
Terms for subject Environment containing instruments | all forms
a protocol, another legal instrument or an agreed outcome with legal force under the Conventionen protokol, andre retlige instrumenter eller forhandlingsresultater med retsvirkning i henhold til konventionen
AMAS instrumentinstrumentet AMAS
dust collecting instrumentapparatur til opsamling af stoev
economic instrument Any tool or method used by an organization to achieve general developmental goals in the production of, or in the regulation of, material resourcesøkonomisk instrument
economic instrumentøkonomisk instrument
economic management instrument A tool or method used by any organization in the management of developmental processes used in the production of, or in the regulation of, material resourcesredskab til økonomisk styring
economic management instrumentredskab til økonomisk styring
environmental policy instrument Technological, economical and legislative measures employed to prevent or control pollution or damage of the environmentmiljøpolitisk instrument
environmental policy instrumentmiljøpolitisk instrument
financial instrument A generic term that refers to the many different forms of financing a business may use. For example - loans, shares, and bonds are all considered financing instrumentsfinansielt instrument
green fiscal instrumentgrønne fiskale instrumenter
Limb Radiance instrumentlimbskanderende infrarødt radiometer
market-based instrumentsmarkedsbaserede instrumenter
measuring instrument No definition neededmåleinstrument
policy instrument The method or mechanism used by government, political parties, business or individuals to achieve a desired effect, through legal or economic meanspolitisk instrument
policy instrumentpolitikinstrument
policy instrumentpolitisk instrument
TOMS instrumentTOMS-instrument
vegetation monitoring space-borne instrumentrumbårn instrument til vegetationsoverwågning