
Terms containing data exchange | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
gen.Air Traffic Services Data Exchange Presentationpræsentation af udvekslede ATS-data
comp., MSasynchronous data exchangeasynkron dataudveksling (A style of processing where an application posts a request for an event to occur and then continues without waiting for the event. A separate service will recognize the request and take responsibility for ensuring that the event occurs)
ITdata communication network for the exchange of administrative informationtele-net til udveksling af administrative oplysninger
environ.data exchange A reciprocal transfer of individual facts, statistics or items of information between two or more parties for the purpose of enhancing knowledge of the participantsudveksling af data
ITdata exchangedataudveksling
ITdata exchangeudveksling af oplysninger
environ.data exchangeudveksling af data
fin., IT, agric.Data exchange for the agricultural marketsamarbejde vedrørende automatisering af data og dokumentation vedrørende import og eksport samt landbrug
health., pharma.Data Exchange Standarddataudvekslingsstandard
commun.data switching exchangedatanetcentral
commun.data/telephony exchangeintegreret telefoni/data-central
comp., MSdynamic data exchange channelDDE-kanal (An active link between Microsoft Windows programs over which data can be exchanged)
commun., ITelectronic data exchangeelektronisk dataudveksling
IT, lab.law.Eures project for data exchange concerning the Labour MarketSedoc/Eures-projektet for udveksling af data vedrørende arbejdsmarkedet
environ.European Radiological Data Exchange Platformeuropæisk platform for udveksling af radiologiske data
commun., ITto exchange data at a common speedat udveksle data med samme hastighed
ITexchange of terminological dataudveksling af terminologiske data
transp., industr.Flight Data Exchange - Interface Control Documentdokument vedrørende kontrol med udveksling af flyvedata
commun., ITInternational Data Exchange AssociationDen Internationale Sammenslutning for Dataudveksling
gen.Joint Data Exchange CentreDet Fælles Dataudvekslingscenter
med.medical standard of data exchangemedicinsk standard for dataudveksling
comp., MSsynchronous data exchangesynkron dataudveksling (A style of processing where an application requests that an event occurs and waits for the event to complete, so that the application is certain of the result of its request before it proceeds)
fin., polit., tax.System for the Exchange of Excise Datasystem for udveksling af punktafgiftsoplysninger
commun., el.telex and data switching exchangedata-og telexcentral
commun., el.telex/data exchangedata-og telexcentral
commun.two-way data exchangetovejsdatakommunikation
obs.Working Party on Information Exchange and Data ProtectionAd hoc-gruppen vedrørende Udveksling af Oplysninger
gen.Working Party on Information Exchange and Data ProtectionGruppen vedrørende Udveksling af Oplysninger og Databeskyttelse