
Terms for subject Hobbies and pastimes containing in | all forms | exact matches only
activities in the nursery schoolbørnehaveaktiviteter
Baroque Route in Europebarokrute i Europa
Blue Flag operation in Europekampagnen blå flag i Europa
code of conduct against doping in sportadfærdskodeks med hensyn til doping inden for sporten
Commission Green Paper entitled: The role of the Union in the field of tourismDen Europæiske Unions betydning for turismen - Grønbog fra Kommissionen
Committee for Organizing the Olympics in Barcelonakomitéen for tilrettelæggelse af De Olympiske Lege i Barcelona
conference on tourism in Eastern and Western countrieskonference om turisme i Øst-og Vesteuropa
doll for use in Punch-and-Judy showhånddukke
doll for use in Punch-and-Judy showmester jakeldukke
doll for use in Punch-and-Judy showdukke til mester jakelteater
doll for use in puppet showdukke til mester jakelteater
doll for use in puppet showhånddukke
doll for use in puppet showmester jakeldukke
First Monday in AugustSommerfri
First Monday in AugustFørste mandag i august
First Monday in JuneFørste mandag i juni
flaw in printingfrimærkefejltryk
flaw in printingfejltryk
Green Paper - The Role of the Union in the Field of TourismDen Europæiske Unions betydning for turismen - Grønbog fra Kommissionen
in extensoin extenso
in extensoi sin helhed
jack-in-the-boxtrold i æske
journalist specialized in tourismrejsejournalist
journalist specialized in tourismjournalist,der skriver om turisme
Last monday in OctoberBank holiday
Olympic games in summerde olympiske sommerlege
over-concentration in the high seasonalt for stor koncentration i højsæsonen
recreation in the open airfriluftsrekreation
training in the tourism industryuddannelse inden for turisterhvervet