
Terms containing cloud | all forms | exact matches only
life.sc.Antarctic ice cloudantarktisk issky
life.sc.Arctic stratospheric ice cloudarktisk issky i stratosfæren
life.sc.bank of cloudsskybanke
life.sc.banner cloudbannersky
life.sc.basic cloud formationsskyformationstyper
comp., MSBlackBerry Business Cloud ServicesBlackBerryR Business-skytjenester (A smartphone service for BlackBerry devices using Office 365. The service is hosted by Research In Motion)
life.sc.cap cloudbjergtopsky
commun., transp.chaff cloudradarrefleksstrimler
environ.chemistry of cloudsskyernes kemi
life.sc.classification of cloudsskyklassifikation
life.sc.cloud amountskymængde
commun.cloud and collision warning systemluftbåret vejrradar
commun.cloud and collision warning systemudkigsradar i fly
comp., MSCloud App ModelSkyappmodel (An application-hosting architecture that relies on cloud-based services. Application logic and data are typically hosted on a distributed set of services on the Internet, connected through web APIs, and authenticated with server-to-server authentication technologies such as OAuth)
life.sc.cloud bandskybånd
life.sc.cloud bankskybanke
life.sc.cloud bannerbannersky
life.sc.cloud barskymur
life.sc., tech.cloud base recorderskyhøjdeskriver
life.sc., tech.cloud base recorderskyhøjderegistreringsudstyr
comp., MScloud-basedskybaseret (Pertaining to operations that take place within the cloud)
life.sc.cloud burstskybrud
earth.sc., transp., avia.cloud ceilingskybasehøjde
nat.sc., tech.cloud chamberWilsons tågekammer
nat.sc., tech.cloud chambertågekammer
nat.sc., tech.cloud chamberekspansionskammer
nat.sc., tech.cloud chamberWilson-kammer
environ.cloud chemistryskyernes kemi
life.sc.cloud classificationskyklassifikation
gen.cloud climatologysky-klimatologi
comp., MScloud collectionskysamling (A description for music or videos stored in the cloud that users may access from their phone. Used for Xbox Music and any other potential cloud-based media services)
IT, comp.cloud computingcloudcomputing
IT, comp.cloud computingclouding
IT, comp.cloud computingcloud computing
ITcloud contentcloud-indhold
environ.cloud coverskydække
life.sc.cloud-cover satellitesatellit til måling af skydække
life.sc.cloud detectionskydetektering
life.sc.cloud detectiondetektionsudstyr til skyer
commun., life.sc.cloud detection radarradar til skydetektering
earth.sc., life.sc.cloud dischargeskyudladning
life.sc.cloud dispersalskyopløsning
life.sc.cloud dissipationskyopløsning
life.sc.cloud dropskydråbe
life.sc.cloud dropletskydråbe
commun.cloud editingbehandling af skyer
earth.sc., life.sc.cloud flashskyudladning
environ.cloud foresttågeskov
life.sc.cloud forestskyskov
life.sc.cloud heightskyhøjde
life.sc.cloud identificationskyidentifikation
life.sc.cloud layerskylag
life.sc.cloud levelskyetage
life.sc.cloud luminanceskylys
life.sc.cloud luminanceskyluminans
life.sc.cloud modificationskymodifikation
agric.cloud of dropletssprøjtetåge
agric.cloud of dropletssprøjtesky
agric.cloud of dust particlespuddersky
environ.cloud of escaped gasessky af frigjorte gasser
life.sc.cloud of high water contentskyer med højt vandindhold
law, fin.cloud on titlevanhjemmel
coal.cloud pointuklarhedspunkt
earth.sc., mech.eng.cloud pointvoksudfældningspunkt
chem.cloud pointcloud point
life.sc.cloud-radiation interactionsamspil mellem skyer og stråling
life.sc., tech.cloud searchlightskyprojektør
life.sc.cloud sectorskysektor
nat.sc.cloud seedingskypodning
life.sc.cloud sheetskytæppe
nat.sc.cloud streetskygade
life.sc.cloud systemskyformation
commun.cloud temperatureskytemperatur
earth.sc., life.sc.cloud-to-cloud dischargesky-til-sky udladning
earth.sc.cloud-to-ground dischargelynnedslag
life.sc.cloud topskytop
earth.sc.cloud veilskyslør
textilecloud yarnflammegarn
agric.clouding agentsløringsstof
health.clouding of consciousnessbevidsthedssvækkelse
health.clouding of consciousnesssindsforvirring
med.clouding of consciousnessbevidsthedssløring
med.contusional cloudingkontusions-uklarhed
earth.sc.convection cloudkonvektionssky
earth.sc.convective cloudkonvektionssky
phys.sc., tech.counter-controlled cloud chambertællerørsstyret tågekammer
phys.sc., tech.counter-controlled cloud chambertællerørsstyret Wilsonkammer
life.sc.crest cloudbjergrygsky
gen.deflagrations of explosive gas cloudsbrand i eksplosive gasskyer
life.sc., environ.dense vapour cloudtæt dampsky
gen.design basis drifting cloudskonstruktionsbestemmende antagelser om gasskyer
gen.detonation of explosive gas cloudsdetonation af eksplosive gasskyer
gen.digital single market for cloud computingindre marked for cloud computing
life.sc.direction and speed of movement of a clouden skys bevægelsesretning og hastighed
agric.dust cloudpuddersky
ITEnergy-conscious 3D Server-on-Chip for Green Cloud Services Projectserverprojektet Eurocloud
ITEuropean Cloud Partnershipdet europæiske cloudpartnerskab
phys.sc., tech.expansion cloud chamberWilson-tågekammer
phys.sc., tech.expansion cloud chamberekspansionstågekammer
earth.sc.falling cloudvulkansky
life.sc.frost control by artificial cloud screeningved at skabe skyer
nat.sc.galactic cloudinterstellar sky
earth.sc.glowing cloudglødende sky
earth.sc.glowing cloudnuée ardente
earth.sc.glowing cloudglødende lavastrøm
earth.sc., life.sc.ground-to-cloud dischargejord-til-sky udladning
life.sc.heap cloudsstakkede skyer
life.sc.high cloudhøj sky
life.sc.high cloudshøje skyer
phys.sc.high pressure cloud chamberhøjtrykstågekammer
phys.sc.high pressure cloud chamberhøjtryk-Wilson-kammer
life.sc.high-level cloudhøj sky
earth.sc.hurricane cloudorkansky
environ., el.hydrogen cloudhydrogensky
life.sc.ice cloudissky
life.sc.ice-crystal cloudissky
environ.in-cloud scavengingrain out
earth.sc.infinite clouduendelig sky
life.sc.inversion cloudinversionssky
life.sc.iridescent cloudiriserede skyer
life.sc.layer cloudslagskyer
earth.sc.lenticular cloudbølgesky
life.sc.low cloudlav sky
life.sc.low-level cloudlav sky
earth.sc.low-pressure cloud chamberlavtrykstågekammer
earth.sc.low-pressure cloud chamberlavtryk-Wilson-kammer
life.sc.medium cloudmellemhøj sky
life.sc.medium-level cloudmellemhøj sky
comp., MSMicrosoft Cloud PartnerMicrosoft Cloud-partner (An individual or organization that does business with, by, or on behalf of Microsoft and that is a member of the Microsoft Partner Network using cloud technology)
life.sc.middle cloudmellemhøj sky
life.sc.mixed cloudblandet sky
nat.sc.molecular cloudmolekular-sky
earth.sc.mountain cloudorografisk sky
environ.noctilucent cloudlysende natskyer
environ.noctilucent cloudslysende natskyer
gen.nuclear cloudatomsky
earth.sc., life.sc.optical density of a cloudoptisk skytæthed
earth.sc.orographic cloudorografisk sky
life.sc., environ.ozone cloudozon-sky
nat.sc.pannus cloudpannus
life.sc.parent cloudmodersky
life.sc.partial cloud amountskymængde
life.sc.pendant cloudtuba
environ.polar ice cloudpolar stratosfærisk sky
environ.polar stratospheric cloudpolar stratosfærisk sky
agric.powder dusters spread dust clouds for frost protectiontågeapparater, der frembringer tågeskyer til beskyttelse mod frost
coal.preformed coal dust cloudkulstøvssky
ITpublic cloudoffentlig sky
comp., MSpublic cloudoffentlig sky (A cloud infrastructure typically owned and managed by an organization that sells cloud services. The resources are shared by the general public or a group of customers in order to optimize utilization rates)
life.sc.scarf cloudamboltsky
life.sc.scarf cloudambolt
life.sc.scattered cloudsspredte skyer
life.sc.sea of cloudskyhav
life.sc.sheet of cloudskytæppe
life.sc.shock cloudchoksky
gen.single market for cloud computingindre marked for cloud computing
agric.spray cloudsprøjtesky
agric.spray cloudsprøjtetåge
life.sc.squall cloudrullesky
life.sc.stormy cloudtordensky
life.sc.stratiform cloudstratiformsky
environ.stratospheric cloudpolar stratosfærisk sky
environ.stratospheric ice cloudpolar stratosfærisk sky
gen.stratus cloudstratussky
gen.stratus cloudlagsky
nat.sc.street of cloudskygade
life.sc.subfrontal cloudsubfrontal sky
environ., coal.the formation of a dust cloud during drilling of the rounddannelse af en støvsky under borearbejdet til en sprængning
life.sc.tornado cloudtuba
life.sc.turbulence cloudturbulenssky
life.sc.unconfined cloudikke-indesluttet sky
life.sc.upglide cloudopglidningssky
earth.sc.vapour cloud burningbrand i dampskyer
earth.sc.veil of cloudskyslør
life.sc.vertical extent of a cloudvertikal udstrækning af en sky
transp., avia.volcanic ash cloudsky af vulkansk aske
life.sc.water cloudvandsky
life.sc.water content of cloudsvandindhold i skyer
life.sc.water-droplet cloudvandsky
environ.wave cloudbølgesky
life.sc.widespread cloududbredt skydække
nat.sc., tech.Wilson cloud chamberWilsons tågekammer
phys.sc., tech.Wilson cloud chamberWilson-tågekammer
phys.sc., tech.Wilson cloud chamberekspansionstågekammer
nat.sc., tech.Wilson cloud chamberekspansionskammer
nat.sc., tech.Wilson cloud chamberWilson-kammer
nat.sc., tech.Wilson cloud chambertågekammer
comp., MSWindows Azure platform Cloud Essentials for PartnersWindows Azure Platform – Cloud Essentials til partnere (An offer for members of the Microsoft Partner Network who have the Microsoft Cloud Essentials Pack. The subscription includes a base level of monthly computing hours, storage, data transfers, a SQL Azure database, Access Control transactions, and Service Bus connections at no charge)