
Terms for subject Transport containing coal | all forms | exact matches only
bunker coalbunkerkul
coal bunkerkulrum
coal bunkerkulbunker
coal bunkerkulbeholder
coal bunkering porthavn for påfyldning af kul
coal chutekulslidske
coal depotkultagningsstation
coal depotkulstation
coal dockkulhavn
to coal the locomotivepåfylde kul på tenderen
coal trackkulspor
coal tublille kulvogn
coal tubkulvogn
coal tubkul-tipvogn
coal wagonkulvogn
coal wharfkulhavn
dust coalkulstøv
dust coalstøvkul
fine coalsmåkul
gas coalgaskul
lean coalskoks
locomotive coallokomotivkul
oil-coal-oreolie / kul / malm
oil-coal-ore carrierolie / kul / malm-skib
oil-coal-ore carrierolie/kul/malm-skib
poor coalkoks
pulverised coalstøvkul
pulverised coal firingkulstøvsfyr
small coalsmåkul
to spray coal with waterat sprøjte kullene
take on coaltage kul
to take on coalpåfylde kul på tenderen