
Terms for subject Microsoft containing ad | all forms | exact matches only
ad clickannonceklik (A measurement of the user-initiated action of responding to an ad by clicking on an element, causing a redirect to another Web location, frame, or page within the advertisement)
ad click rateannonceklikfrekvens (The ratio of ad clicks to ad requests, used to quantify audience response to an advertisement)
ad-hoc networkad hoc-netværk (A temporary network used for sharing files or an Internet connection. In an ad hoc network, computers and devices are connected directly to each other instead of to a hub or router)
ad hoc networkad hoc-netværk (A temporary network used for sharing files or an Internet connection. In an ad hoc network, computers and devices are connected directly to each other instead of to a hub or router)
ad hoc reportad hoc-rapport (A type of report that requires users to select the data that they want to display on the report and to design the layout of the report)
ad hoc reportingad hoc-rapportering (A reporting system that enables end users to run queries and create custom reports without having to know the technicalities of the underlying database schema and query syntax)
ad schedulerannonceplanlægger (A program of events or appointments to schedule large number of advertisements)
Group Ad-hoc NetworkAd hoc-netværk til grupper (Personal Area Networks (PAN) that communicate directly between one or more Bluetooth-enabled computers or devices)
Windows Azure AD Module for Windows PowerShellWindows Azure AD-modul til Windows PowerShell (A group of cmdlets used to administer Windows Azure Active Directory. You can use these cmdlets to manage users, groups, domains, cloud service subscriptions, licenses, directory sync, single sign-on, and more)