
Terms for subject General containing deposit | all forms | exact matches only
alluvial depositalluvial aflejring
amount of the depositsikkerhedsbeløb
amount of the depositkautionsbeløb
currency and transferable sight depositssedler og mønt samt transferable indlån på anfordring
currency and transferable sight deposits in foreign currencysedler og mønt samt transferable indlån på anfordring i fremmed valuta
currency and transferable sight deposits in national currencysedler og mønt samt transferable indlån på anfordring i national valuta
Deposit Guarantee Scheme Directiveindskudsgarantiordningsdirektiv
deposit receiptindskudsbevis
deposit receiptindlånsbevis
deposits received from reinsurersdepoter modtaget fra genforsikringsselskaber
deposits repayable on demand and with agreed maturity dates or periods of noticeindskud på anfordring og med aftalt løbetid eller på opsigelse
deposits with ceding undertakingsgenforsikringsdepoter
deposits with credit institutionsindlån i kreditinstitutter
deposits with the Central Bank as compulsory reserve requirementsindlån som obligatoriske reserver
Directive on Deposit Guarantee Schemesindskudsgarantiordningsdirektiv
Hague Act of the Hague Agreement concerning the International Deposit of Industrial DesignsHaagaftalen
Hague Act of the Hague Agreement concerning the International Deposit of Industrial Designs1960-aftalen
London Act of the Hague Agreement concerning the International Deposit of Industrial DesignsLondonaftalen
preliminary depositsikkerhed stillet på forhånd
preliminary depositkaution stillet på forhånd
prospecting for and exploitation of mineral depositsprospektering og minedrift
transferable sight depositstransferable indlån