
Terms for subject Microsoft containing instrument | all forms | exact matches only
Musical Instrument Digital Interface A specification of the MIDI Manufacturers Association (MMA). The specification defines a protocol for describing music data, such as note on and note off messages; a file format for storing music data, called Standard MIDI; and a standard hardware interfaceMusical Instrument Digital Interface, MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface)
negotiable instrumentomsætningspapir (A formal written document that unconditionally promises to pay money and that can be transferred from one person to another)
non-negotiable instrumentikke-omsætteligt papir (A document of title or written order that cannot be bought, sold, exchanged, or transferred)
payment instrumentbetalingsmiddel (The actual physical or virtual object that facilitates a purchase or transaction, such as a physical credit card, financial services account, or payment escrow service account)
payment instrument challengekontrol af betalingsmiddel (A fraud prevention mechanism that attempts to verify that an individual using a payment instrument is authorized to use or is the owner of that instrument)