
Terms for subject Law containing capacity | all forms | exact matches only
to act in a sovereign capacityhandle som myndighed
advisory capacityrådgivende funktioner
capacity dutykapacitetspligt
capacity for actionhandlekraft
capacity for external actionhandlekraft udadtil
capacity of States to conclude treatiesstaters evne til at indgå traktater
capacity to acthandleevne
capacity to be made a defendantpartshabilitet som sagsøgt
capacity to bring an action for annulmentbeføjelse til at foranledige en annullering
capacity to contractprivatretlig dispositionsfrihed
capacity to dispose of property upon deathretten til at træffe dødsdispositioner
capacity to make a disposition of property upon deathretten til at træffe dødsdispositioner
capacity to take decisionsbeslutningsbeføjelse
capacity to take legal actionpåtaleret
capacity to take legal actionpåtalekompetence
decision-making capacitybeslutningskapacitet
decision-making capacitybeslutningsevne
Declaration by the Presidency and the Commission No 19 on the monetary capacity of the Communityerklæring nr. 19 fra formandskabet og Kommissionen om Fællesskabets monetære kapacitet
document signed by a person in his/her private capacityprivat dokument
document signed by a person in his/her private capacitydokument oprettet af parterne
to enjoy the most extensive legal capacityhave den videstgående rets-og handleevne
general capacityalmindelig habilitet
to have electoral capacityvære valgbar
to have electoral capacityhave valgret
international legal capacityinternational rets- og handleevne
legal capacityretsevne
legal capacity of natural personsfysiske personers rets- og handleevne
loss of earning capacitytab af erhvervsevne
negative capacity requirementsnegative habilitetskrav
operational actions of joint teams comprising representatives of Europol in a support capacityfælles operative aktioner med deltagelse af repræsentanter for Europol i en støttefunktion
operational actions of joint teams comprising representatives of Europol in a support capacityfælles operationer med deltagelse af repræsentanter for Europol i en støttefunktion
party capacitypartsbeføjelse
physical capacityfysiske evner
positive capacity requirementspositive habilitetskrav
procedural capacitypåtaleret
procedural capacitypåtalekompetence
Protocol on the Legal Capacity, Privileges and Immunities of the European Free Trade Associationprotokol om Den Europæiske Frihandelssammenslutnings retlige stilling, privilegier og immuniteter
Rome Decision on Legal Capacity and Privileges and Immunitiesbeslutning vedtaget i Rom om juridisk personlighed samt privilegier og immuniteter
to sit in the capacity of judgevære dommer
specific capacityspeciel habilitet
status and legal capacity of natural personsfysiske personers rets- eller handleevne
status and legal capacity of personsfysiske personers retlige status eller rets-og handleevne
testamentary capacitytestamentshabilitet
the capacity to be made bankruptmuligheden for at blive erklæret konkurs
the Community shall enjoy the most extensive legal capacityFællesskabet har den videstgående rets- og handleevne
the ECB shall enjoy the most extensive legal capacity accorded to legal persons under its lawECB nyder den mest vidtgående rets- og handleevne, som den pågældende stats lovgivning tillægger juridiske personer