
Terms for subject Environment containing causes | all forms | exact matches only
abiotic causeabiotisk faktor
cause-effect relationforholdet mellem årsag og virkning
cause-effect relationkausalrelation
cause-effect relationårsagsvirkningssammenhæng
cause-effect relation The relating of causes to the effects that they producekausalrelation
cause for concernanledning/kilde til bekymring
cause for concern principle Principle connected with the precautionary principle: it means that, if there are strong reasons for expecting serious or irreversible damage to the environment following a given project, lack of full scientific certainty should not be used as a reason for postponing cost-effective measures to prevent environmental degradation. Critics of this approach are concerned about large commitments of resources to deal with vaguely defined problemsanledning/kilde til bekymring
cause for concern principleanledning/kilde til bekymring
causes of firesbrandårsager
civil liability for damage caused by wasteerstatningsansvar for skader forårsaget af affald
disease causesygdomsårsag
fire cause determinationundersøgelse af brandårsager
human-caused riskmenneskeforårsaget brandfare
human-caused risk scaling factorindeks for menneskeforårsaget brandfare
inventory of damage caused to forests by atmospheric pollutionoversigt over skader, der er sket på skove som følge af luftforurening
may cause long-term adverse effects in the environmentkan forårsage uønskede langtidsvirkninger i miljøet
may cause long-term adverse effects in the environmentR58
Munich Multilateral Conference on the causes and prevention of damage to forests and waters by air pollution in EuropeDen Multilaterale Konference om Årsager til og Forhindring af Skader på Skov- og Vandområder som følge af Luftforurening i Europa
pollution caused by acid picklingforurening ved syrebejdsning
pollution caused by nitratesnitratforurening
product that causes less harm to the environmentmindre miljøskadeligt produkt
the cause of this abnormal radiation was the misalignment of the electrodesårsagen til denne unormale stråling var, at elektroderne var ude af centrering
the parasitic electron bombardment causes emission of X-raysdet utilsigtede elektronbombardement fører til emission af røntgenstråler
unnormalized man-caused riskdiverse menneskeforårsagede risici