
Terms containing authorization | all forms | exact matches only
ITaccess authorizationtilgangsautorisation/tilgangstilladelse
lawappeal against authorization of executionappel vedrørende en fuldbyrdelsestilladelse
market.application for marketing authorizationmarkedsføringsansøgning
gen.application for prior authorizationansøgning om forhåndstilladelse
commun., ITauthorization classautorisationstype
comp., MSauthorization codegodkendelseskode (A code that grants rights to an individual, for example to use a system or access stored data)
ITauthorization codeautorisationskode
commun.authorization codePIN-kode
med.authorization for pharmaceutical productsgodkendte lægemidler
econ.authorization for State aidsgodkendt statsstøtte
fin.authorization granted by the customs authoritiestilladelse, der gives af toldmyndighederne
fin.authorization granted by the customs authoritiesgodkendelse, der gives af toldvæsenet
fin., ITauthorization identificationautorisationsidentifikationsrespons
fin., ITauthorization identificationautorisationsidentifikation
fin., ITauthorization identification responseautorisationsidentifikation
fin., ITauthorization identification responseautorisationsidentifikationsrespons
fin., ITauthorization identification response lengthlængde af autorisationsidentifikationsresponset
lawauthorization in writingskriftlig fuldmagt
law, ITauthorization mechanismsautorisationsprocedure
fin.authorization nomenclaturekontoplan for budgettet
med.authorization numberautorisationsnummer
fin., ITauthorization numberantal autorisationer
fin.authorization of expenditureanvisning af udgifter til betaling
fin.authorization of expenditureanvisning af udgifter
lawauthorization of insurance undertakingsadgang til udøvelse af forsikringsvirksomhed
lawauthorization policyautorisationspolitik
gen.authorization proceduregodkenselsespraksis
gen.authorization proceduregodkendelsesprocedure
comp., MSauthorization storeautorisationslager (A file containing user and group information used by the Authorization Manager)
IT, dat.proc.authorization tableautorisationstabel
market.authorization to debitbemyndigelse til at debitere
transp.authorization to issue neutral airway billstilladelse til at udstede neutrale luftfragtbreve
market.authorization to rechargebemyndigelse til at debitere
fin.authorization to use the inward processing procedurebevilling til aktiv forædling
fin.authorization to use the outward processing procedurebevilling til passiv forædling
econ., fin.budget of authorizationstransaktionsbudget
econ., fin.budget of authorizationsbevillingsbudget
law, hobbycamping authorizationcampingtilladelse
pharma.centralized Community authorization procedurecentral procedure
gen.commitment authorizationbemyndigelse til indgåelse af forpligtelser
gen.Committee on the consultation procedure on relations between Member States and third countries in shipping matters and on action relating to such matters in international organizations and the authorization procedure for agreements concerning maritime transportUdvalget for Konsultationsproceduren vedrørende Forbindelserne mellem Medlemsstater og Tredjelande på Søtransportområdet og vedrørende Aktioner på dette Område i de Internationale Organisationer samt Bemyndigelsesproceduren for Aftaler vedrørende Søtransport
econ., industr.Community General Export Authorizationgenerel fællesskabsudførselstilladelse
commun., ITconnection authorizationtilslutningstilladelse
fin.copy of the outward processing authorizationkopi af bevillingen til passiv forædling
comp., MScredit card authorizationkreditkortgodkendelse (The process of verifying the credit card holder's identification and credit worthiness before a sales order is processed and fulfilled)
fin.to delegate the powers of authorizationgive fuldmagt som anvisningsberettiget
gen.diplomatic authorizationtilladelse opnået af diplomatiske kanaler
gen.diplomatic authorizationdiplomatisk bemyndigelse
ITdynamic verification of authorizationdynamisk verificering af autorisation
commun., ITencrypted authorization datakodet autorisationsdata
fin.to establish that authorization has been properly effectedKommissionen undersøger,omudgifterne er korrekt anvist
fin.to establish that authorization has been properly effectedKommissionen undersøger,omudgiften er korrekt anvist
fin.exact account of commitments and authorizationsnøjagtigt regnskab med forpligtelser og anvisninger
fin.exact account of commitments and authorizationskorrekt bogføring af udgifternes afholdelse og anvisning
IT, dat.proc.execution authorizationkørselsgodkendelse
IT, dat.proc.execution authorizationkørselstilladelse
lawto file with a signed authorizationvedlægge en underskrevet fuldmagt
fin.foreign exchange authorizationvalutabevilling
fin.gold delivery authorizationtilladelse til at levere guld
fin.holder of the authorizationbevillingshaver
fin.import authorizationimporttilladelse
fin.import authorizationimportbevilling
med.legal status of authorizationudleveringsbestemmelse
fin.management authorizationfuldmagt
commun.material return authorization numberMRA-nummer
commun.national authorizationnational tilladelse
health.national authorization decisionnational godkendelsesprocedure
law, ITnetwork access authorizationautorisation til adgang til et datanet
fin., ITnumber of authorizationsantal autorisationer
fin.to obtain authorizationindhente tilladelse
lawofficial authorizationudtalelse om overensstemmelse
fin.official responsible for monitoring the commitment and authorization of expenditureansat,der skal føre kontrol med forpligtelser og betalingsanvisninger
fin.official responsible for monitoring the commitment and authorization of expenditureansat til at føre kontrol med indgåelse af udgiftsforpligtelser og udgifters anvisninger
law, ITownership authorizationejerskabsautorisation
gen.payment authorizationbetalingsbevilling
commun.payment authorizationbetalingsautorisation
gen.payment authorizationbetalingsbemyndigelse
fin., commun.payment authorization chargefuldmagtsbetalingsgebyr
fin.power of authorizationbeføjelse
lawprior administrative authorizationforhåndsgodkendelse fra myndighederne
nucl.phys.prior authorization for shipment of radioactive wasteforudgående tilladelse til overførsel af radioaktivt affald
gen.prior official authorizationforudgående administrativ tilladelse
commun., ITprocessing a request for authorizationbehandling af ansøgning om tilladelse
law, ITpropagation of authorizationdelegation af autorisation
comp., MSProtected Environment Authorization service A utility whose primary goal it is to maintain the security of protected content processing binaries and letting those binaries know the security of the kernel (whether it is safe to run protected content). It determines the kernel to be at a particular security level that the Protected Environment secure process can interpretPEAUTH (Tjenesten Protected Environment Authorization)
law, fin.proxy or authorization and instructions to votefuldmagt eller autorisation og afstemningsinstruks
gen.re-authorizationfornyelse af tilladelse
construct.reasons for the refusal of a plotting authorizationgrunde til afslag på ansøgning om tilladelse til udstykning
construct.reasons for the refusal of a plotting authorizationbegrundelser til afslag på ansøgning om udstykningstilladelse
fin.reasons given whenever the authorization is refusedbegrunde nægtes tilladelse
industr., construct.request for authorizationansøgning om tilladelse
lawrequest for authorization to seizebegæring om bemyndigelse til at foretage arrest
fin.request for the authorization of a subsidiaryansøgning om tilladelse til et datterselskab
comp., MSreturn materials authorization number A reference number that is used to authorize and track goods returned for repair or refund. A return materials authorization is issued by a sales entity that authorizes a buying company to return goodsReturn Materials Authorization-nummer (RMA-nummer)
fin.revocation of a provisional authorizationtilbagekaldelse af en forhåndstilladelse
ITrevocation of authorizationtilbagekaldelse af autorisation
industr., energ.ind.rules for the authorization of electrotechnical installersregler for autorisation af elektroinstallatører
insur.single authorization for life insurance and direct insurancefælles tilladelse inden for livsforsikringsområdet såvel som uden for livsforsikringsområdet
transp.special regular service subject to authorizationikke-fritaget speciel rutekørsel
gen.under national authorizationspå grundlag af nationale tilladelser
commun.withdrawal authorizationtilbagebetalingsautorisation
ITwithdrawal of authorizationtilbagekaldelse af autorisation
lawwithdrawing the authorizationtilbagekaldelse af fuldmagt
gen.withdrawing the authorizationtilbagetagelse af fuldmagt