
Terms for subject Social science containing disability | all forms | exact matches only
allowance for persons suffering from a serious mental disabilityydelse til alvorligt mentalt retarderede
benefit supplementing disability allowancestillæg til invalideydelser
disability cash benefitinvaliditetsydelse
disability working allowancearbejdsydelse til handicappede
employment of persons with disabilitieshandicappede menneskers sociale integration
employment of persons with disabilitiessocial integration af handicappede
employment of persons with disabilitieshandicappedes sociale integration
employment of persons with disabilitiessocial integration af handicappede mennesker
equality of opportunity for people with disabilitieslige muligheder for mennesker med handicap
European Disability ForumDet Europæiske Handicapforum
European Disability FrameworkEU-ramme på handicapområdet
European Disability Strategy 2010-2020:A Renewed Commitment to a Barrier-Free EuropeDen europæiske handicapstrategi 2010-2020: et nyt tilsagn om et Europa uden barrierer
High Level Group of Member States Representatives on DisabilityGruppen på Højt Plan vedrørende Handicapspørgsmål
High Level Group on DisabilityGruppen på Højt Plan vedrørende Handicapspørgsmål
Integration of People with Disabilitiessocial integration af handicappede
Integration of People with Disabilitiessocial integration af handicappede mennesker
Integration of People with Disabilitieshandicappedes sociale integration
Integration of People with Disabilitieshandicappede menneskers sociale integration
International Classification of Functioning, Disability and HealthInternational Klassifikation af Funktionsevne og Funktionsnedsættelse
learning disabilityindlæringsvanskelighed
National Institute of Health and Disability InsuranceStatens Institut for sygdoms- og invaliditetsforsikring
National Institute of Health and Disability InsuranceDirektoratet for Syge- og Invalideforsikring
parking card for people with disabilitiesparkeringskort for mennesker med handicap
with multiple disabilitiesmultihandicappet
with multiple disabilitiesmed multipel funktionsnedsættelse