
Terms for subject Environment containing carried | all forms
carry-over effect Effect caused by the successive passages of polluting substances through the different organisms of a food chain"carry-over" virkning
carry-over of radioactive substances to the turbineoverførsel af radioaktive stoffer til turbinen
carrying capacitymiljøs bæreevne
carrying out of radioactive deuterium oxideudledning af radioaktivt tungt vand
ecological carrying capacity 1. The maximum number of species an area can support during the harshest part of the year, or the maximum biomass it can support indefinitely. 2. The maximum number of grazing animals an area can support without deteriorationøkologisk bæreevne
ecological carrying capacityøkologisk bæreevne
land carrying capacityjordens bæreevne
land carrying capacity The maximum extent to which ground or soil area may be exploited without degradation or depletionjordens bæreevne
pathogenic property of organisms carrying new genetic informationsygdomsfremkaldende egenskab ved organismer med nye genetiske informationer