
Terms containing alternate | all forms | exact matches only
commun.alternate accessaccess via alternativ operatør
commun., el.alternate access carriersalternativ operatør
comp., MSalternate access mappingalternativ adgangstilknytning (An alternate URL mapping that Windows SharePoint Services preserves in the mapping table. It is the URL a user would see, but is not a URL that IIS would give to WSS)
transp., avia.alternate aerodromealternativ flyveplads
nat.sc., agric.alternate bearingvekselbæring
nat.sc., agric.alternate bearinghvert-andet-års-bæring
met.alternate bending testfrem-og tilbagebøjningsprøve
ITalternate bit inversionvekslende bitinversion
agric.alternate clear-strip systemkulisseforyngelse
comp., MSalternate currencyalternativ valuta (The currency unit used on a site to convert and format a second currency for dual display)
el.alternate current busvekselstrømssamleskinne
el.alternate current supplyvekselstrømsforsyning
el.alternate current voltagevekselspænding
med.alternate dominancevekslende dominans
commun.alternate elementalternativt element
comp., MSalternate e-mail addressalternativ mailadresse (An e-mail address to which password reset information can be sent if a customer forgets the password portion of their Windows Live ID)
gen.alternate escort operating basealternativ operationsbase for eskorteenheder
IT, el.alternate flexure testalternerende bøjningstest
commun., life.sc.alternate forecastforudsigelse for alternativ lufthavn
transp., avia.alternate fuelbrændstof til flyvning til en alternativ flyveplads
med.alternate hemianaesthesiaalternerende hemianæstesi
health., med.alternate hemiplegiakrydset hemiplegi (hemiplegia alternans, hemiplegia cruciata)
health., med.alternate hemiplegiahemiplegia alternans (hemiplegia alternans, hemiplegia cruciata)
health.alternate hostmellemvært
transp.alternate hub airportalternativ centrallufthavn
IT, dat.proc.alternate keytaste med alternativ funktion
IT, dat.proc.alternate keytast med alternativ funktion
comp., MSalternate keyalternativ nøgle (A candidate key that is not designated as the primary key and is used to uniquely identify records in a database table)
bot.alternate-leaved golden-saxifragealmindelig milturt (Chrysosplenium alternifolium L.)
comp., MSalternate listliste over alternativer (A list of alternate words that you can use to correct recognition errors on the writing pad)
el.alternate mark inversionbipolær kode
commun.alternate mark inversion codealternativ markeringsinversion kode
commun.alternate mark inversion codeAMI kode
el.alternate mark inversion signalbipolært signal
el.alternate mark inversion violationbrud på bipolariteten
transp., avia.Alternate Means of Compliancealternative måder for overensstemmelse
polit., loc.name.alternate member of the Committee of the Regionssuppleanter i Regionsudvalget
gen.alternate member of the Committee of the Regionssuppleant til Regionsudvalget
econ., fin.Alternate Members of the Monetary CommitteeDet Monetære Udvalg på Stedfortræderplan
transp.alternate one-way trafficvekselfart i en bane
IT, dat.proc.alternate page numberingsymmetriske sidetal
agric.alternate ploughvekselplov
IT, dat.proc.alternate printingvekseludskrift
comp., MSalternate recipientalternativ modtager (An e-mail account to which e-mail messages are forwarded. A user can bundle e-mail messages addressed to different accounts by using a single alternate recipient for all the accounts)
el.alternate routeomstyring
el.alternate routealternativ trafikvej
el.alternate routealternativ dirigering
commun.alternate route canceludelad alternativ rutning
ITalternate routingalternativ dirigering
chem.alternate shovellingbrug af skovl
med."alternate-site" medicinebehandling uden for sundhedssektorens institutioner
transp.alternate systemgrøn bølge-system med grønt samtidig i hvertandet kryds
commun., transp.alternate systemgrøn bølge-system med grønt samtidig i hvert andet kryds
commun.alternate voice dataalternativt telefon/data
nat.sc., agric.alternate water milfoilhårtusindblad (Myriophyllum alterniflorum DC.)
gen.alternate water terminalalternativ skibsterminal
bot.alternate water-milfoilhår-tusindblad (Myriophyllum alterniflorum DC.)
commun., ITcontrolled alternate facilities restriction levelskontrolleret skiftende begrænsningsniveau for faciliteter
transp., avia.destination alternatec. ankomst alternativ flyveplad
transp., avia.destination alternatealternativ destinationsflyveplads
lawEconomic and Financial Committee AlternatesDet Økonomiske og Finansielle Udvalg suppleanter
transp., avia.en-route alternateen-route alternativ
transp., avia.en-route alternateb. rute alternativ flyveplads
earth.sc.focating field alternate pinchalternativ pinch frembragt ved roterende felt
fin., unions.Joint Committee on the Remuneration of Executive Directors and their AlternatesFællesudvalget vedrørende aflønning af eksekutivdirektører og deres suppleanter
gen.Meeting of the Alternates of the Managing Board of the Official publications office of the European CommunitiesMøde mellem stedfortrædere i Styrelsesudvalget for Kontoret for De europæiske Fællesskabers officielle Publikationer
gen.members and alternatesordinære medlemmer og suppleanter
commun.modified alternate mark inversionmodificeret bipolaritet
med.on alternate dayshveranden dag
med.on alternate daysdiebus alternis
gen.one alternate nominated by the Commissionen suppleant udpeget af Kommissionen
commun.one way alternate linkhalv dupleks forbindelse
commun.one way alternate linkhalv duplex forbindelse
commun.one way alternate linken-vejs forbindelse med skift
commun., nat.sc.Phase Alternate Linefasealternerende linie
commun., el.phase alternate linefase-alternerende linje
transp.point of no alternateposition uden alternativ
gen.standing body of CFSP alternatespermanent organ af FUSP-suppleanter
transp., avia.Study Group of AlternatesStudiegruppen af Suppleanter
transp., avia.Study Group of the Civil and Military Alternates to the Members of the Permanent CommissionStudiegruppen af Suppleanter
transp., avia.take-off alternatealternativ startflyveplads
fin.temporary Alternatemidlertidig suppleant
transp., avia.terminal alternatealternativ terminal
IT, mech.eng.the feeler rod is composed of alternate magnetic and nonmagnetic piecesfølestangen er opbygget af vekslende magnetiske og ikke-magnetiske segmenter
IT, tech.two-way alternate communicationhalv duplex kommunikation
IT, tech.two-way alternate communicationalternativ tovejskommunikation
IT, tech.two-way alternate data communicationhalv duplex kommunikation
IT, tech.two-way alternate data communicationalternativ tovejskommunikation
commun., ITtwo-way-alternate interactiontovejsvekslende interaktion
commun., ITtwo-way-alternate RTS associationhalvdupleks RTS-forbindelse
commun., ITtwo-way-alternate RTS associationtovejsvekslende RTS-forbindelse
commun., ITtwo-way-alternate RTS associationalternerende tovejs RTS-forbindelse
el.unrectified alternate currentikke-ensrettet vekselstrøm