
insur., agric.livestock insurancehusdyrforsikring
insur.loss-of-licence insuranceforsikring mod tab af flycertifikat
insur., transp.luggage insurancerejsegodsforsikring
insur., agric.machinery insurancemaskinforsikring
gov., sociol.major risks insuranceforsikring, der dækker hospitalsudgifter m.v.
gen.marine, aviation and transport insurancesø-, luftfart- og transportforsikring
fin.marine hull and machinery insurancekasko- og maskinforsikring
econ.marine insurancesøforsikring
social.sc., health.Mariners' Insurance Fundsømændenes forsikringskasse
social.sc., health.Mariners' Insurance Fundforsikringskasse for søfarende
social.sc.maternity insurance benefitnaturalydelse ved moderskab
insur.maximum value insuranceforsikring af maximumværdi
gov., sociol.medical expenses over and above the reimbursement by the Joint Sickness Insurance Schemedel af lægeudgifterne, som den fælles sygeforsikringsordning ikke godtgør
insur.member of two health insurancesdobbeltforsikret
gen.members and persons covered by members' insurancetilsluttede og medforsikrede personer
gen.Minister for Health and Sickness Insuranceminister for folkesundhed og sygesikring
fin., insur.mismatches in coverage of insurance policiesbegrænsninger med hensyn til forsikringspolicernes dækning
obs., fin., insur.mismatches in coverage of insurance policiesmisforhold med hensyn til forsikringspolicers dækning
gen.mixed activity insurance holding companyblandet forsikringsholdingselskab
fin., insur.monoline insurance companyobligationsforsikringsselskab
fin., insur.monoline insurance companymonolineselskab
insur., transp.motor insurancemotorkøretøjforsikring
econ.motor vehicle insurancemotorkøretøjsforsikring
gen.motor vehicle liability insuranceansvarsforsikring, motorkøretøjer
fin.motor vehicle liability insuranceansvarsforsikring for motorkøretøjer
gen.mutual insurancegensidigt selskab
insur.mutual insurance societyforsikringsforening
social.sc., agric.National Agricultural Insurance InstituteOrganisationen af Landbrugsforsikringer
social.sc.National Institute of Health and Disability InsuranceStatens Institut for sygdoms- og invaliditetsforsikring
social.sc.National Institute of Health and Disability InsuranceDirektoratet for Syge- og Invalideforsikring
social.sc.National Institute of Sickness and Invalidity InsuranceStatens Institut for sygdoms- og invaliditetsforsikring
social.sc.National Institute of Sickness and Invalidity InsuranceDirektoratet for Syge- og Invalideforsikring
law, insur.national insurancesygekasse
law, insur.national insurancesocialforsikring
econ., insur.national insurance benefitsvelfærdsbetalinger
econ., insur.national insurance benefitssociale ydelser
econ., insur.national insurance benefitssocialsikringsydelser
econ., insur.national insurance benefitssociale sikringsydelser
sec.sys., lab.law.national insurance contributionbidrag til sociale sikringsordninger
sec.sys., lab.law.national insurance contributionbidrag
social.sc.National Insurance Institute for Self-employed PersonsDirektoratet for social forsikring af selvstændige erhvervsdrivende
social.sc.National Insurance Institute for Self-employed PersonsDirektoratet for Socialforsikring af Selvstændige Erhvervsdrivende
social.sc.National Insurance Office for Social Insurance AbroadKontoret for Social Forsikring i Udlandet
social.sc.National Old-Age Insurance FundCentralkassen for Alderdomsforsikring
account.national private insurance corporations and pension fundsprivate nationalt kontrollerede forsikringsselskaber og pensionskasser
fin., social.sc.national provision prohibiting the aggregation of insurance periodsnational regel om forbud mod dobbeltydelser
social.sc.National Sickness and Invalidity Insurance InstituteStatens Institut for sygdoms- og invaliditetsforsikring
social.sc.National Sickness and Invalidity Insurance InstituteDirektoratet for Syge- og Invalideforsikring
social.sc., health.National Social Insurance BoardDen Nationale Styrelse for Social Forsikring
social.sc.National Social Insurance Institute for the Self-employedDirektoratet for Socialforsikring af Selvstændige Erhvervsdrivende
social.sc.National Social Insurance Institute for the Self-employedDirektoratet for social forsikring af selvstændige erhvervsdrivende
account.net equity of households in life insurance reserveshusholdningernes nettoformue i livsforsikringsreserver
account.net equity of households in life insurance reserves and in pension funds reserveshusholdningernes nettoformue i livsforsikrings- og pensionskassereserver
account.net non-life insurance premiumsskadesforsikringpræmier netto
insur.non-concurrent insurancesikke-sideløbende forsikringer
insur.non-life insuranceikke-livsforsikringsprodukt
account.non-life insurance claimsskadesforsikringerstatninger
insur.non-life insurance productikke-livsforsikringsprodukt
account.non-life insurance servicesskadesforsikring
econ.non-profit making insurance institutionsikke-erhvervsmæssige forsikringsselskaber
law, social.sc.Notary Insurance Actlov om social sikring for notarer
law, social.sc.Notary Insurance Actlov om notarforsikring
insur.notification of suspension or withdrawal of the right to sickness and maternity insurance benefits in kindmeddelelse om suspension eller bortfald af ret til naturalydelser ved sygdom og moderskab
insur.notification of suspension or withdrawal of the right to sickness and maternity insurance benefits in kindblanket E108
fin., social.sc.nursing care insuranceplejeforsikringsordninger
fin., social.sc.nursing insuranceplejeforsikringsordninger
insur., social.sc., sociol.obligatory insurancelovpligtig forsikring
gov., sec.sys.to obtain cover under a statutory sickness insurance scheme or administrative provisionsvære omfattet af en offentlig sygesikringsordning
gov., sec.sys.to obtain cover under a statutory sickness insurance scheme or administrative provisionsvære dækket af en offentlig sygeforsikringsordning
econ.occupational accident insurancearbejdsulykkesforsikring
econ., market.official export credit insurance systemoffentligt eksportkreditforsikringssystem
econ., market.official export credit insurance systemoffentlig eksportgarantiordning
social.sc., health.Old-Age and Invalidity Insurance Institutionalders- og invalideforsikringsanstalt
lawold-age insurancealderdomsforsikring
gen.optional continued insurancefrivillig fortsat forsikring
gen.optional group insurance schemefrivillig gruppeforsikring
account.other financial intermediaries, except insurance corporations and pension fundsandre finansielle formidlere undtagen forsikringsselskaber og pensionskasser
account.other foreign controlled financial intermediaries, except insurance corporations and pension fundsandre udenlandsk kontrollerede finansielle formidlere undtagen forsikringsselskaber og pensionskasser
account.other national private financial intermediaries, except insurance corporations and pension fundsandre private nationalt kontrollerede finansielle formidlere undtagen forsikringsselskaber og pensionskasser
account.other public financial intermediaries, except insurance corporations and pension fundsandre offentlige finansielle formidlere undtagen forsikringsselskaber og pensionskasser
econ.output of insurance servicesproduktion af forsikringstjenester
social.sc.overseas social insuranceoversøisk social sikringsordning
social.sc.Overseas Social Insurance OfficeDirektoratet for Den Oversøiske Sociale Sikringsordning
econ.payment for the service of insurancebetaling for forsikringsydelsen
social.sc., lab.law.Pension Insurance Institution for EmployeesArbejdstagernes Pensionsforsikringsanstalt
social.sc.pension insurance scheme for manual workers or clerical staffrenteforsikring for arbejdere og funktionærer
insur.percentage of fire loss insurancedriftstabsforsikring proportional med brandskadeerstatning
social.sc.period of insuranceforsikringsperiode
gov., sociol.person covered by a member's insurancemedforsikret person
econ.personal accident insuranceulykkesforsikring
econ.personal insurancepersonskadeforsikring
environ.pollution insurance A commercial agreement which provides protection against the risks, or a particular risk, associated with pollution, toxic waste disposal or related concernsforureningsforsikring
environ.pollution insuranceforureningsforsikring
fin.portfolio insuranceporteføljesikring
account.prepayments of insurance premiums and reserves for outstanding claimspræmie- og erstatningsreserver
econ.price of the insurance servicesprisen på forsikringstjenesterne
econ.private insuranceprivatforsikring
gov.private supplementary sickness insurance schemeprivat tillægssygeforsikring
mun.plan., tech.product quality insurancekvalitetssikring af produkterne
account.property income distributed to insurance policy holdersformueindkomst henført til forsikringstagere
econ.property insurancetingsskadeforsikring
econ.public insuranceoffentlig forsikring
account.public insurance corporations and pension fundsoffentlige forsikringsselskaber og pensionskasser
econ.quasi-corporate insurance enterprisesforsikringsselskaber,der har form som selskabslignende foretagender
lawre-insurance businessgenforsikringstransaktioner
fin.recognise the insurancemedregning af forsikring
obs., fin.recognise the insuranceanerkendelse af forsikring
lawregional fund for sickness insuranceden regionale sygekasse
gen.reinsurance premiums due from ceding and retroceding insurance undertakingsgenforsikringspræmier fra afgivende forsikringsselskaber og genforsikringsselskaber
econ.reserves for with-profits insurancereserver til dækning af bonusforpligtelser over for forsikringstagere
insur.revision of health care insuranceomlægning af sygesikring
ed.Rules on Sickness Insurance for Officials of the European Communitiesordning vedrørende sygeforsikring for tjenestemænd i De Europæiske Fællesskaber
ed.Rules on Sickness Insurance for Officials of the European Communitiesordning vedrørende sygesikring for tjenestemænd i De Europæiske Fællesskaber
gen.Rules on Sickness Insurance for Officials of the European Communitiesordning vedrørende sygesikring for tjeneste- mænd i De europæiske Fælleskaber
gen.school insuranceskoleforsikring
insur.second loss insuranceforsikring imod efterfølgende tab
econ.sector insurance enterprisessektor forsikringsselskaber
insur.short term insurancekortfristet forsikring
sec.sys.sickness insurancesygeforsikring
gen.sickness insurancesygeforsikringsvirksomhed
law, health.Sickness Insurance Actlov om sygeforsikring
social.sc.sickness insurance benefitnaturalydelse ved sygdom
gov., sociol.sickness insurance carnetsygeforsikringsbevis
med.sickness insurance carnetsygesikringsbevis
gov., sociol.sickness insurance entitlementsygeforsikringsrettighed
gov., insur., health.Sickness Insurance Management CommitteeForvaltningskomitéen for Sygeforsikringsordningen
gen.Sickness Insurance Management CommitteeForvaltningsudvalget for den fælles Sygeforsikringsordning
ed.Sickness Insurance scheme of the CommunitiesFællesskabernes sygeforsikringsordning
gen.sickness insurance scheme of the CommunitiesFællesskabernes sygeforsikringsordning
gov., social.sc.sickness insurance scheme provided for by law or regulationved lov eller forordning fastsat sygeforsikring
construct.single worksite insurance policyuniversalpolice for byggepladsen
sec.sys.social insurancesocialsikring
account.social insurancesocial forsikring
fin., social.sc.social insurancesocialforsikring
econ., insur.social insurance benefitssocialsikringsydelser
account.social insurance benefitssocialforsikringsydelser
econ., insur.social insurance benefitssociale sikringsydelser
econ., insur.social insurance benefitssociale ydelser
econ., insur.social insurance benefitsvelfærdsbetalinger
law, social.sc.Social Insurance Codesociallovbog
law, social.sc.Social Insurance Codesociallov
social.sc.Social Insurance FoundationSocialforsikringsinstituttet
social.sc.Social Insurance Office of Stockholm, Foreign DivisionStockholm Lens Almindelige Forsikringskasse, Udlandsafdelingen
account.social insurance schemessocialforsikringsordninger
insur.Special export credits insurance departmentDen Særlige Afdeling for Eksportkreditforsikring
gov.special reimbursement : sickness insurancesærlig udbetaling fra sygekassen, cf. 747
med.specialist of insurance associationlægelig ekspert i arbejdsskader
insur.sprinkler insurancesprinklerforsikring
insur., social.sc., sociol.statutory insurancelovpligtig forsikring
insur.summary of the periods of insuranceoversigt over forsikringsperioder
econ.super-sector called credit institutions and insurance enterprises SSoversektor kaldet finansielle institutioner og forsikringsselskaberSS
insur., social.sc.survivor insurance benefitoverlevelsesrente
insur., social.sc.survivor insurance benefitenkepensionsforsikring
social.sc.survivors' insuranceefterladteforsikring
gen.technical account - life-insurance businessteknisk regnskab for livsforsikringsvirksomhed
gen.technical account - non-life-insurance businessteknisk regnskab for skadesforsikringsvirksomhed
patents.telephone banking and insurance servicestelefonbank- og telefonforsikringsvirksomhed
patents.telephone insurance servicestelefonforsikringsvirksomhed
insur.television insurancefjernsynsforsikring
insur.termination of insurance benefitsophør af betalingsforpligtelse
lawthe insurance of large risksstorforsikringer
econ.third-party insuranceansvarsforsikring
fin.third-party insuranceansvarsforsikring for motorkøretøjer
social.sc.three-pillar pension insurance modelpensionsmodel med tre søjler
fin., insur.Tier 2 own-fund insurance itemsupplerende kapitalpost i forsikringsselskaber
fin., insur.Tier 3 own-fund insurance itemresterende supplerende kapitalpost i forsikringsselskaber
fin., insur.Tier 1 own-fund insurance itemkernekapitalpost i forsikringsselskaber
insur.title insuranceejendomsretsforsikring
insur.top-up insurancesupplerende forsikring
commer., insur.trade insurancehandelsforsikring
insur.transfer in performance of an insurance contractoverførsel til gennemførelse af en forsikringskontrakt
econ.transport insurancetransportforsikring
insur.travel insurancerejseulykkesforsikring
patents.travel insurance servicesrejseforsikringsvirksomhed
med., lab.law.treatment by specialist of insurance associationarbejdsskadebehandling ved forsikringslæge
econ.unemployment insurancearbejdsløshedsforsikring
law, social.sc.Unemployment Insurance Actlov om arbejdsløshedsforsikring
law, lab.law.Unemployment Insurance Appeal BoardAnkenævnet for Arbejdsløshedsforsikring
social.sc., lab.law.unemployment insurance benefitsydelser ved arbejdsløshed
social.sc., lab.law.unemployment insurance benefitsydelser fra arbejdsløshedsforsikringen
social.sc., lab.law.unemployment insurance benefitsarbejdsløshedsydelse
social.sc.unemployment insurance fundarbejdsløshedskasse
law, insur.unit-linked life insurancelivsforsikring tilknyttet investeringsfonde
econ.value of the insurance services providedbetaling for forsikringstjenesten
gen.voluntary medical insuranceindividuel supplerende forsikring
law, econ., insur.voluntary or optional continued insurancefrivillig forsikring eller frivillig fortsat forsikring
insur.weather insuranceuvejrsforsikring
insur.whole turnover trade credit insurance policygeneralpolice
gen.Working Party on Co-insuranceArbejdsgruppe vedrørende Coassurance
gen.Working Party on Credit InsuranceArbejdsgruppe vedrørende Kreditforsikring
gen.Working Party on Indemnity Insurance - Law on SupervisionArbejdsgruppe vedrørende Skadesforsikring - tilsynsbeføjelser
gen.Working Party on Indemnity Insurance - Technical ReservesArbejdsgruppe vedrørende Skadesforsikring - tekniske reserver
gen.Working Party on InsuranceForsikringsgruppen
gen.Working Party on Insurance and Winding UpArbejdsgruppe vedrørende Forsikring - likvidation
gen.Working Party on Insurance ContractsArbejdsgruppe vedrørende Forsikringsaftaler
insur.Working Party on Insurance : Insurance against Civil Liability in respect of the Use of Motor VehiclesArbejdsgruppe vedrørende Forsikring - ansvarsforsikring for motorkøretøjer
gen.Working Party on Insurance - Nuclear RisksArbejdsgruppe vedrørende Forsikring - atomrisiko
gen.Working Party on Insurance TaxesArbejdsgruppe vedrørende Forsikringsskat
insur.Working Party on the Abolition of Checks on Green Insurance CardsArbejdsgruppe vedrørende afskaffelse af kontrollen med det grønne Forsikringskort
insur.works sickness insurance fundsygekasse for afgrænset erhverv
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