
Terms for subject Patents containing appeal | all forms | exact matches only
Administrative Committee of the Common Appeal CourtAdministrationsudvalget under Den Fælles Ankedomstol
an appeal shall lie from decisions of....afgørelser ... kan påklages
an appeal to the courts shall lie from judgements ...retsafgørelser kan indbringes for en domstol ...
chairman of the Board of Appealformand for appelkammeret
chambers of the Common Appeal Courtafdelinger ved Den Fælles Ankedomstol
Community Patent Appeal CourtDen Fælles Ankedomstol
decision in respect of appealsafgørelse af klagen
decision subject to appealafgørelse, der kan påklages
decisions which are open to appealafgørelser som kan påklages
each Contracting State shall provide for a final appeal to a court of lawmulighed for sidsteinstans-behandling
each Contracting State shall provide for a final appeal to a court of lawde kontraherende stater skal give adgang til at indbringe ... for en ret i sidste instans
Enlarged Board of Appealdet udvidede appelkammer
examination of appealsbehandling af klagen
to file a statement setting out the grounds of appealindgive en begrundelse for klagen
to lodge an appeal with a courtanke til en domstol
patent appeal chamberPatentappelafdeling
Protocol on Privileges and Immunities of the Common Appeal Courtprotokol om privilegier og immuniteter for Den Fælles Ankedomstol
Protocol on the Statute of the Common Appeal Courtprotokol om statutten for Den Fælles Ankedomstol
rules of procedure of the Boards of Appealappelkamrenes forretningsorden
the appeal shall be remitted ... without comment as to its meritklagen skal fremsendes ... uden udtalelse vedrørende sagens realiteter
the Board of Appeal shall reject the appeal as inadmissibleappelkammeret afviser klagen
the examination as to the allowability of the appealrealitetsbehandling af klagen
the order of the Board of Appealkonklusionen