
Terms containing activation | all forms | exact matches only
chem.activation analysisaktiveringsanalyse
commun., ITactivation and deactivationaktivering-desaktivering
commun., ITactivation and deactivation procedureaktivering-desaktiverings procedure
comp., MSActivation AssistantAktiveringsassistent (A Microsoft HTML application that enables users to retrieve a trial key to activate available Office 2007 release programs for a limited time period. Trial keys are retrieved by using the owner's Internet connection to communicate with a dedicated service)
met.activation by induction heatingaktivering ved induktionsopvarmning
met.activation by infrared heatingaktivering ved infrarød opvarmning
comp., MSactivation clockaktiveringsperiode (A type of countdown timer that is initially set to 30 days during which you must activate an installation of Windows. If you do not activate Windows within the 30 day period and do not reset the activation clock, Windows will enter Reduced Functionality Mode)
med.activation coefficientaktiveringskoefficient
comp., MSactivation confirmation messageaktiveringsbekræftelse (An e-mail message sent from Microsoft Online Services telling a user that the user's account has been activated and supplying a user name and password for initial log-on)
earth.sc.activation cross-sectionaktiveringstværsnit
commun.activation/deactivation layer 1 finite state matrix tableaktivering/deaktivering lag 1-matricetabel over endelig tilstand
earth.sc.activation detectoraktiveringsdetektor
chem.activation energyaktiveringsenergi
met.activation energy of the growth process of the oxide filmaktiveringsenergi for oxidfilmens vækstproces
commun.activation feeopkaldsafgift
gen.activation foilaktiveringsfolie
earth.sc.activation gasaktiveringsgas
earth.sc.activation gas activityradioaktivitet af aktiveringsgas
ITactivation levelaktiveringsniveau
gen.activation materialaktiveringsmateriale
ITactivation mechanismaktiveringsmekanisme
fin.activation of guaranteesindfrielse af garantiforpligtelser
law, fin.activation of guarantees following defaultindfrielse af garantiforpligtelse
ed., lab.law.activation of long-term unemployedaktivering af langtidsledige
earth.sc.activation of the coolantaktivering af kølemidlet
gen.activation of the coolant and the structural components of the reactoraktivering af kølemidlet og reaktorens konstruktionsmaterialer
met.activation of the film of adhesiveaktivering af klæbefilm
gen.activation orderaktiveringsordre
chem.activation overvoltageaktiveringsoverspænding
comp., MSactivation passwordaktiveringsadgangskode (A password that is specific to the BlackBerry(R) device user account. The BlackBerry Enterprise Server activates a BlackBerry device over the wireless network using the wireless activation authentication protocol. Typical activation passwords are four to eight characters long)
sociol., lab.law.activation policyaktiveringspolitik
tech.activation probeaktiveringssonde
earth.sc.activation productaktiveringsprodukt
environ.activation reactorbeluftningsbassin
ITactivation recordaktiveringspost
ITactivation recordlokalvariabelblok
ITactivation ruleaktiveringsregel
met.activation temperatureaktiveringstemperatur
ITactivation timeaktiveringstid
gen.activation warningaktiveringsvarsel
met.activation zoneaktiveringszone
comp., MSActive Directory-based activationActive Directory-baseret aktivering (The activation of systems in an enterprise environment by using an established Active Directory implementation and the same key types)
med.amino acid activationaminosyreaktivering
earth.sc.argon activationargonaktivering
chem.Arrhenius activation energyaktiveringsenergi
el.automatic tuner activationautomatisk tuneraktivering
med.biological oxygen activationoxygenaktivering
med.biological oxygen activationiltaktivering
chem., el.catalyst de-activationkatalysatorforgiftning
chem., el.catalyst de-activationkatalysator desaktivering
chem.charcoal activationkulaktivering
chem.chemical activationkemisk aktivering
ITconnection activation unitCA-enhed
gen.coolant activationaktivering af kølemidlet
coal.device for borehole logging measurement by neutron activationapparat til borehulsmålinger ved netronaktivering
el.diffusion activation energydiffusions-aktiveringsenergi
earth.sc.direct activationdirekte aktivering
el.epitaxial-growth activation energyaktiveringsenergi for epitaksial dyrkning
med.exogenous metabolic activation systemeksogent metabolisk aktiveringssystem
med.exogenous metabolic activation systemeksogent metabolisk aktieveringssystem
med.extrinsic metabolic activationuden antianæmisk stofskifteaktivering
med.extrinsic metabolic activation systemantianæmisk stofskifteaktiverende system
comp., MSfeature activation dependencyafhængighed ved funktionsaktivering (A relationship in which a feature is activated automatically when another feature is activated or a feature must be activated manually before another feature can be activated)
med.focal activationfokalaktivering
med.heat of activationaktiveringsvarme
el.impurity activationurenhedsaktivering
environ.Inka method of sludge activationInka-metode til slamaktivering
comp., MSinside-out activationindirekte aktivering (A technique that allows a user to directly interact with the content of an embedded object without executing an explicit activation command)
earth.sc.intensity of activationaktiveringsenergi
med.liver enzyme activation mixtureleverenzymaktiveringssystem
earth.sc.low activation materiallav-aktiveringsmateriale
el.low activation materialsmaterialer med lav aktivering
earth.sc.low activation steelhurtigfissionsreaktor
earth.sc.low activation steelhurtigfissionsanlæg
med.lymphocytic activation testlymfocytær aktivationstest
med.macrophage activationmakrofag aktivering
health.mammalian exogenous metabolic activation systemeksogent metabolisk aktiveringssystem fra pattedyr
health., nat.sc.metabolic activationmetabolsk aktivering
med.metabolic activationmetabolisk aktivering
comp., MSMicrosoft Office Activation AssistantMicrosoft Office Aktiveringsassistent (A Microsoft HTML application that enables users to retrieve a trial key to activate available Office 2007 release programs for a limited time period. Trial keys are retrieved by using the owner's Internet connection to communicate with a dedicated service)
comp., MSmulti-activation keymulti-aktiveringsnøgle (A product key that is provided to Microsoft customers who choose a Microsoft Volume Licensing program for their organizations and that allows multiple installations of a particular product. The key is assigned to a company or institution intended for their sole use and only for distribution to employees or third parties who are authorized to install and distribute licenses pursuant to the terms of their license agreement)
chem.neutron activationneutronaktivering
mater.sc.normal mode of activationnormal aktiveringsmåde
comp., MSoutside-in activationdirekte aktivering (A technique that requires a user to perform an explicit activation command to interact with the content of an embedded object)
fin., ITPIN activationPIN-aktivering
comp., MSpoint-of-sale activationPOS-aktivering (The process of activating tokens during a purchase)
chem.principle of photochemical activationDraper's lov
med.protoplasma activationprotoplasmaaktivering
comp., MSRM activation serviceRM-aktiveringstjeneste (The Microsoft service responsible for placing a secure repository on an end user's computer)
nucl.phys.safety activation systemsikkerhedsaktiveringssystem
ITsemilinear activation functionsemi-lineær aktiveringsfunktion
commun.service activation feeoprettelsesafgift
scient.sigmoid activation functionsigmoid aktiveringsfunktion
comp., MSsilent activationuovervåget aktivering (A type of activation that is performed without any user interaction)
ITspreading activationudbrede aktivering,at
ITstate of activationaktiveringstilstand
mater.sc., met.the slope of the curves is inversely proportional to the vo lume of activationhældningen af kurverne er omvendt proportional med aktiveringsvolumenet
el.thermal activationtermisk aktivering
transp., polit.thermal neutron activationtermisk neutronanalyse
med.transcriptional activationtranskriptionsstart
med.transcriptional activationtranskriptionsinitiering
el.voice activationtaleaktivering
comp., MSWindows Activation ClientWindows Aktiveringsklient (The application that helps the user to activate a Windows product with Microsoft)
comp., MSWindows Activation TechnologiesWindows Aktivering (A set of antipiracy features for activation and validation in Windows Vista and Windows 7)
comp., MSworkflow activationarbejdsprocesaktivering (The process that occurs when a workflow host calls the WorkflowRuntime.CreateWorkflow method)