
Terms containing calculation | all forms | exact matches only
tax.application of a corrective mechanism to the calculation of the VAT rateanvende en korrektionsmekanisme ved beregning af momssatsen
econ.calculation at constant prices of the compensation of employeesman beregner lønningerne og arbejdsgiverbidragene i faste priser
insur., social.sc.calculation basis for benefitsbasis for beregning af ydelser
scient., tech.calculation by nomogramskalkulation ved hjælp af nomogrammer
energ.ind., nucl.phys.calculation codeberegningskode
IT, dat.proc.calculation gridkalkulationsmatrix
IT, dat.proc.calculation gridberegningsmatrix
environ.calculation methodberegningsmetode
environ.calculation method No definition neededberegningsmetode
R&D.calculation modelberegningsmodel
insur.calculation of a benefitberegning af en ydelse
life.sc., agric.calculation of allocationsberegning af tildeling af jord
transp.calculation of areasfladeberegning
construct.calculation of areasarealberegning
commun., ITcalculation of basic keyberegning af basisnøgle
insur., social.sc.calculation of benefits due to migrants and entitled dependentsberegning af ydelse til gæstarbejder og af deres fordringer
transp.calculation of chargesfragtberegning
tax.calculation of deductible VAT at constant pricesberegningen i faste priser af den indgående moms
mech.eng., el.calculation of efficiency from summation of lossesberegning af virkningsgrad ud fra summen af målte tab
mech.eng., el.calculation of efficiency from total lossberegning af virkningsgrad ud fra måling af samlede tab
stat., scient.calculation of errorsfejlberegning
market., fin.calculation of final valueslutværdiberegning
econ.calculation of intermediate consumption at constant pricesberegning af forbruget af rå-og hjælpestoffer i faste priser
fin., account.calculation of own funds on a consolidated basisberegning af den egenkapital på konsolideret grundlag
social.sc.calculation of pensionsberegning af pensioner
life.sc.calculation of perturbationspertubationsberegning
econ.calculation of present valuetilbageføring
econ.calculation of present valueberegning af nutidsværdi
econ.calculation of the aggregatesberegning af aggregaterne
fin.calculation of the arithmetical averageberegning af det aritmetiske gennemsnit
fin.calculation of the deductible proportionprorata-beregning af fradraget
gen.calculation of the mission expensesudregning af udgifterne i forbindelse med tjenesterejsen
gov.calculation of the mission expenses - BTudregning af udgifterne i forbindelse med tjenesterejsen
life.sc., agric.calculation of the original surface area and value of propertyberegning af areal og værdi af oprindelig ejendom
lawcalculation of the quota of disabled workerskvoten på erhvervshæmmede
econ.calculation of the stock of fixed capital goods at constant pricesberegning af kapitalapparatet i faste priser
fin.calculation of the sums still to be paidberegning af de beløb,som endnu ikke er betalt
interntl.trade.calculation of the total ad valorem subsidisationberegning af den samlede værdi af subsidierne i relation til varens værdi
interntl.trade.calculation of the total ad valorem subsidisationberegning af den samlede værdi af subsidierne
gen.calculation of the travel expensesudregning af udgifterne i forbindelse med tjenesterejsen
life.sc., agric.calculation of the values of sections and blocksværdiberegning af jordfordelingssektioner
lawcalculation of time limitsfristberegning
lawcalculation of time periodberegning af fristen
transp.calculation of transit periodsberegning af befordringstiden
IT, nat.sc.calculation rulesregneregler
IT, dat.proc.calculation tableberegningstabel
tech., law, el.capacity calculation processkapacitetsberegning
insur.certificate concerning the members of the family of an employed person or self-employed person to be taken into consideration for the calculation of cash benefits in the case of incapacity for workblanket E105
insur.certificate concerning the members of the family of an employed person or self-employed person to be taken into consideration for the calculation of cash benefits in the case of incapacity for workattest om arbejdstagerens eller den selvstændige erhvervsdrivendes familiemedlemmer,der skal tages i betragtning ved beregning af kontantydelser i tilfælde af uarbejdsdygtighed
insur.certificate relating to members of the family of an unemployed person who must be taken into account for the calculation of benefitsblanket E302
insur.certificate relating to members of the family of an unemployed person who must be taken into account for the calculation of benefitsattest vedrørende de familiemedlemmer til den arbejdstager,der skal tages i betragtning ved ydelsernes beregning
mech.eng., el.direct calculation of efficiencydirekte beregning af virkningsgrad
transp.equivalent distance for tariff calculation purposestarifgrundlagsdistance
busin., labor.org.European Convention on the Calculation of Time-limitseuropæisk konvention om beregning af tidsfrister
comp., MSExcel Calculation ServerExcel Beregningsserver (The core component of the Excel Server that includes the full Excel calculation functionality. It loads and saves Excel workbooks, queries and refreshes external data, calculates workbooks, and provides the calculated results to the caller)
interntl.trade.Expert Group on the Calculation of the Amount of a SubsidyEkspertgruppen vedrørende Beregning af Subsidiebeløb
tax.flat-rate calculation of the taxable amountstandardfastsættelse af beskatningsgrundlaget
life.sc.graphical calculation of areasgrafisk arealbestemmelse
mech.eng., el.indirect calculation of efficiencyindirekte beregning af virkningsgrad
environ., agric.load calculation formkalkuleringsformular for last
gen.Method of calculation to be used in the periodical reviews of the remuneration of officialsberegningsmetode for den periodiske undersøgelse af niveautet for vederlagene til tjenestemænd
gen.Method of calculation to be used in the periodical reviews of the remuneration of officialsberegningsmetode ved de regelmæssige undersøgelser af lønningsniveauet for tjenestemænd
gen.method of calculation to be used in the periodical reviews of the remuneration of officialsend
transp., avia.Principles for establishing the cost-base for route facility charges and the calculation of the unit ratesprincipper for etablering af omkostningsgrundlaget for overflyvningsafgifter og beregning af enhedsrater
comp., MSProject Calculation ServiceProject-beregningstjeneste (A scheduling engine for Project Server that enables automated project updates and scheduling that is similar to that in Project Professional)
gen.release calculation for steady stateudslipsberegning for stationære forhold
life.sc.semi-numerical calculation of areassemigrafisk arealberegning
industr., construct.strength calculation for the vesselstyrkeberegning for beholderen
construct.stress calculation for official approvalstatisk beregning
econ.such calculation shall be submitted to the Commission for its prior approvaldenne beregning kræver Kommissionens forudgående godkendelse
fin.supporting documentation for calculation of leviesdokumentation for beregning af afgifter
life.sc.surface calculation of parcels 2.mass calculationmasseberegning
interntl.trade.the calculation of future trade prospectsberegning af de fremtidige handelsudsigter