
Terms containing hydrocarbons | all forms | exact matches only
chem.acyclic hydrocarbonacycliske carbonhybrider
chem.acyclic hydrocarbonacyclisk carbonhybrid
energ.ind., oilAdvisory Committee on a Programme of Support for Technological Development in the Hydrocarbons SectorDet Rådgivende Udvalg for Projekter vedrørende den Teknologiske Udvikling i Kulbrintesektoren
environ.Advisory Committee on the Control and Reduction of Pollution caused by Discharge at sea of Hydrocarbons and other Dangerous SubstancesDet Rådgivende Udvalg for Kontrol med og Begrænsning af Forurening Forårsaget af Udledninger af Kulbrinter og Andre Skadelige Stoffer i Havet
environ.Advisory Committee on the Control and Reduction of Pollution caused by Discharge at sea of Hydrocarbons and other Dangerous SubstancesDet Rådgivende Udvalg for Kontrol med og Formindskelse af Havforurening Forårsaget af Udtømning i Havet af Kulbrinter og Andre Farlige Stoffer
environ.Advisory Committee on the Control and Reduction of Pollution caused by Discharge at sea of Hydrocarbons and other Dangerous SubstancesDet Rådgivende Udvalg for Bekæmpelse og Nedbringelse af Forurening Forårsaget af Udledning i Havet af Olie og Andre Farlige Stoffer
environ.Advisory Committee on the Control and Reduction of Pollution caused by the Discharge of Hydrocarbons and other Dangerous Substances at SeaDet Rådgivende Udvalg for Kontrol med og Begrænsning af Forurening Forårsaget af Udledninger af Kulbrinter og Andre Skadelige Stoffer i Havet
environ.Advisory Committee on the Control and Reduction of Pollution caused by the Discharge of Hydrocarbons and other Dangerous Substances at SeaDet Rådgivende Udvalg for Kontrol med og Formindskelse af Havforurening Forårsaget af Udtømning i Havet af Kulbrinter og Andre Farlige Stoffer
environ.Advisory Committee on the Control and Reduction of Pollution caused by the Discharge of Hydrocarbons and other Dangerous Substances at SeaDet Rådgivende Udvalg for Bekæmpelse og Nedbringelse af Forurening Forårsaget af Udledning i Havet af Olie og Andre Farlige Stoffer
nat.sc., energ.ind.Advisory Committee on the Management of Demonstration Projects for Replacement of Hydrocarbons by Solid FuelsDet Rådgivende Udvalg for Forvaltning af Demonstrationsprojekter - Erstatning af Kulbrinter med Fast Brændsel
energ.ind., oilAdvisory Committee on the Management of Demonstration Projects on Substitution of HydrocarbonsDet Rådgivende Udvalg for Forvaltning af Demonstrationsprojekter vedrørende Erstatning af Kulbrinter
tech., construct.aggregates grouted with hydrocarbon binderstenmateriale udfyldt med bitumenbindemiddel
environ.alicyclic hydrocarbon A class of organic compounds containing only carbon and hydrogen atoms joined to form one or more rings and having the properties of both aliphatic and cyclic substancesalicykliske hydrocarboner
environ.alicyclic hydrocarbonalicykliske hydrocarboner
chem.alicyclic hydrocarbonalicyklisk kulbrinte
environ.aliphatic hydrocarbon Hydrocarbons having an open chain of carbon atoms, whether normal or forked, saturated or unsaturatedalifatiske hydrocarboner
environ.aliphatic hydrocarbonalifatiske hydrocarboner
chem.aliphatic hydrocarbonalifatisk kulbrinte
environ.aromatic hydrocarbon Hydrocarbons having an unsaturated ring containing alternating double and single bonds, especially containing a benzene ringaromatiske hydrocarboner
environ.aromatic hydrocarbonaromatiske hydrocarboner
chem.aromatic hydrocarbonaromatisk kulbrinte
chem.aromatic hydrocarbonaromatisk carbonhydrid
chem.aromatic hydrocarbonsaromatisk kulbrinte
chem.aromatic hydrocarbonsaromatisk carbohydrid
chem.biogenic unsaturated hydrocarbonbiogen usættet carbonhydrid
chem.carcinogenic hydrocarbonscarbonhydrid
chem.carcinogenic hydrocarbonskræftfremkaldende kulbrinte
chem.carcinogenic hydrocarbonscarcinogen kulbrinte
chem.carcinogenic hydrocarbonscancerogen kulbrinte
environ.chlorinated hydrocarbon A class of persistent, broad-spectrum insecticides that linger in the environment and accumulate in the food chain. Among them are DDT, aldrin, dieldrin, heptachlor, chlordane, lindane, endrin, mirex, hexachloride, and toxaphene. In insects and other animals these compounds act primarily on the central nervous system. They also become concentrated in the fats of organisms and thus tend to produce fatty infiltration of the heart and fatty degeneration of the liver in vertebrates. In fishes they have the effect of preventing oxygen uptake, causing suffocation. They are also known to slow the rate of photosynthesis in plants. Their danger to the ecosystem resides in their rate stability and the fact that they are broad-spectrum poisons which are very mobile because of their propensity to stick to dust particles and evaporate with water into the atmosphereklorerede hydrocarboner
chem.chlorinated hydrocarbonchloreret kulbrinte
environ.chlorinated hydrocarbonklorerede hydrocarboner
chem.chlorinated hydrocarbonchloreret carbonhydrid
chem., el.chlorinated hydrocarbon solventkloreret organisk opløsningsmiddel
environ.chlorinated hydrocarbonsklorerede hydrocarboner
chem.chlorinated hydrocarbonschlorerede carbonhydrider
construct.closed hydrocarbon concretelukket bitumenbeton
environ., energ.ind.Community demonstration programme in the field of energy savings, alternative energy sources, substitutes for hydrocarbons and the liquefaction/gasification of solid fuelsFællesskabets demonstrationsprogram inden for energibesparelser, alternative energikilder, erstatning af kulbrinter og likvefaktion/forgasning af fast brændsel
IT, environ.Community information system for the control and reduction of pollution caused by hydrocarbons discharged at seaFællesskabsinformationssystem vedrørende kontrol med og formindskelse af forurening af havet med kulbrinter
IT, environ.Community information system for the control and reduction of pollution caused by hydrocarbons discharged at seaFællesskabsinformationssystem vedrørende kontrol med og formindskelse af forurening af havet med carbonhydrider
nat.sc., energ.ind.Consultative Committee for the Management of the Programme of Support for Technological Development in the Hydrocarbons SectorDen Rådgivende Udvalg for Forvaltning af Programmet til Støtte for Den Teknologiske Udvikling i Kulbrintesektoren
environ.contaminant hydrocarbonkontaminerende kulbrinte
environ., chem.contaminated hydrocarbonforurenede carbonhydrider
coal.crude gaseous hydrocarbonsrå carbonhydrider
transp.crude hydrocarbonsrå kulbrinter
chem.cyclanic hydrocarbonalicyclisk carbonhydrid
environ., chem.cyclic hydrocarboncyklisk carbonhydrid
energ.ind., industr., chem.cyclic hydrocarbonringformet kulbrinte
construct.dense hydrocarbon concretetæt bitumenbeton
environ., coal.dispersion of hydrocarbonsspredning af carbonhydriderne
energ.ind.Enhanced Hydrocarbon Recoveryforbedret kulbrinteindvinding
energ.ind.enhanced recovery of hydrocarbonsforbedret kulbrinteindvinding
chem.ethylenic hydrocarbonalken
environ., chem.fluorinated hydrocarbonhydrofluorcarbon
environ., chem.fluorinated hydrocarbonfluoreret kulbrinte
energ.ind.gaseous hydrocarbongasformig carbonhydrid
earth.sc., el.gaseous hydrocarbonsgasformige kulbrinter
earth.sc., el.gaseous hydrocarbonsgasformige carbonhydrider
chem.halogenated alicyclic hydrocarbonhalogeneret alicyklisk kulbrinte
chem.halogenated aliphatic hydrocarbonhalogeneret alifatisk kulbrinte
chem.halogenated aromatic hydrocarbonhalogeneret aromatisk kulbrinte
environ.halogenated hydrocarbon One of a group of halogen derivatives of organic hydrogen and carbon containing compounds; the group includes monohalogen compounds (alkyl or aryl halides) and polyhalogen compounds that contain the same or different halogen atomshalogensubstitueret carbonhydrid
environ.halogenated hydrocarbonhalogensubstitueret carbonhydrid
environ.halogenated hydrocarbonhalogenholdig kulbrinte
environ., chem.halogenated hydrocarbonhalogeneret kulbrinte
environ., industr., chem.halogenated hydrocarbonhalogensubstitueret kulbrinte
environ., industr., chem.halogenated hydrocarbonhalon
environ., industr., chem.halogenic hydrocarbonhalogenholdig kulbrinte
environ., industr., chem.halogenic hydrocarbonhalogensubstitueret carbonhydrid
environ., industr., chem.halogenic hydrocarbonhalogensubstitueret kulbrinte
environ., industr., chem.halogenic hydrocarbonhalon
chem.heterocyclic hydrocarbonsheterocyklisk kulbrinte
chem.heterocyclic hydrocarbonsheterocyklisk carbonhydrid
chem., el.higher hydrocarbonshøjere kulbrinter
chem., el.higher hydrocarbonshøjere carbonhydrider
transp., energ.ind.hydrocarbon / acid electrolyte cellbrændstofcelle med kulbrinte og syre-electrolyt
transp.hydrocarbon/acid electrolyte cellbrændstofcelle med kulbrinte og syreelektrolyt
environ., chem.hydrocarbon analysischromatografisk kulbrinteanalyse
environ., chem.hydrocarbon analysiskromatografisk kulbrinteanalyse
environ., chem.hydrocarbon analysiskromatografisk hydrocarbonanalyse
environ., chem.hydrocarbon analysischromatografisk hydrocarbonanalyse
construct.hydrocarbon binderbituminøst bindemiddel
construct.hydrocarbon composite materialbituminøst kompositmateriale
chem.hydrocarbon-crackingkrakning af carbonhydrider
energ.ind.hydrocarbon fuelkulbrinte brændsel
chem.hydrocarbon gasluftformig carbonhydrid
environ.hydrocarbon index by typekulbrintetypeindeks
environ., agric.hydrocarbon plantskulbrinteproducerende planter
industr., construct., chem.hydrocarbon resinhydrocarbonharpiks
chem.hydrocarbon resinshydrokarbonharpikser
tech.hydrocarbon retention testprøve for kulbrinteretention
mater.sc., construct.hydrocarbon sealing compoundbituminøst fugemateriale
construct.hydrocarbon slurrybituminøst slam
environ.hydrocarbon storage tankcarbonhydridlagertank
environ.hydrocarbon storage tank A container or a reservoir for the storage of hydrocarbonscarbonhydridlagertank
construct.hydrocarbon surface dressingbituminøs overfladebehandling
chem.light hydrocarbonslet kulbrinte
chem.light hydrocarbonslet carbonhydrid
energ.ind., industr., chem.linear hydrocarbonlinear kulbrinte
chem.liquid hydrocarbonflygtig kulbrinte
earth.sc., el.liquid hydrocarbonsflydende carbonhydrider
earth.sc., el.liquid hydrocarbonsflydende kulbrinter
chem.liquid hydrocarbonsflygtig kulbrinte
chem.liquid hydrocarbonsflygtig carbonhydrid
pharma.mineral hydrocarbons, low to high viscosity including microcristalline waxes, approximately c10-c60mineralske hydrocarboner, lav til høj viskositet inklusive mikrokrystallinske vokser, ca. cl o-c60 : alifatiske, forgrenede alifatiske og alicykliske forbindelser.
chem.naphthenic hydrocarboncycloparaffin
transp.natural hydrocarbonsnaturlige kulbrinter
energ.ind., industr., chem.nitrogenous hydrocarbonkvælstofholdig kulbrinte
environ., chem.nitrogenous hydrocarbonskvælstofholdige kulbrinter
chem.non-aromatic hydrocarbonikke-aromatisk carbonhydrid
chem.non-methane hydrocarbonandre carbonhydrider end methan
construct.open hydrocarbon concreteåben bitumenbeton
stat.other hydrocarbonsandre carbonhydrider
energ.ind., industr., chem.oxygen-containing hydrocarboniltholdig kulbrinte
chem.paraffinic hydrocarbonparaffinsk carbonhydrid
energ.ind., chem.persistent hydrocarbonpersistent carbonhydrid
energ.ind., industr., chem.phosphorus-containing hydrocarbonfosforholdig kulbrinte
chem.polyaromatic hydrocarbonpolycyclisk aromatisk kulbrint
chem.polyaromatic hydrocarbonpolycyklisk aromatisk kulbrinte
chem.polyaromatic hydrocarbonpolynukleært aromatisk carbonhydrid
chem.polyaromatic hydrocarbonpolycyklisk aromatisk carbonhydrid
chem.polyaromatic hydrocarbonflerringet aromatisk kulbrinte
chem.polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbonflerringet aromatisk kulbrinte
environ.polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon Hydrocarbons containing two or more closed rings of atomspolycyklisk aromatisk carbonhydrid
environ.polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbonpolycyklisk aromatisk carbonhydrid
chem.polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbonpolycyclisk aromatisk kulbrint
chem.polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbonpolynukleært aromatisk carbonhydrid
chem.polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbonpolycyklisk aromatisk kulbrinte
environ.polycyclic hydrocarbonpolycyklisk kulbrinte
environ.polycyclic hydrocarbon Hydrocarbon molecule with two or more nuclei; examples are naphtalene, with two benzene rings side by side, or diphenyl, with two bond-connected benzene rings. Also known as polynuclear hydrocarbonpolycyklisk carbonhydrid
environ.polycyclic hydrocarbonpolycyklisk carbonhydrid
chem.polycyclic hydrocarbonpolycyclisk carbonhydrid
chem.polycyclic hydrocarbonspolycyklisk kulbrinte
chem.polycyclic hydrocarbonspolycyklisk carbonhydrid
chem.polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbonpolynukleært aromatisk carbonhydrid
chem.polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbonpolycyclisk aromatisk kulbrint
chem.polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbonpolycyklisk aromatisk carbonhydrid
chem.polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbonflerringet aromatisk kulbrinte
chem.polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbonpolycyklisk aromatisk kulbrinte
chem.polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbonmangekernet aromatisk carbonhydrid
mater.sc., chem.Programme of support for technological development in the hydrocarbons sectorProgram til støtte for den teknologiske udvikling i kulbrintesektoren
energ.ind.programme of support for technological development in the hydrocarbons sectorprogram til støtte for den teknologiske udvikling i kulbrintesektoren
transp., environ.Protocol on the protection of the Mediterranean Sea against hydrocarbons and other harmful substances in cases of emergencyprotokol om samarbejde om bekæmpelse af forurening af Middelhavet med olie og andre skadelige stoffer i tilfælde af kritiske situationer
transp.refined hydrocarbonsraffinerede kulbrinter
energ.ind.Regional Office for Hydrocarbons and Geothermal Energyregionalkontor for kulbrinter og geotermi
law, coal.regulation on hydrocarbon licences for the continental shelfbekendtgørelsen om tilladelser til søgning efter kulbrinter på kontinentalsoklen
environ., chem.ring hydrocarboncyklisk carbonhydrid
industr., construct.rubber-hydrocarbon content RHCgummisubstansindhold
industr., construct.rubber-hydrocarbon content RHCgummikulbrinteindhold
chem.saturated acyclic hydrocarbonmættet acylisk carbonhydrid
energ.ind., industr., chem.saturated hydrocarbonmættet kulbrinte
construct.semi-closed hydrocarbon concretehalvlukket bitumenbeton
construct.semi-dense hydrocarbon concretehalvtæt bitumenbeton
construct.semi-open hydrocarbon concretehalvtæt bitumenbeton
econ.storage of hydrocarbonskulbrintelagring
industr., construct., chem.sulphonated aromatic hydrocarbonsulfoneret aromatisk carbonhydrid
tech.sulphur content meter for hydrocarbonssvovlmåler for kulbrinter
energ.ind., industr., chem.sulphurous hydrocarbonsvovlholdig kulbrinte
nat.sc.synthetic hydrocarbon oilsyntetisk kulbrinteolie
transp.synthetic or artificial hydrocarbonskunstige eller syntetiske kulbrinter
tax., oiltax on hydrocarbonsskat på olie og gas
tax., oiltaxation of hydrocarbonsbeskatning af olie og gas
environ., chem.the carcinogenic condensed ring cyclic hydrocarbons encountered in the open airde kondenserede, cykliske, carcinogene carbonhydrider, der træffes i fri luft
environ.thermolysis in liquid heavy hydrocarbon mediumtermolyse i flydende,tunge kulbrintemedier
transp.unburnt hydrocarbonuforbraendt carbonhybrid
environ., chem.unburnt hydrocarbonubrændt kulbrinte
environ., chem.unburnt hydrocarbonuforbrændt carbonhydrid
environ., chem.unburnt hydrocarbonuforbrændt kulbrinte
environ., chem.unburnt hydrocarbonubrændt carbonhydrid
environ.unburnt hydrocarbonuforbrændt carbonhybrid
gen.unconventional hydrocarbonukonventionelle kulbrinter
gen.unconventional hydrocarbonukonventionel olie og gas
chem.unsaturated acyclic hydrocarbonumættet acylisk carbonhydrid
energ.ind., industr., chem.unsaturated hydrocarbonumættet kulbrinte
environ., energ.ind.volatile aromatic hydrocarbonflygtig aromatisk carbonhydrid