
Terms for subject General containing distribution | all forms | exact matches only
aircraft distribution equipmentudstyr til marksprøjtning fra luften
to apply the scale of distribution for the expenses of the ConferenceKonferencens nøgle for omkostningsfordeling vil blive anvendt
argon distribution stationfordelerstation for argon
assets available for distributionbomasse
brake force distributionfordeling af bremsekraften
burn-up distributionudbrændingsfordeling
Committee on the programme to encourage the development, distribution and promotion of European audiovisual works MEDIA Plus - Development, Distribution and PromotionUdvalget for Programmet til Fremme af Udvikling, Distribution og Markedsføring af Europæiske Audiovisuelle Produktioner Media Plus - Udvikling, distribution og markedsføring
complementary distributionkomplementær distribution
continuous distributionkontinuert fordeling
Convention for Limiting the Manufacture and Regulating the Distribution of Narcotic Drugskonvention angående begrænsning af fabrikation og regulering af fordelingen af bedøvelsesmidler
core power distributioneffektfordeling i kernen
distribution boards electricityelektriske strømfordelingstavler
distribution boards electricityelektriske kommandopulte
distribution boxes electricityelektriske fordelingsskabe
distribution by grade and administrative unitfordeling på lønklasser og administrative enheder
distribution consoles electricityelektriske distributionkonsoller
distribution depotudleveringslager
distribution factorfordelingsfaktor
distribution machines, automaticsalgsautomater
distribution manifoldfordelingsmanifold
distribution of fields of responsibilitytildeling af arbejdsområde
distribution planfordelingsseddel
distribution pointfordelingsplads
Distribution Service, other institutionsKontoret for Distribution - "Øvrige Institutioner"
distribution stagefordelingsniveau
disturbances in power and in the distribution of fuel temperatureforstyrrelser i effekt og i fordeling af temperatur i brændsel
document distributionomdeling af dokumenter
document distributionfordeling af dokumenter
electricity distributionelektricitetsdistribution
electronic brake force distributionfordeling af bremsekraften
to encourage to effect wider distribution of full-length and documentary filmsat tilskynde til at skabe et bredere udvalg af spille-og dokumentarfilm
for distribution at 28udsendelse til 28
gas distributiondistribution af gas
generation and distribution of electric powerfremstilling og distribution af elektricitet
hierarchic key distributionhierarkisk nøgledistribution
International Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of Pesticidesinternationale adfærdskodeks for distribution og anvendelse af pesticider
nerve distributionforsyning af nerver eller nervøs energi til legemsdel
neutron flux distributionneutronfluksfordeling
to permit an equitable distribution of advantages and obligations of comparable scaletillader en ligelig fordeling af fordele og forpligtelser af sammenligneligt omfang
Printing and distributionTrykning og distribution
processing, marketing, distribution and transportforarbejdning, markedsføring, distribution og transport
production and distribution of electricity,gas,steam and waterfremstilling og distribution af elektricitet,gas,damp og varmt vand
production and distribution of steam,hot water,compressed airfjernvarmecentraler
Programme encouraging the development and distribution of European audiovisual works Media II-Development and distributionProgram til fremme af udvikling og distribution af europæiske audiovisuelle produktionerMEDIA II-Udvikling og distribution
Protocol Bringing under International Control Drugs outside the Scope of the Convention of 13 July 1931 for Limiting the Manufacture and Regulating the Distribution of Narcotic Drugs, as amended by the Protocol signed at Lake Success on 11 December 1946protokol, hvorved narkotiske midler, der falder uden for konventionen af 13. juli 1931 angående begrænsning i fabrikationen og regulering af fordelingen af narkotiske midler som ændret ved protokol underskrevet i Lake Success den 11. december 1946, bringes under international kontrol
scale of distribution for the expensesnøgle for omkostningsfordeling
tissue distribution studiescellevækststudier
water distribution installationsvanddistributionsinstallationer
water distribution systemvandforsyningssystem
water distribution systemvandfordelingssystem
water supply:collection,purification and distribution of waterudvinding,opsamling,rensning og distribution af vand
wholesale distribution of medicinal productsengrosforhandling af lægemidler
Working Party on Commerce and DistributionArbejdsgruppe vedrørende Handel og Distribution
Working Party to Coordinate the Distribution of Publications between Community InstitutionsArbejdsgruppe til koordinering af dokumentudveksling mellem Fællesskabers Institutioner