
Terms for subject Health care containing by | all forms | exact matches only
a device for determining the relationship of different brightnesses by the method of equal sensation intervalsDelboeufs skive
ageing by dentitionaldersbestemmelse pga. tandskifte og tandslid
aging by dentitionaldersbestemmelse pga. tandskifte og tandslid
animal by-productanimalsk biprodukt
animal suspected of being infected by a TSEdyr, der mistænkes for at være smittet med en TSE
animal suspected of being infected by a TSEdyr, der mistænkes for at være TSE-inficeret
contamination by dioxinsforurening med dioxiner
contamination by dioxinskontaminering med dioxiner
contamination by dioxinsdioxinforurening
Convention concerning Prevention and Control of Occupational Hazards caused by Carcinogenic Substances and Agentskonvention om forebyggelse af og kontrol med sundhedsmæssige farer på arbejdspladsen forårsaget af kræftfremkaldende stoffer og midler
deficiency diseases caused by physical inactivityinaktivitetsbetingede lidelser
development of sterile varieties by genetic manipulationudvikling af sterile sorter gennem genetisk manipulation
device intended by the manufacturer to be able to be used by lay persons in a home environmentudstyr, som af fabrikanten er bestemt til at kunne anvendes af lægmand i et hjemligt miljø
dilution carried out by doublingfoldsfortynding
disease preventable by vaccinationsygdom, som kan forebygges ved vaccination
ether of polyglycerol and of alcohols obtained by the reduction of oleic and palmitic acidsethere af polyglycerol og alkohol fremstillet ved reduktion af oliesyre og palmitinsyre
examination by histopathologyhistopatologisk undersøgelse
grading by weightvægtklasse
hatchery by-productbiprodukt fra rugerier
infection unaccompanied by symptomssmittede uden symptomer
loss of image-forming radiation caused by scattered radiation gridblændetab
loss of image-forming radiation caused by scattered radiation gridafblændingstab
may cause sensitization by skin contactkan give overfølsomhed ved kontakt med huden
may cause sensitization by skin contactkan give allergi ved kontakt med huden
preservation by refrigerationkølerumsopbevaring
process of chilling by immersion in watermetode med afkøling i vandbad
process of chilling by immersion in waterafkøling i vandbad
processing plant for slaughter by-productsforarbejdningsanlæg for slagteaffald
programme for the rehabilitation of victims disabled by minesrehabiliteringsprogram for ofre, der er blevet handicappet af miner
Programme of Community action against diseases which are caused, provoked or aggravated by environmental pollutionprogram for fællesskabsaktion mod sygdomme, der forårsages, fremkaldes eller forværres af miljøforurening
regular broadcasts by health organisations about epidemic diseasesepidemiologiske bulletiner
regular broadcasts by health organizations about epidemic diseasesepidemiologiske bulletiner
Regulatory Committee on the Minimum Safety and Health Requirements for the Use by Workers of Machines, Equipment and InstallationsForskriftsudvalget for Minimumforskrifter for Sikkerhed og Sundhed for Arbejdstagernes Brug af Maskiner, Apparater og Installationer
reproductive material produced by sexual meansgenerativt formeringsmateriale
screening by urine testingurinundersøgelser
sensitisation by skin contactoverfølsomhed ved hudkontakt
test carried out by the laryngo-pharyngeal scrape methodprobang-prøve
test carried out by the laryngo-pharyngeal scrape methodprøve for mund- og klovesygevirus ved hjælp af metoden med skrabning af mund og svælg
toxic by eye contactgiftig ved kontakt med øjnene
tropical environment characterized by deficiencytropisk mangelpræget miljø