
Terms for subject Economy containing distribution | all forms | exact matches only
better distribution of tourism over locationbedre geografisk spredning af turismen
cable distributionkabelspredning
chain of distributiondistributionskanal
channel of distributiondistributionskanal
counterparts of "free" distributionsmodstykke til "frie" uddelinger
distribution and redistribution of incomesfordeling og omfordeling af indkomster
distribution businesshandelsvirksomhed
distribution by agealdersfordeling
distribution by sexkønsfordeling
distribution chaindistributionskanal
distribution channeldistributionskanal
distribution costdistributionsomkostninger
distribution costsmaterialeudgifter
distribution costssalgsomkostninger
distribution costsdistributionsomkostninger
distribution networkmarkedsføringsnetværk
distribution networkmarkedsføringskanal
distribution networkdistributionsnetværk
distribution networkdistributionskanal
distribution of aidfordeling af bistand
distribution of EU fundingfordeling af EU-finansiering
distribution of incomeindkomstfordeling
distribution of income account of resident insurancehjemmehørende forsikringsselskabers indkomstfordelingskonto
distribution of income account of resident policy holdershjemmehørende forsikringstageres indkomstfordelingskonto
distribution of income and wealthindkomst- og formuefordeling
distribution of incomesindkomstfordeling
distribution of materialsmaterialefordeling
distribution of productionfordeling af produktion
distribution of schoolsskoleplan
distribution of the tax burdenskatteligning
distribution of votesstemmefordeling
distribution of wealthfordeling af rigdommene
distribution per employed personfordeling pr. beskæftiget
distributions which appear freetilsyneladende frie aktieuddelinger
dual distributiondobbeltdistribution
energy distributionenergidistribution
exclusive distribution agreementeneforhandling
geographical distributiongeografisk fordeling
geographical distribution of the populationbefolkningens geografiske fordeling
intra-group distributionskoncerninterne dividendeudlodninger
intra-group distributionsinterne udbytter
per capita distributionfordeling pr. indbygger
Pilot projects to promote links between SMEs through the implementation of modern management methods and new technologies in the commerce and distribution sectorPilotprojekter med henblik på at fremme forbindelserne mellem små og mellemstore virksomheder SMV via indførelse af moderne managementmetoder og nye teknologier inden for handel og distribution
primary distribution of income accountsprimærindkomstfordelingskonto
profit distributionoverskudsfordeling
programme for distribution of food free of chargeprojekt for gratis uddeling
recording of the issue and distribution of bonus shares by corporate enterprisesregistrering af selskabers emission og uddeling af friaktier
recording of the issue and distribution of bonus shares by corporate enterprisesregistrering af selskabers udstedelse og fordeling af friaktier
secondary distribution of income accountsekundærindkomstfordelingskonto
selective distribution agreementselektiv distribution
services of distribution and transporthandelsavancer og transportomkostninger
share distributionaktieuddeling
the most rational distribution of production at the highest possible level of productivityden mest rationelle fordeling af produktionen på det højeste produktivitetsniveau
transactions involving the distribution of capitalkapitalfordelingstransaktioner
transactions involving the distribution of incomeindkomstfordelingstransaktioner
Tripartite World Conference on Employment,Income Distribution,Social Progress and the International Division of LabourDen tresidige Verdenskonference om beskæftigelse,indkomstfordeling,socialt fremskridt og den internationale arbejdsdeling