
Terms for subject Agriculture containing by | all forms | exact matches only
abandonment by grubbing and removal of stocksrydning med oprykning af rodstokkene
acid produced by fermentationsyre, der fremkommer ved gæring
actual alcoholic strength by massvirkeligt alkoholindhold udtrykt i masse
actual alcoholic strength by volumevirkeligt alkoholindhold udtrykt i volumen
actual alcoholic strength by volumevirkeligt alkoholindhold udtrykt i % vol
agitation by simple return to the tankhydraulisk omrøring
alcohol content by volumealkoholprocent
alcohol content by volumealkoholindhold
alcoholic strength by massalkoholindhold udtrykt i masse
alcoholic strength by mass% mas
alcoholic strength by volumealkoholindhold udtrykt i volumen
alcoholic strength by volumealkoholindhold udtrykt i % vol
an accompanying commercial document authorised by the official veterinarianhandelsdokument påtegnet af embedsdyrlægen
angelica preserved by sugarkandiseret angelica
application by spray linegødningstilførsel med tågedyser
area covered by a sprinklervandet areal
backward strain produced by the pressure of the cutting vegetationsnitmodstand
by-catch landed unsortedusorteret landet bifangst
by-catch of a critical stockbifangst af kritisk bestand
by centrifuging extracted creamved centrifugering udskilt fløde
by hand removed creammanuelt udskilt fløde
by-pass operation with continuous refeedingby-pass-procedure med konstant recirkulering
by-pass valveaflastningsventil
by private contractunderhåndsaftale
by-product delivery for distillationpligtig vinydelse
by-product of alcohol distillingbiprodukt fra spritfremstilling
by-product of limeaffaldskalk
by-product of oil manufacturebiprodukt fra olieudvinding
by-product of renderingbiprodukt fra afsmeltning
by-product of wine-makingbiprodukter fra vinifikation
by-product of winemakingbiprodukt fra vinfremstilling
by-product of wine-makingbiprodukter fra vinfremstilling
by rear furrow wheelbaghjul
% by volumevolumenprocent
churn-type cooler by chilled waterjungekøler kølet ved hjælp af afkølet vand
churn-type cooler by cooling waterjungekøler kølet ved hjælp af kølevand
clarification by means of clarifying substancesved hjælp af klaringsmidler
clarification by means of clarifying substancesklaring
classification by qualitykvalitetsklasse
classification by sizestørrelsesklasse
classification by weightvægtklasse
classified by varietal suitabilityklassificering med hensyn til sortsegnethed
Community-COST Concertation Committee on Use of Lignocellulose-Containing By-products and other Plant Residues for Animal FeedingFællesskabet/Cost-samordningsudvalget for Brug af Biprodukter Indeholdende Træcellulose og af andre Planterester til Foder
concentration by coolingkoncentrering ved frysning
contamination removed by showeringforurening fjernet ved afskylning
cut by all barsstolperet
dairy by-productsmejeribiprodukter
dairy by-productsbiprodukter fra mejeribrug
damage by dacus oleaeangreb af dacus oleae
damage by insectsinsektgnav
damage by olive fruit flyangreb af dacus oleae
damage caused by birdsfugleskade
damage caused by gamevildtskade
damage caused by gamevildtbid
damage caused by storagelagringsskader
damages caused by hailhaglskader
depth control by adjustable wheeldybdereguleringsspindel
depth control by land wheel leverdybdeindstillingsarm på landhjul
destruction by steamingbladdestruktion med damp
distillation by a jobbing distillerdestillation på et fremmed anlæg
distillation by a jobbing distillerdestillation på et fremmed destilleri
distillation by a jobbing distillerdestillation i lønarbejde
distribution affected by windvindspredning
drive by land-wheelkørehjulstræk
dung channel covered by a gridgødningskanal dækket med en rist
ensiling by silage pressensilering v.h.a.ensilagepresser
export guaranteed by the Communityeksport under EF-garanti
fat content, by weightfedtindhold i vægtprocent
fat content, by weightfedtindhold
fermentation by-productgæringsbiprodukt
fermentation by-productsgæringsbiprodukter
fertilization by soil injectionudbringning af gødningsmidler med punktnedfælder
fertilizer application by irrigationgødningstilførsel med vandingsvand
fertilizer drills spread the fertilizer by means of telescopic delivery tubesgødningssåmaskiner udbringer kunstgødningen i rækker gennem teleskop-faldrør
fish by-pass channelomløbskanal
fishing by angvodfiskeri med agnvod
fishing by netfiskeri med garn
food preservation by radiationstrålekonservering
foodstuff remnants or food scraps are kept moist by means of sprinklers fitted above the throughsover truget anbringes dyserør, der tjener til opfugtning af formalede foderrester
foodstuffs sold by the piecelevnedsmidler, der sælges stykvis
fruit preserved by freezingfrosset frugt
fruit preserved by sulphur dioxide gasfrugt konserveret med svovldioxidgas
to gather by ploughingpløje sammen
giving up of land by productive agriculturefrigørelse af landbrugsjord
graft by aPproach in archpodning beroende på, at de to kambialvæv snøres sammen
grafting by approachpodning
grafting by approachafsugning
grain damaged by pestskerner angrebet af skadedyr
grape must with fermentation arrested by the addition of alcoholdruemost, hvis gæring er standset ved tilsætning af alkohol
grape must with fermentation arrested by the addition of alcoholdruemost,hvis gæring er standset ved tilsætning af alkohol
home consumption by the producerproducentens privatforbrug
incidental by-catchutilsigtet bifangst
infection caused by fungimykose
infection caused by fungisvampesygdom
infection caused by fungiskimmelsygdom
infection caused by fungikryptogam sygdom
infection spread by fomitesinfektion spredt ved smittebærende genstand
intervention price multiplied by the conversion factorinterventionspris multipliceret med tilpasningskoefficient
irrigation by floodingvanding ved oversvømmelse
irrigation by floodingvanding ved overrisling
irrigation by floodingoverrislingsvanding
irrigation by surface floodingvanding ved overrisling
irrigation by surface floodingvanding ved oversvømmelse
irrigation by surface floodingoverrislingsvanding
lamb raising by handkunstig opfostring af lam
leaf attacked by mouldblade med skimmel
leaf attacked by rotblade med råd
leaf damaged by frostfrostbeskadigede blade
leaf torn by hailblade ødelagt af hagl
leaves damaged by frostfrostbeskadigede blade
leaves torn by hailblade ødelagt af hagl
lesions of the hepatic mitochondria are caused by the action of parathionparathion bevirker beskadigelser af levermitochondrier
lignocellulose-containing by-productbiprodukt indeholdende lignincellulose
liquid fertilizer application by application tubenedfældning af flydende gødning med nedfælderskær
liquid fertilizer application by entering the groundnedfældning af flydende gødning ved nedgravning
liquid fertilizer application by injecting into the groundnedfældning af flydende gødning ved nedgravning
liquid fertilizer application by placementnedfældning af flydende gødning med nedfælderskær
List of the natural mineral waters recognized by...Liste over naturligt mineralvand anerkendt af...
locked by top hitch bracketfastlåsning af sikkerhedspal
malting by-productsmalteribiprodukter
milk solids obtained by evaporationmælketørstof, der er fremstillet ved inddampning
milking by handhåndmalkning
milking by machinemaskinmælkning
milking by machinemaskinmalkning
milling by-productklid og groft mel
milling by-products/by-products of millingbiprodukter fra møllerivirksomhed
Monitoring Agriculture by Remote Sensingovervågning af landbrug ved teledetektion
Monitoring of Agriculture by Remote Sensing and Environment-Related ApplicationsOvervågning af landbruget ved hjælp af telemåling og tilhørende opgaver på miljøområdet
multiplication by dividingformering ved deling
natural alcoholic strength by volumenaturligt alkoholindhold udtrykt i volumen
natural alcoholic strength by volumenaturligt alkoholindhold udtrykt i % vol
percentage by volumevolumenprocent
plant by-productsvegetabilske affaldsprodukter
planting by handmanuelplantning
planting by handhåndplantning
planting of seeds one by oneenkornssåning
potential alcoholic strength by masspotentielt alkoholindhold udtrykt i masse
potential alcoholic strength by volumepotentielt alkoholindhold udtrykt i volumen
potential alcoholic strength by volumepotentielt alkoholindhold udtrykt i % vol
poultry by-product mealmel af fjerkræaffald
to preserve the specific character bestowed by its originbevare den typiske oprindelseskarakter
preserved by sugarkonserveret med sukker
product obtained by distillationdestillat
propagation by cuttingstilskæring af podekviste
propagation by cuttingsvegetativ formering
propagation by cuttingsstiklingeformering
propagation by cuttingsformering
propagation by cuttingsformering ved stikling
propagation by cuttingsforplantning
propagation by cuttingsaflægning
propagation by herbaceous cuttingsstikling med blade til rodslagning
propagation by root cuttingsformering ved rodstikling
quantity of grape must and wine held by themmængde af druemost og vin,der er i deres besiddelse
rearing by handspandefodring
rearing by nurse cowkalveopfostring v.h.a.ammeko
replanting right by transferbeplantningsret ved overførsel
responsibility carried by the fishing industry itselfansvaret på udøverne af erhvervet
sale by auctionauktion
sell-by datesidste salgsdato
single-frame rotary harrows are trailed by side-hitchesen enkelt pigharvesektion trækkes af en sideforskudt trækarm
singling by handhåndudtynding
sizing by circumferencesortering efter omkreds
sizing by diametersortering efter diameter
sizing by weightsortering efter vægt
skimmed milk powder manufactured by the roller processtromletørret skummetmælkspulver
2) skimmed milk powder manufactured by the spray processder er tørret ved forstøvningsmetoden
2) skimmed milk powder manufactured by the spray processskummetmælkspulver
2) skimmed milk powder manufactured by the spray processder er fremstillet efter spraytørringsmetoden
slaughter by-productsbiprodukter fra slagtning
slurry tanks, strengthened by steal strip hoopsajletønder, forstærket med båndstål
soil degradation by compactingjordbundsforringelse efter komprimering
soil protection by maintenance of suitable plant coverbeskyttelse af jordbunden ved vedligeholdelse af et egnet plantedække
sowing by handhåndsåning
stand-by crewudrykningshold
sterilization by silverkonservering ved tilsætning af sølv
suspected of being infected by BSEmistænkt for at være BSE-inficeret
suspected of being infected by BSEBSE-mistænkt
take over by the intervention agencyinterventionsorganernes overtagelse
the appearance of phenomena similar to those produced by muscarinic and nicotinic effectfremkomsten af symptomer, der ligner dem, der frembringes ved en muskarin eller nikotin virkning
the furrow is closed and ridged lightly by covering bodies or discsfuren lukkes og hyppes let med hyppeplov eller hyppetallerkener
the revolving movement of the jet of a rain gun is occasioned by a simple pendulum mechanismdrejning af vandkanonens stråle foregår ved hjælp af en enkel pendelmekanisme
to till by rotary cultivatorfræse
total alcoholic strength by masstotalt alkoholindhold udtrykt i masse
total alcoholic strength by volumetotalt alkoholindhold udtrykt i volumen
total alcoholic strength by volumetotalt alkoholindhold udtrykt i % vol
transfer by counter pressureomstikning ved modtryk
treatment by liquid ammoniabehandling med flydende ammoniak
treatment by paddle agitationbejdsning ved omrøring
treatment by sprayingsprøjtning
treatment by sprayingsprøjtebehandling
treatment by sprinklingoverrisling
treatment by sprinklingbehandling ved hjælp af vanding
trim by the bowtrim på næsen
trim by the bowtrim forover
trim by the headtrim på næsen
trim by the headtrim forover
trim by the sterntrim agterover
trimmer driven by compressed airhækklipper drevet med komprimeret luft
turnover by tractor hydraulicshydraulisk vending
vegetables which can be harvested by a machinegrøntsagsarter der kan høstes mekanisk
vegetables which can be harvested by a machinegrøntsagsarter der kan høstes med maskine
vehicle drawn by animalshestekøretøj
vehicle drawn by animalsforspændt køretøj
vessel fishing by suctionfartøj der fisker ved hjælp af pumper
weed killing by means of a field sprayer mounted on a walking tractorukrudtsbekæmpelse med en marksprøjte monteret på en tohjulstraktor
wine by the barrelvin på fad
withdrawal of the by-products under supervisionkontrolleret anvendelse af biprodukter fra vinifikation
withdrawal of the by-products under supervisionkontrolleret anvendelse af biprodukter fra vinfremstilling
wood obtained from trees which have been brought down by snowsneskadet træ
wood obtained from trees which have been brought down by windvindfældet træ
work by draft animalstrækdyrsarbejde