
Terms for subject Microsoft containing adapter | all forms | exact matches only
add-in-side adapteradapter til visning for tilføjelsesprogrammer (In the .NET Framework add-in programming model, an assembly that contains one or more classes, and converts data to and from the add-in view and the contract. Depending on the direction of the call, the adapter is either converting from a view to a contract or from a contract to a view)
Bluetooth adapterBluetooth-adapter (A device used to connect a computer to a Bluetooth-enabled device (for example, a keyboard or modem))
cluster adapterklyngekort (The adapter that, when using multiple network adapters in each host of a Network Load Balancing cluster, handles the network traffic for cluster operations (the traffic for all hosts in the cluster). This adapter is programmed with the host's cluster IP address)
data adapterdataadapter (An object used to submit data to and retrieve data from databases, Web services, and Extensible Markup Language (XML) files)
dedicated adapterdedikeret netværkskort (The network adapter that, when using multiple network adapters in each host of a Network Load Balancing cluster, handles network traffic not related to cluster operations (the traffic for individual hosts on the network). This adapter is programmed with the host's dedicated IP address)
device adapterenhedsadapter (An ASP.NET page framework class that adapts the behavior of mobile pages and controls based on the target device)
display adapterskærmkort (The electronic components that generate the video signal sent through a cable to a video display. The video adapter is usually located on the computer's main system board or on an expansion board, but it is sometimes built into the terminal)
engine adapterprogramadapter (An adapter that performs various core biometric operations: cleanup of sensor data, feature extraction, template generation, matching, and indexing. These functions can either be implemented by software in the engine adapter, or by the engine adapter making use of some piece of processing hardware)
host adapterværtskort (An hardware device for connecting a peripheral to the main computer, typically in the form of an expansion card)
ISDN terminal adapterISDN-terminalkort (A device that is used as a modem in a Microsoft Windows integrated services digital network (ISDN) installation)
listener adapterlydadapter (A component that establishes communication between the Windows Process Activation Service (WASW) and protocol listeners, such as HTTP.sys. This allows listeners to get configuration information about applications and namespaces they monitor. Listener adapters also notify the Windows Process Activation Service about incoming messages for applications that have not connected to a worker process)
network adapternetværkskort (An expansion card or other device used to provide network access to a computer or other device, such as a printer. Mediates between the computer and physical media, such as cabling, over which transmissions travel)
network adapter driverdriver til netværkskort (A device driver that works directly with the network adapter, acting as an intermediary between the adapter and the protocol driver)
sensor adaptersensoradapter (An adapter that acts as a wrapper around the physical sensor, and provides a standard interface for configuring the sensor, capturing samples, and controlling the flow of biometric data from the sensor into the processing engine)
storage adapterlagringsadapter (An adapter that provides an interface for managing biometric template databases. This includes operations such as adding and deleting templates, as well as looking up templates either by user identity or by biometric content)
super video graphics adapter A video standard established by BESA to provide high-resolution color display on IBM-compatible computers. The most commonly implemented SVGA standard is 1024 x 768 pixels color resolutionSVGA (Super Video Graphics Adapter)
terminal adapterterminalkort (A device that is used as a modem in a Microsoft Windows integrated services digital network (ISDN) installation)
terminal adapterISDN-terminalkort (A device that is used as a modem in a Microsoft Windows integrated services digital network (ISDN) installation)
tuning adaptertuneradapter (A two-way device provided by a cable provider that enables some one-way digital CableCARD-based consumer electronic devices such as high-definition DVRs and Media Center PCs to access digital cable channels delivered using switched digital video)