
Terms for subject Environment containing effects | all forms | exact matches only
adverse effectskadelig virkning
adverse effect of climate changeskadelig virkning af klimaændringer
adverse effect of intensive agricultureskadevirkning fra intensivt landbrug
adverse effectsnegative virkninger
adverse effectsskadevirkninger
adverse effectsskadelige virkninger
adverse effectsnegative påvirkninger
age-class legacy effectvirkningen af aldersklassefordelingen
antagonistic effect of toxic substancesgiftige stoffers antagonistiske virkning
assessment of the environmental effectsvurdering af miljøvirkninger
assessment of the environmental effectsvurdering af virkningerne på miljøet
assessment of the environmental effectsmiljøkonsekvensvurdering
biological effect Biological effects include allergic reactions, respiratory disorders, hypersensitivity diseases and infectious diseases and can be caused by a variety of contaminants and pollutantsbiologisk virkning/effekt
biological effectbiologisk virkning/effekt
biological effect of biocides in surface and ground watersbiologisk virkning af biocider i overflade- og grundvand
biological effect of biocides in surface and ground watersbiocids biologiske virkning på overflade- og grundvand
biological effect of pollutionbiologisk virkning af forurening
biological effect of pollution Effects of pollution on living systemsbiologisk virkning af forurening
carry-over effect Effect caused by the successive passages of polluting substances through the different organisms of a food chain"carry-over" virkning
cause-effect relationårsagsvirkningssammenhæng
cause-effect relationkausalrelation
cause-effect relationforholdet mellem årsag og virkning
cause-effect relation The relating of causes to the effects that they producekausalrelation
climatic effect Climate has a central influence on many human needs and activities, such as agriculture, housing, human health, water resources, and energy use. The influence of climate on vegetation and soil type is so strong that the earliest climate classification schemes where often based more on these factors than on the meteorological variables. While technology can be used to mitigate the effects of unfavorable climatic conditions, climate fluctuations that result in significant departures from normal cause serious problems for modern industrialized societies as much as for primitive ones. The goals of climatology are to provide a comprehensive description of the Earth's climate, to understand its features in terms of fundamental physical principles, and to develop models of the Earth's climate that will allow the prediction of future changes that may result from natural and human causesklimatisk virkning
combination effect A combined effect of two or more substances or organisms which is greater than the sum of the individual effect of eachkombinationsvirkning
combination effectkombinationsvirkning
Community-COST Concertation Committee on Air Pollution Effects on Terrestrial and Aquatic EcosystemsFællesskabet/Cost-samordningsudvalget for Luftforureningens Indflydelse på Land- og Vandøkosystemer
Convention on the Transboundary Effects of Industrial Accidentskonvention om grænseoverskridende virkninger af industrielle uheld
degradation effectforringende virkning
degradation effectforringende effekt
delayed effectforsinket virkning
dispersal effectvirkninger af udledning
dose-effect relationdosis/effekt-forhold
dose-effect relationshipforhold mellem dosis og virkning
dose-effect relationship The relation between the quantity of a given substance and a measurable or observable effectforhold mellem dosis og virkning
effect of micropollutants on manvirkning af mikroforurening på mennesket
effect of micropollutants on manvirkning af mikroforurenende stof på mennesket
effect of noisestøjs indflydelse
effect on environmentvirkning på miljø
effect on environmentindvirkning på miljøet
effect on healthsundhedsmæssig virkning
effect on healthvirkning på sundheden
effect on manvirkning på mennesket
effect on man No definition neededvirkning på mennesket
effect on the environment Resultant of natural or manmade perturbations of the physical, chemical or biological components making up the environmentmiljøindvirkning
effect on the environmentmiljøindvirkning
effects researchforskning i virkninger
employment level effect The result or impact of a specific policy, action or event upon the number of working-age persons holding jobs in a specific region, nation or sector of the economyindvirkning på beskæftigelsesniveauet
employment level effectindvirkning på beskæftigelsesniveauet
enhanced greenhouse effectøget drivhuseffekt
environmental effectomegnspåvirkninger
environmental effectmiljøpåvirkning
exposure/effect ratioforhold mellem eksponering og følger
external effectekstern virkning
external effectekstern omkostning
fate and effects of the wasteaffaldets skæbne og virkninger
fate and effects of the wasteaffaldets skæbne og effekter
fire effectsfølger af brand
genetic effect Inheritable change, chiefly mutations produced by chemical substances, herbicides, radiations, etc.genetisk effekt
glasshouse effectdrivhuseffekt
greenhouse effect The warming of the Earth's atmosphere caused by the increasing concentration of atmospheric gases, such as water vapour and carbon dioxide. These gases absorb radiation emitted by the Earth, thus slowing down the loss of radiant energy from the Earth back to spacedrivhuseffekt
ground effectjorbundeffekt
harmful effects of pesticidepesticids skadevirkning
harmful effects of pesticidespesticiders skadevirkninger
health effect of increased UV-B radiationsundhedsmæssig virkning af øget UV-B-stråling
health effect of noisestøjs indvirkning på sundheden
health effect of noise Noise consequences on human health consist in loss of hearing and psychological effectsstøjs indvirkning på sundheden
hygienic effecthygiejnisk effekt
hygienic effectbelastningsgrad
indicator of health effectsindikator for sundhedsvirkninger
indicator related to environmental effectindikator af miljømæssig effekt
International Cooperative Programme for Assessment and Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Forestsinternationalt samarbejdsprogram for vurdering og overvågning af luftforureningens virkninger på skove
long-term effectlangtidseffekt
long-term effect Effects which will last long after the cause has ceasedlangtidseffekt
long-term effect of pollutantslangsigtede virkninger af forurenende stoffer
may cause long-term adverse effects in the environmentkan forårsage uønskede langtidsvirkninger i miljøet
may cause long-term adverse effects in the environmentR58
mental effectmental virkning
microclimate effectmikroklimatisk virkning
mitigating the effects of droughtafhjælpning af virkningerne af tørke
mitigating the effects of droughtafbødning af virkningerne af tørke
no observed effect concentrationkoncentration,hvor der ingen virkning har kunnet observeres
no observed effect concentrationno observed effect concentration
no observed effect concentrationnuleffekt koncentration
noise effectstøjeffekt
non-stochastic effects of ionising radiationikkestokastiske virkninger af ioniserende stråling
ozone dilution effectfortyndingseffekt
pathologic effectpatologisk virkning
photochemical effectfotokemisk virkning
photochemical effect The result or consequence of a chemical reaction caused by light or ultraviolet radiationfotokemisk virkning
poison with cumulative effectsgift, som har en kumulativ virkning
pollution effect The main pollution effects concern human health and cover all aspects of the physical environment - air, water and land, including the effects of climate change. Human activities which are sources of pollution arise from domestic, commercial, industrial and military sectors and their effects are influenced by various issues, trends and public sector programmes, such as safe water and food, management of waste, increasing use of chemicals in agriculture, and urbanization. Types of pollutants which are negatively impacting health include litter, toxic chemicals, nuclear waste, lead, spoil from mining, food and water contaminants; and the polluting effects of over-populationforureningens indflydelse
pollution effectforureningens indflydelse
potentiating effectforstærkende virkning
predicted no effect concentrationforventet nuleffektkoncentration
psychic effect A result or consequence stemming from mental processes that create or influence human consciousness and emotionspsykisk virkning
psychic effectpsykisk virkning
psychological effectpsykologisk virkning
psychosomatic effect Any result pertaining to the influence of the mind or higher functions of the brain upon the operations of the body, particularly bodily disorders or diseasespsykosomatisk virkning
psychosomatic effectpsykosomatisk virkning
radiation effect Prolonged exposure to ionizing radiation from various sources can be harmful. Nuclear radiation from fallout from nuclear weapons or from power stations, background radiation from substances naturally present in the soil, exposure to X-rays can cause radiation sickness. Massive exposure to radiation can kill quickly and any person exposed to radiation is more likely to develop certain types of cancer than other members of the populationstrålingsvirkninger
radiation effectstrålingsvirkninger
radiation effectsstrålingsvirkninger
radiation effectsvirkninger af stråling
research of the effects Investigation carried out to assess the results deriving from an action or condition; general term applying to many different fieldsforskning i virkninger
research of the effectsforskning i virkninger
reversibility of the effectsindvirkningens reversibilitet
reversibility of the effectspåvirkningens reversibilitet
reversibility of the effectsvirkningernes reversibilitet
reversibility of the effectseffekternes reversibilitet
self-healing effectselvheling
side effect Any secondary effect, especially an undesirable onebivirkning
side effects of pharmaceutical drugsbivirkninger ved lægemidler
side effects of pharmaceutical drugsmedicinbivirkninger
sublethal effectsubletal virkning
substance which has an adverse effect on the oxygen balancestof, der har skadelig indflydelse på iltbalancen
synergic effectsynergivirkning
synergic effectsynergistisk virkning
synergistic effectsynergistisk virkning
synergistic effectsynergivirkning
synergistic effect of toxic substances 1. A state in which the combined effect of two or more substances is greater than the sum of the separate effects. 2. An effect whereby two toxic substance together have more of an impact than anticipatedsynergistisk effekt af forskellige giftstoffer
synergistic effect of toxic substancessynergistisk effekt af forskellige giftstoffer ved samtidig tilstedeværelse
toxic effectgiftvirkning
toxic effectgifteffekt
toxic effect A result produced by the ingestion or contact of poisonous materialsgiftvirkning
transboundary effectgrænseoverskridende virkning