
Terms for subject Earth sciences containing by | all forms | exact matches only
a magnet's power can be reduced merely by cleaningrengøring af en magnet er nok til at formindske dens kraft
accelerated by a springfjederaccelereret
active by-productradioaktivt biprodukt
aerosol treatment by ultrasoundaerosolbehandling med ultralyd
analysis by reflection diffraction of x-raysundersøgelse ved reflekterende røntgen-diffraktion
apparatus for transformation by drawingbilledomtegner
balancing by diskskiveafbalancering
balancing by drumstempelafbalancering
bombardment by neutronsneutronbombardement
by-pass channelomløbskanal
by-pass channelomløb
by-pass flow control valvetrevejs mængdereguleringsventil
by-pass passageomløbskanal
by-pass passageomløb
by-pass ratiofanluftforhold
by-pass transformertilpasningstransformer
by-pass valveby pass ventil
change in the structure revealed by the optical microscopestrukturændring synlig i lysmikroskopet
collapse of the characteristic by cavitationkapacitetsfald ved kavitation
comparison by sightvisuel sammenligning
conditioning by steel meltingkonditionering ved stålsmeltning
cooling the plasma by contaminationplasmaafkøling ved forurening
copy by scanningskannerkopi
current-drive by lower hybrid wavesstrømdrivning ved nedrehybride bølger
decaying by electron capturehenfald ved elektronindfangning
decontamination by flame jettingdekontaminering ved flammebehandling
decontamination by spraying a chemical geldekontaminering bestående i påsprøjtning af en kemisk gel
diagnostics by microwave methodmikrobølgediagnostik
discharge cleaning by bombardmentudladningsrensning
to dissipate by natural conduction and convectionat sprede ved naturlig ledning og konvektion
disturbance by earthingforstyrrelse ved jordforbindelse
energy lost by radiationstrålingstab
energy recovery by use of the Rankine cycleenergigenvinding ved hjælp af Rankine-rotationsmotor
expansion caused by humidityudvidelse forårsaget af fugtighed
filter acting by mechanical meansfilter med mekanisk virkemåde
full flow filter with filtered by-passfuldstrømsfilter med filtreret bypass
fully by-passing positionåben stilling
heat exchange by convectionvarmeovergang ved konvektion
heat pump driven by combustion engineforbrændingsmotorvarmepumpe
heat transfer by convectionvarmeovergang ved konvektion
heating by means of converging electrodynamic wavesopvarmning ved hjælp af konvergerende elektrodynamiske bølger
identification by means of decayidentifikation ved bestemmelse af henfaldskurven
image formed by a lensoptisk afbildning
in-situ sealing by impregnation with polymersin situ imprægnering med polymerer
investment covered by preferential supportinvestering dækket af præferencestøtte
isotope separation by electromagnetic methodisotopseparation ved elektrostatisk metode
isotope separation by electromagnetic methodisotopseparation ved elektromagnetisk metode
isotope separation by electrostatic methodisotopseparation ved elektrostatisk metode
isotope separation by electrostatic methodisotopseparation ved elektromagnetisk metode
isotope separation by equilibrium distillationisotopseparation ved ligevægtsdestillation
isotope separation by equilibrium distillationisotopseparation ved fraktioneret destillation
isotope separation by fractional distillationisotopseparation ved ligevægtsdestillation
isotope separation by fractional distillationisotopseparation ved fraktioneret destillation
isotope separation by gaseous diffusionisotopseparation ved gasdiffusion
isotope separation by molecular distillationisotopseparation ved molekulardestillation
isotope separation by motion of ionsisotopseparation ved elektrolyse
isotope separation by motion of ionselektrolytisk separation
isotope separation by using superfluidityisotopseparation under udnyttelse af superfluiditet
isotopic abundance measurement by gamma spectrometryisotopforekomstmåling ved hjælp af gammaspektrometri
kinetic energy developped by windKinetisk tryk fra vind
laser light scattering by plasmaplasmas spredning af laserlys
lubrication by airluftsmøring
lubrication by immersingoliebadssmøring
mean efficiency by "weight"vægtet middelvirkningsgrad
microscope for use by pupilsskolemikroskop
microscope for use by pupilskursusmikroskop
oscillation caused by a pumppumpesvingning
permissible delivery head reduction by cavitationtilladelig reduktion i afgangstrykket ved kavitation
photography by laserlaserfotografering
plasma preheated by injectionplasma,der er forvarmet ved injektion
power absorbed by the brakekraft,som absorberes af bremse
power stand-by unitnødstrømsanlæg
pressure produced by a pumppumpetryk
pressure produced by one stagetryk pr.trin
procedure of reproduction by means of transparencygennemlyse
production of targets by recoilfremstilling af bestrålingsmateriale ved rekyl
prospecting by borings or trial pitssondering
prospecting by borings or trial pitsboring
prospecting by borings or trial pitsboreprofil
radioactive by-productradioaktivt biprodukt
recombination by collisionstσdrekombination
recovery by using inert gas bubblinggenvinding ved brug af bobler af inert gas
rectification by facetsopretning efter facetmetoden
recycling by irradiationoparbejdning ved bestråling
reduction in area by bladesskovlbladsindsnævring
reflected back in the extraordinary mode by a mirrorreflekteret af et spejl som ekstraordinær bølge
region struck by earthquakejordskælvsramt område
sand bank which is slightly covered by seawater all the timesandbank med lavvandet vedvarende dække af havvand
separation by scavengingadskillelse ved hjælp af bærere
simulating by an electron gunsimulering med elektronkanon
simulation by the water table techniquesimulering ved hjælp af vandspejl
Specific research programmes to be implemented by the Joint Research Centre for the European Atomic Energy Community 1988-91Særprogrammer for 1988-1991,der skal gennemføres af Det Fælles Forskningscenter for Det Europæiske Atomenergifællesskab
Specific research programmes to be implemented by the Joint Research Centre for the European Economic Community 1988 to 1991Særprogrammer for 1988-1991,der skal gennemføres af Det Fælles Forskningscenter for Det Europæiske Økonomiske Fællesskab
stand-by pumpreservepumpe
static head created by the impellerspaltetrykhøjde
step-by-step controltrin-for-trin styring
step-by-step method of comparisontrinmetode
storage by deformationlagring ved deformation
storage by deformationdeformationslagring
switch operated by weight and levelvægt-og niveaustyret afbryder
switching by water levelvandstandsafbryder
switching by water levelniveauafbryder
the main direction of flow is found by summing all velocity vectorshovedstrømningsretningen findes ved at summere alle hastighedsvektorerne
use of liquid chemical agents carried by a large volume of airanvendelse af flydende kemiske dekontaminanter
valve charging by springfjederbelastet ventil
valve charging by weightvægtbelastet ventil
valve loading by springfjederbelastet ventil
valve loading by weightvægtbelastet ventil
Very fine precipitates which cannot be resolved by the optical microscopemeget fine udskillelser,der ikke kan skelnes lysoptisk