
Terms containing center | all forms | exact matches only
el.accepter centeracceptor-centrum
commun.access to an enquiry centertilslutning til forespørgselsscenter
social.sc.accommodation centerindkvarteringsdistrikt
comp., MSAction CenterLøsningscenter (A comprehensive PC maintenance center that provides the user with a single point of entry for tasks and notifications associated with PC Health, i.e. security, diagnostics, problem reports and solutions, how to update the system (Windows Updates), performance, reliability, backup and restore, and complete PC backup (recovery and Rescue my PC))
life.sc.action centeraktionscenter
commun., ITadministration and control centeradministrations-og kontrolcenter
construct.administrative centeradministrationscenter
transp., avia.air-traffic control centerflyvekontrolcenter
commun.alarm centerdistriktscenter
commun.alarm centerdriftscentral
commun.alarm centeralarmcenter
comp., MSApproval CenterGodkendelsescenter (A feature that provides a centralized location for managers of all types to approve work and control progress on all of their projects plans. It gives managers the ability to preview the impact of accepting updates from resources as well as view their past history of accepted updates)
comp., MSApps for Office and SharePoint Developer CenterApps til Office og SharePoint Developer Center (A website that provides tools and resources to help developers create apps for Office and SharePoint)
construct.arch centerbyggestillads
med.association centersassociationscentre
commun.authentication centerautentificeringscenter
market.auto service centerautocenter
el.automatic message switching centerautomatisk message switching system
commun.auto-switching centerautomatisk transitcentral
mech.eng.axle front centerakselmidterstykke
el.band centerbåndmidte
el.band-center frequencymidterfrekvens
el.band-center frequencycenterfrekvens
fin.banking centerbankplads
el.beam center gainforstærkning i stråleakseretning
commun., ITbilling centerregningsudskrivningscenter
comp., MSBing Webmaster CenterBing-webmastercenter (The hub where site managers can find tools to help with site optimization, blogs from the Bing team, and forums for peer support)
gen.Biosafe CenterDokumentationscentret for Sikkerheid og Forskrifter inden for Bioteknologi
gen.Biosafe CenterBiosafe-centret
transp., mil., grnd.forc., mech.eng.bottom dead centernederste dødpunkt
transp., mil., grnd.forc., mech.eng.bottom dead centerbunddødpunkt
commun.branch circuit distribution centerlinjeforgreningsenhed
chem.Call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician.Ring til en GIFTINFORMATION eller en læge.
chem.Call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician if you feel unwell.I tilfælde af ubehag ring til en GIFTINFORMATION eller en læge.
commun.call centercallcenter
IT, dat.proc.to center a columncentrere en søjle
IT, dat.proc.to center a picturecentrere billede
IT, dat.proc.to center at a specific positioncentrere om angiven position
construct.center baymidte-skib
met.center borecentrerboring
el.center channelcenterkanal
el.center clippersvagt-signal-klipper
el.center conductor railkontaktskinne mellem køreskinner
agric., mech.eng.center depth regulatordybdereguleringsspindel
mech.eng.center distance between shaftsafstand mellem akselcentre
chem., el.center fired hot topoverdækket kogeblus
chem., el.center fired hot topovedækket kogeplade
agric.center firingafbrænding ved antændelse i områdets midte
health.Center for Disease ControlCentret for Sygdomskontrol og -forebyggelse
health.Center for Disease ControlCenters for Disease Control and Prevention
gen.Center for Disease ControlCenter for Disease Control
astronaut., environ., R&D.Center for Earth ObservationJordobservationscentret
astronaut., environ., R&D.Center for Earth ObservationJordobservationscenter
el.center frequencycenterfrekvens
el.center frequencymidterfrekvens
el.center frequency of a bandcenterfrekvens af et bånd
gen.center fuel meltcentral smeltning af brændsel
gen.center fuel meltingcentral smeltning af brændsel
chem.center gatecentralt indløb
chem.center-gated moldsprøjtestøbeform med centralt indløb
el.center guard bandcentralt beskyttelsesbånd
commun.center holefødehul
commun.center-holes per minuteantal fødehuller pr.sek.
el.center junctionSCR thyristorens midterste pn-overgang
el.center junctionthyristorens midterste pn-overgang
chem.center layermidterlag
met.center line USAmiddellinje
el.center linecenterlinje
transp., industr., construct.center lineslusens midtlinje
mech.eng.center main bearingmellemste hovedleje
IT, dat.proc.center notemidternote
mech.eng.center of a machine toolpinol
stat., scient.center of a rangemidtpunkt af en variationsbredde
stat., scient.center of a samplevariationsområdets midte
stat., scient.center of a samplevariationsbreddens midtpunkt
earth.sc.center of curvaturekrumningscentrum
transp., construct.center of facecentrum
agric.center of gravitytyngdepunkt
transp.center of gyrationdrejningspunkt
transp., construct.center of heel postcentrum
stat., scient.center of locationlokaliseringsmidtpunkt
met.center of percussionstødcenter
life.sc., environ.center of populationbefolkningscenter
agric., mech.eng.center of powertrækpunkt
el.center of radiation of an antennaantennes strålingscentrum
comp., MScenter of rotationrotationspunkt (The point around which a shape or text block rotates)
stat., hobbycenter of tourismturistcentre
earth.sc., transp.center-of-pressure variationtrykcentrumsvariation
agric.center-plate rudderenkeltpladeror
tech.center punchkørner
mech.eng.center restfast brille
environ.center rodcentral brændselsstav
el.center shieldmidterskærm
construct.center spanmidtespand
comp., MScenter-spotcenterpunkt (In photography, pertaining to a spot metering mode which uses a tiny point at the very center of the scene in calculating exposure)
commun., el.center-stable relaymidtstillingsrelæ
el.center steam lanecentral damppassage
el.center tapmidterudtag
el.center terminalmidterklemme
IT, dat.proc.to center textcentrere tekst
agric.center tooth attachmentcentertand
IT, dat.proc.to center verticallycentrere lodret
el.center zero relaymidthvilerelæ
gen.centering apparatus for photographic transparenciescentreringsapparater til indramning af diapositiver
el.centering keycentral lasekile
earth.sc.centering supportcentrerendeunderstøtte
mech.eng.centering telescopesigtekikkert for centrering
met.centering VV-formigt underlag
health.Centers for Disease ControlCenter for Sygdomskontrol
health.Centers for Disease Control and PreventionCenters for Disease Control and Prevention
health.Centers for Disease Control and PreventionCentret for Sygdomskontrol og -forebyggelse
health.Centers for Disease Control and PreventionCenter for Sygdomskontrol
gen.Centers for Disease Control and PreventionCenter for Disease Control
life.sc.centers of action of the atmosphereatmosfæriske aktionscentre
met., construct.centre-to-center distance USAcenterafstand
el.channel center frequencykanal-centerfrekvens
med.ciliospinal centercentrum ciliospinale
construct., mun.plan.city-center renewalfornyelse af centrer
construct., mun.plan.city-center renewalfornyelse af bykærnen
construct.civic centeradministrationscenter
el.cladding centercentrum for kappe
el.cladding centerindkapslingscenter
met."cokey center"svampet kerne
market., fin.Commodities Exchange CenterCenter for New Yorks Futures Børser
market., fin.Commodities Exchange CenterCommodities Exchange Center
life.sc.communication centerkommunikationscenter
social.sc., construct.community centerforsamlingshus
social.sc.community welfare centersocialt center
social.sc.community welfare centersocialcenter
comp., MSconference centermødecenter (The server location, specified by a URL, for all Live Meeting sessions conducted within an organization)
med.conservation centerkonserveringscenter
commun., ITcontrol center computercomputer i kontrolcenter
work.fl.coordination centerkoordinationscenter
agric., industr., construct.core block centerfinerkerne
el.core centerkernecentrum
comp., MScost centeromkostningssted (An operating unit whose managers are accountable for budgeted and actual expenditures)
econ., account.cost centeromkostningssted
comp., MScost centerbærer (An operating unit whose managers are accountable for budgeted and actual expenditures)
econ., account.cost centeromkostningscenter
market.cost center varianceoverdækning og underdækning på omkostningssteder
transp., mil., grnd.forc., mech.eng.crank dead centerbunddødpunkt
transp., mil., grnd.forc., mech.eng.crank dead centernederste dødpunkt
comp., MScustomer service centerkundeservicecenter (A business department that deals with routine inquiries and complaints from customers)
comp., MSdata centerdatacenter (A facility used to house mission critical computer systems and associated components. It generally includes environmental controls (air conditioning, fire suppression, etc), redundant/backup power supplies, redundant data communications connections and high security)
commun., ITdata collection centertakseringsdataopsamlingscenter
commun., ITdata collection centerDCC-center
ITdata processing centerdatabehandlingscenter
mech.eng.dead centerdødpunkt
mech.eng.dead centertværskær
mech.eng.dead-center positiondødpunktsposition
IT, dat.proc.to decenter the centerudskære lagkagediagram
chem.decontamination centerdekontamineringscenter
transp.depressed-center flatcargodsvogn med forsænket vognbund
med.depressor centerblodtrykscenteret
transp., construct.determination of the center of rotation of a gatebestemmelse af drejepunktet i en sluseport
hobby, construct.development of recreation centersudvikling af rekreative centre
el.digital switching centerdigitalt omkoblingscenter
commer.discount centerlille lavprisvarehus
commer.discount centerstorkøb
commer.discount centerdiscountforretning
commer.discount centerdiscountbutik
construct.distribution centerfordelingscentral
work.fl.documentation centerdokumentationscenter
el.donor centerdonorcentrum
transp.drop-center flatcargodsvogn med forsænket vognbund
transp.drop center rimdybfælg
comp., MSEase of Access CenterFunktioner til øget tilgængelighed (An area within the Control Panel that provides accessibility options and settings to help users interact more easily with the computer)
earth.sc., el.electrical power centercentral strømforsyning
el.electron trapping centerelektron indfangningscentrum
commun., ITelectronic switching centerelektronisk central
commun.EROS data centerEROS-datacenter
polit.Euro-Atlantic Disaster Relief Coordination CenterDet Euro-atlantiske Koordinationscenter for Katastrofebistand
ed.European Education Centercenter for europæisk uddannelse
work.fl.European Reference CentersEF-Referencecentre
comp., MSExchange admin centerExchange Administration (A web-based management tool for Microsoft Exchange administrators and enterprise e-mail users)
comp., MSExchange Administration CenterExchange Administration (A web-based management tool for Microsoft Exchange administrators and enterprise e-mail users)
commun., el.expanded-center plan displayPPI-visning med forstørret center
commer., industr.factory outlet centerfabriksudsalgscenter
fin.financial centerfinanscentrum
fin.financial centerfinanscenter
commun.forecast center stationprognosecenterstation
transp.front and back bolsters, stakes and center pale of a steel chassiskæpstokke, undervognens vognkæppe og langvogn
transp., avia.fuselage center sectionfuselagemidtersektion
hobby, agric.garden-centerplanteskole
commun.gateway centergateway-central
commun., el.gateway mobile services switching centergateway til anden mobilcentral
med.germinal centerkimcenter
med.germinal centergerminalcenter
earth.sc.guiding center of a particlegyrocenter
el.guiding center of a particlepartikels
el.guiding center of a particlegyrocenter
transp., mech.eng.head dead centerøverste dødpunkt
transp., mech.eng.head dead centertopdødpunkt
med.health care centersundhedscenter
nat.sc., agric.heart centermarv
comp., MSHelp and Support CenterHjælp og support (A unified place where a user can access all Help and Support content and services from Microsoft, the OEM, and the corporation)
comp., MSHelp and Support Center taxonomyklassificeringssystem i Hjælp og support (In the Windows XP Help and Support Center, the classification system that organizes Help topics into specific categories)
construct., mun.plan.historic centerhistorisk bykærne
construct., mun.plan.historic centerhistorisk bydel
construct., mun.plan.historic city centerhistorisk bydel
construct., mun.plan.historic city centerhistorisk bykærne
construct., mun.plan.historic town centerhistorisk bydel
construct., mun.plan.historic town centerhistorisk bykærne
mech.eng.hold on centersopspænding mellem pinoler
el.hole trapping centerhulindfangstcentrum
social.sc., construct.holiday centerfritidscenter
social.sc., construct.holiday centerfritidshjem
social.sc., construct.holiday centerferiecenter
social.sc., construct.holiday centerrekreativt område
social.sc., construct.holiday centercenter for rekreative aktiviteter
market.home centerboligindretningscenter
chem.If experiencing respiratory symptoms: Call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician.Ved luftvejssymptomer: Ring til en GIFTINFORMATION eller en læge.
chem.IF exposed: Call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician.VED eksponering: Ring til en GIFTINFORMATION eller en læge.
chem.IF exposed or if you feel unwell: Call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician.VED eksponering eller ubehag: Ring til en GIFTINFORMATION eller en læge.
chem.IF SWALLOWED: Call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician if you feel unwell.I TILFÆLDE AF INDTAGELSE: I tilfælde af ubehag ring til en GIFTINFORMATION eller en læge.
chem.IF SWALLOWED: Immediately call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician.I TILFÆLDE AF INDTAGELSE: Ring omgående til en GIFTINFORMATION eller en læge.
chem.Immediately call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician.Ring omgående til en GIFTINFORMATION eller en læge.
mech.eng.index centerdeleanordning
mech.eng.index centersdeleanordning
mech.eng.indexing centerdeleanordning
work.fl.information analysis centerinformationsanalysecenter
transp.integrated European network of vessel traffic centersintegreret europæisk net af skibstrafikcentre
ITIntegrated Network Information CenterIntegreret Netinformationscenter
market., fin.Inter-American Export Promotion Center-CIPEDet interamerikanske center for eksportfremme
IT, nucl.phys.International Data CenterDet Internationale Datacenter
commun.international data communications centerinternationalt datakommunikations-center
el.international maintenance centerinternationalt vedligeholdelsescenter
econ., agric.International Maize and Wheat Improvement CenterDet Internationale Majs- og Hvedecenter
agric.International Maize and Wheat Improvement CenterDet Internationale Majs- og Hvedeforædlingscenter
commun.International Press CenterInternationalt Pressecenter
commun.international service co-ordination centerkoordineringscenter for internationale tjenester
commun.international service co-ordination centerinternationalt servicekoordineringscenter
commun.international sound-program centerinternationalt radiofonicenter
commun.international switching and testing centersinternationale centre for omskiftning og afprøvning
el.international switching maintenance centerinternationalt vedligeholdelsescenter
commun., el.international television centerinternationalt TV-center
commun.international transit switching centerudlandscentral
stat., lab.law.job centerjobcenter
gen.Joint Operations Centerværnsfælles operationscenter
fin., ITkey distribution centernøgledistributionscenter
fin., ITkey translation centernøgleoversættelsescenter
tech., industr., construct.lateral centersideklemme der holder og centrerer spoleholderen
tech., industr., construct.lateral centersidecentreringsanordning
astronaut., transp.launch center simulation consolestartcentersimuleringskonsol
social.sc., construct.leisure centerfritidscenter
social.sc., construct.leisure centerfritidshjem
social.sc., construct.leisure centercenter for rekreative aktiviteter
social.sc., construct.leisure centerferiecenter
social.sc., construct.leisure centerrekreativt område
earth.sc., transp.lift centeropdriftscentrum
comp., MSlimited properties of work centersbegrænsede egenskaber for ressourcer (A method for scheduling resources that considers limits to the type of work a work center can perform at a given time. Finite property specifies the type of products or operations to be carried out at the same time at a work center)
el.load centerbelastningscenter
el.load centerbelastningstyngdepunkt
stat., el.load centersbelastningscentrum
el.load control centerlastfordelingscentral
el.load control centercentralt kontrolrum
commun., ITlong-distance centermellembyscentral
commun., ITlong-distance centerhovedcentral
transp., mil., grnd.forc., mech.eng.lower dead centerbunddødpunkt
transp., mil., grnd.forc., mech.eng.lower dead centernederste dødpunkt
comp., MSLync admin centerLync Administration (A web-based management portal for Lync Online services)
mech.eng.machining centerbearbejdningscenter
ITmain transit centerhoved transitcenter
commun., ITmanual centermanuelt center
commun., transp., nautic.maritime switching centermaritime centralcenter
med.mating centersexualcenter
med.mating centerparringscenter
comp., MSMedia Sharing CenterMediedelingscenter (The primary interface used to enable sharing media to other computers and devices, and to access media sharing settings and devices that interact with the media sharing feature. If you enable sharing you can play your favorite music, videos, and pictures on any computer or device in any room in your home)
stat., scient.median centermedian-center
commun., ITmessage switching centerfordelingscentral
commun., ITmessage switching centercentral
comp., MSMicrosoft Office Upload CenterMicrosoft Office Overførselscenter (A central hub for viewing pending uploads to http servers (mainly SharePoint) and correcting upload errors)
comp., MSMicrosoft Online Services Administration CenterMicrosoft Online Services - Administrationscenter (The web portal from which each company's service administrator can manage user accounts and settings for each of the Office 365 services to which they subscribe)
comp., MSMicrosoft Online Services Hosted BlackBerry Administration CenterMicrosoft Online Services Hosted BlackBerry - Administrationscenter (The tool that enables Exchange Online users to manage BlackBerry® devices)
comp., MSMicrosoft Online Services Partner Administration CenterMicrosoft Online Services - Partneradministrationscenter (The Web portal from which consultants, administrators, and technical support personnel perform technical and administrative tasks to support their customers)
comp., MSMicrosoft Update Solution CenterMicrosoft Update Løsningscenter (A Web site from Microsoft which provides solutions for the top issues about Windows Update or Microsoft Update, and enables you to contact a support professional)
commun.mobile services switching center areamobilradiocentral-område
commun.mobile switching center areamobilradiocentral-område
el.mode centerbølgetypemaksimum
fin.money center bankbank repræsenteret i verdens finanscentre
fin.money-center bankbank repræsenteret i verdens finanscentre
fin.money center bankpengemarkedsbank
fin.money-center bankmoney-center bank
commun.Motorola cellular message centerMotorola mobilsvarservicecenter
el.multiple-charged centerflerniveau-ladningsbærerfælde
construct.municipal centerlokalt administrativt center
environ.National Hurricane CenterDet nationale Orkancenter
commun.national sound-programme centernationalt radiofonicenter
commun.national television centernationalt TV-center
comp., MSNetwork and Sharing CenterNetværks- og delingscenter (A task page in the Windows Control Panel from where customers can get real-time status information about their network, and also make changes to settings)
comp., MSNetwork CenterNetværkscenter (A control panel that provides the status of your network and access to networking activities)
commun.network control centernet-kontrolcenter
commun.network management centernet-kontrolcenter
commun., ITnetwork management centercenter for netstyring
commun.network operations centernetwork operations centre
commun.network operations centernetværksdriftscenter
commun., ITnetwork service centernettjenestecenter
el.network switching centernetværksomskiftningscenter
el.network switching centernet-omkoblings-center
el.nominal center frequency of a channelnominel centerfrekvens for en kanal
nat.sc., environ.Oceanographic Research Center Dakar-ThiaroyeCenter for Oceanografisk Forskning i Dakar-Thiaroye
commun., el.off-center plan displaydecentreret PPI
comp., MSOffice 365 admin centerOffice 365 Administration (The web portal from which each company's service administrator can manage user accounts and settings for each of the Office 365 services to which they subscribe)
comp., MSOffice Upload CenterOffice Overførselscenter (A central hub for viewing pending uploads to http servers (mainly SharePoint) and correcting upload errors)
IT, dat.proc.to offset the centerudskære lagkagediagram
commun., transp.open center plan position indicatorPPI med central signalundertrykkelse
agric.open center wheelkonkav trykrulle
comp., MSOpen Sync CenterÅbn Synkroniseringscenter (A button that opens Sync Center)
commun.operating centeroperationscentral
commun.operating centerkontrolrum
commun.operating centerdriftscenter
commun., IToperation and maintenance centerdriftscenter
el.operation and maintenance center processoradministrativ processor
commun.operation centerkontrolrum
commun.operation centerdriftscenter
commun.operation centeroperationscentral
commun.operational control centerdrifts-kontrolcenter
commun.operations and maintenance centerdriftscenter
commun.operations and maintenance centerOAM-center
commun.operations and maintenance center radioOAM-centerradio
commun.operations and maintenance center radiodriftscenterradio
commun.operations and maintenance center switchOAM-centerswitch
commun.operations and maintenance center switchdriftscenterswitch
commun., IToperations and maintenance control centerdrifts-og vedligeholdelses kontrolcenter
commun.operations & maintenance center radiodriftscenterradio
commun.operations & maintenance center radioOAM-centerradio
commun.operations & maintenance center switchdriftscenterswitch
commun.operations & maintenance center switchOAM-centerswitch
commun., IToperator centeromstillingscenter
commun., IToptical centeroptisk midtpunkt
earth.sc.orbit guide-centerbanens ledecenter
commun.originating centeroprindelsescenter
commun.parent switching centerhovedcentral
comp., MSPerformance CenterYdelsescenter (Item on the Control Panel that allows the user to monitor PC performance)
el.phantom-center channelfantomlyd
commun.phone centertelebutik
mech.eng.plain centerdeleapparat til direkte deling
mech.eng.plain centersdeleapparat til direkte deling
mech.eng.plain index centerdeleapparat til direkte deling
mech.eng.plain index centersdeleapparat til direkte deling
stat., construct.population centerbefolkningskoncentration
comp., MSPower BI Admin CenterPower BI Administration (A portal for IT Administrators in Power BI)
commun., ITprimary switching centerprimærcentral
commun.private message-switching centerprivat message switching center
econ., commer.profit centerprofitcenter
commun.programme booking centerprogramreservationscenter
comp., MSProject CenterProjektcenter (A location that allows the user to create a project where the user can manage, share and archive information that has been added for various projects)
law, commer.purchase centerindkøbs-samarbejde
law, commer.purchase centerindkøbscenter
law, commer.purchase centerfælles-indkøb
commer.purchase decision centerbeslutnings-center for indkøb
IT, dat.proc.to put off the centerudskære lagkagediagram
commun.rate centerrate centre
social.sc.reception centermodtagelsescenter
el.recombination centerrekombinationscentrum
earth.sc., el.recombination centerrekombinationscenter
social.sc., construct.recreation centercenter for rekreative aktiviteter
social.sc., construct.recreation centerferiecenter
social.sc., construct.recreation centerfritidscenter
social.sc., construct.recreation centerfritidshjem
social.sc., construct.recreation centerrekreativt område
social.sc., construct.recreational centerfritidshjem
social.sc., construct.recreational centercenter for rekreative aktiviteter
social.sc., construct.recreational centerferiecenter
social.sc., construct.recreational centerfritidscenter
social.sc., construct.recreational centerrekreativt område
el.reference surface centercentrum for referenceoverflade
work.fl.referral centerinformationsformidlingscenter
commun., ITregional centerregionalt center
environ.Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europeregionalt miljøcenter
gen.regional fuel cycle centerregionalt brændselscykluscenter
environ.Regional Meteorological CenterRegionalt Meteorologisk Center
el.remote control centernetkontrolrum
construct., mun.plan.renewal of town centersfornyelse af centrer
comp., MSReport CenterRapportcenter (A feature that leverages Excel Services and SharePoint Server to provide easy and powerful reporting capabilities)
fin.reserve centerreservecenter
med.respiratory centeråndedrætscenter
med.respiratory centerrespirationscenter
mech.eng.revolving centerkuglepinol
mech.eng.revolving centermedløbende pinol
med.RMCD-Regional Media Center for the Deafregionalt behandlingscentrum for døve
comp., MSRole CenterRollecenter (A page that provides quick access to information that is regularly viewed, such as a list of activities and links to forms and reports that are used frequently)
commun.routing centerdirigeringscenter
commun., el.satellite international television centersatellite international television centre
el.SCR-thyristor center junctionthyristorens midterste pn-overgang
el.SCR-thyristor center junctionSCR thyristorens midterste pn-overgang
crim.law.SECI CenterRegionalt SECI-center for Bekæmpelse af Grænseoverskridende Kriminalitet
gen.SECI CenterSECI's Center for Kriminalitetsbekæmpelse
gen.SECI CenterSECI's Kriminalitetscenter
gen.SECI Regional Center for Combating Transborder CrimeSECI's Kriminalitetscenter
crim.law.SECI Regional Center for Combating Transborder CrimeRegionalt SECI-center for Bekæmpelse af Grænseoverskridende Kriminalitet
gen.SECI Regional Center for Combating Transborder CrimeSECI's Center for Kriminalitetsbekæmpelse
commun., ITsecondary switching centersekundært switchingcenter
mech.eng.self-centering chuckcentrerpatron
mech.eng.semi-drop center rimsemi-drop center fælg
construct.service centerservicecenter
construct.service centercenter for forsyningsværker
comp., MSSharePoint admin centerSharePoint Administration (A web-based management portal from which a company's service administrator can manage their SharePoint Online service, including creating and deleting site collections, managing user accounts and storage quota, and specifying service settings)
comp., MSSharePoint Online Administration CenterSharePoint Online - Administrationscenter (A web-based management portal from which a company's service administrator can manage their SharePoint Online service, including creating and deleting site collections, managing user accounts and storage quota, and specifying service settings)
commun.short message service centerSMS-center
met.slip centermidterevne
comp., MSSMS center numbersms-centernummer (The number used to send and receive messages)
social.sc.social centersocialcenter
social.sc.social centersocialt center
agric.soft center plow bottommuldplade af trelaget stål
agric.soft center shareskær af trelaget stål
agric.soft center steel shareskær af trelaget stål
crim.law.Southeast European Cooperative Initiative Regional Center for Combating Trans-border CrimeRegionalt SECI-center for Bekæmpelse af Grænseoverskridende Kriminalitet
gen.Southeast European Cooperative Initiative Regional Center for Combating Trans-border CrimeSECI's Center for Kriminalitetsbekæmpelse
gen.Southeast European Cooperative Initiative Regional Center for Combating Trans-border CrimeSECI's Kriminalitetscenter
gen.Southeast European Law Enforcement Centerdet sydøsteuropæiske retshåndhævelsescenter
nat.sc.space radiation study centerstudiecenter for rumstråling
fin., ITSparekassernes Data CenterSparekassernes Datacentraler
med.speech centersprogcenter i hjernen
hobby, construct.sports centersportscenter
el.SRH centerShockley-Read-Hall centrum
transp.stabilization by low center of gravitystabilisering med lavt beliggende tyngdepunkt
commun., agric.storage centerlagercenter
commun., ITstore-and-forward switching centercenter for lagring og retransmission
comp., MSSubscription CenterAbonnementscenter (An email marketing plug-in that is required to be added to all commercial emails)
construct.supply centercenter for forsyningsværker
mech.eng.support on centersopspænding mellem pinoler
el.switching and testing centerswitching and testing centre
el.switching centeromkoblings-central
el.switching centernetkontrolrum
comp., MSSync CenterSynkroniseringscenter (An item on the Control Panel that provides user a comprehensive view over all roamed content, as well as ability to check on the synchronization progress of individual items)
el.system control centerdriftscentral
comp., MSTeam Work CenterTeamworkcenter (​A Web Part that combines a search list of projects in a site collection along with a timeline that shows how those projects relate to one another)
commun.technical and operational control centertechnical and operational coordination centre
commun.technical and operational coordination centertechnical and operational coordination centre
work.fl.technical information centerspecialiseret informationscenter
ed., nat.sc.Technical Knowledge Center & Library of DenmarkDanmarks Tekniske Videncenter & Bibliotek
el.telegram retransmission centertelegramcentral
el.telegraph message-switching centertelegramcentral
commun.television operating centerfjernsynsbetjeningscenter
commun.telex switching centerabonnementcentral
commun.telex switching centertelex-center
commun.telex switching centertelex-opkobling
commun.telex switching centertelexcentral
commun.terminal international centerinternationalt center for terminal
commun.terminal national centernationalt center for terminal
IT, dat.proc.text center linetekstmidterlinje
el.thyristor center junctionSCR thyristorens midterste pn-overgang
el.thyristor center junctionthyristorens midterste pn-overgang
commun.toll centerrigstelefonen
commun.toll centertransitcentral
commun., ITtoll centermellembyscenter
transp., mech.eng.top dead centertopdødpunkt
transp., mech.eng.top dead centerøverste dødpunkt
commun.tracking centertracking centre
ed., agric.training centeruddannelsessted
ed., agric.training centeruddannelsescenter
commun.transit centertransitcenter
el.trapping centerfælde
el.trapping centerindfangningscenter
el.trapping-center demarcation levelindfangningscenter-demarkationsniveau
gen.Tropical Agricultural Research and Training CenterForsknings- og Uddannelsescenter for Tropisk Landbrug
commun.trunk control centerkontrolcenter for fjerntrafik
comp., MSTrust CenterCenter for sikkerhed og rettighedsadministration (Part of the Office Center feature that allows users to set various security and privacy options, and to see currently enforced security and privacy rules)
comp., MSTrust CenterCenter for sikkerhed og rettigheder (A website that describes the compliance, security, and privacy features of Microsoft Office 365)
fin., commun., ITTrust Centerbetroet tredjepart
commun.unattended centerubemandet center
mech.eng.universal index centeruniversal delehoved
mech.eng.universal index centerdelehoved med differentialindretning
mech.eng.universal index centersuniversal delehoved
ed., construct.university centeruniversitetscenter
comp., MSUpload CenterOverførselscenter (A central hub for viewing pending uploads to http servers (mainly SharePoint) and correcting upload errors)
construct., mun.plan., commun.urban centerurbancentral
construct., mun.plan., commun.urban centertelefoncentral
mech.eng.US:contracted center distancehjulpar med negativ profilforskydning
mech.eng.US:contracted center distanceC-minus fortanding
mech.eng.US:enlarged center distancehjulpar med positiv profilforskydning
mech.eng.US:enlarged center distanceC-plus fortandning
mech.eng.US:gear set at standard center distancehjulpar med profilforskydning og referenceakselafstand
mech.eng.US:gear set at standard center distanceC-nul-tandpar
mech.eng.US:standard center distancenul-akselafstand
mech.eng.US:standard center distancereferenceakselafstand
med.visual centersynscenter
med.visual centerssynscenter
comp., MSVOIP-enabled Live Meeting trial conference center sessionLive Meeting-session i et mødecenter via VoIP og på prøve (A Live Meeting session conducted using VoIP to transmit data and conducted on a Live Meeting conference center accessed with a trial account)
comp., MSWelcome CenterVelkomst (A feature that serves as a launching point for several optional Windows tasks and OEM-defined tasks)
comp., MSWindows Dev CenterWindows Udviklingscenter (The online center that quickly gets you the info and tools you need for Windows development)
comp., MSWindows Dev Center desktop dashboardskrivebordsdashboard til Windows Udviklingscenter (The entry point to the desktop section of the Windows Dev Center where users can certify desktop apps for Windows, exchange information with Microsoft, and obtain services)
comp., MSWindows Dev Center hardware and desktop dashboardhardware- og skrivebordsdashboard til Windows Udviklingscenter (The entry point to the hardware and desktop development sections of the Windows Dev Center where users can certify hardware and desktop apps for Windows, distribute drivers, exchange information with Microsoft, and obtain services)
comp., MSWindows Dev Center hardware dashboardhardwaredashboard til Windows Udviklingscenter (The entry point to the hardware section of the Windows Dev Center where users can certify hardware for Windows, distribute drivers by using Windows Update, exchange information with Microsoft, and obtain services)
comp., MSWindows Live Admin CenterWindows Live Administration (A service that enables customers to implement Windows Live communication services within their own personal domains)
comp., MSWindows Media Sharing CenterWindows Mediedelingscenter (The primary interface used to enable sharing media to other computers and devices, and to access media sharing settings and devices that interact with the media sharing feature. If you enable sharing you can play your favorite music, videos, and pictures on any computer or device in any room in your home)
comp., MSWindows Mobile Member CenterWindows Mobile Medlemscenter (A Web site where users can register to become part of the Windows Mobile Membership program)
comp., MSWindows Mobility CenterWindows Mobilitetscenter (A single location in Windows where you can adjust mobile PC settings)
comp., MSWindows 8 Pro with Media CenterWindows 8 Pro med Media Center (An edition of Windows 8 Pro that contains Windows Media Center)
hobby, construct.winter sports centervintersportssted
commun.wire centerwire centre
earth.sc., el.with center stopmed stop i midterstilling
comp., MSwork centerarbejdscenter (A self-contained unit of the manufacturing process, or an entire plant)
comp., MSwork centerressource (A self-contained unit of the manufacturing process, or an entire plant)
life.sc., polit.World Meteorological Centerden meteorologiske verdensorganisations center
commun.zone centerhovedcentral
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