
Terms containing acquired | all forms | exact matches only
med.acquired acanthosis bullosahydroa æstivalis (acanthosis bullosa aquisita)
med.acquired behaviour schemesadfærdsterapi
med.acquired behaviour schemesadfærdsskemata
med.acquired charactererhvervet egenskab
fin.acquired companyerhvervet selskab
med.acquired deafnesserhvervet døvhed
health.acquired diseaseerhverved sygdom
med.acquired drug resistancesekundær resistens
med.acquired dysproteinemiadysproteinæmi af genetisk eller ehrvervet oprindelse
med.acquired Fanconi syndrome"Fanconi-lignende sygdomsbillede"
h.rghts.act.acquired gendererhvervet køn
med.acquired haemolytic anaemia without autoantibodieshæmolytisk anæmi
med.acquired haemolytic icterusicterus haemolyticus
med.acquired hemolytic anemiaerhvervet hæmolytisk anæmi
med.acquired hemolytic anemiaakkvisit hæmolytisk anæmi
med.acquired hemolytic anemia without autoantibodieshæmolytisk anæmi
med.acquired hemolytic icterusicterus haemolyticus
med.acquired herniahernia acquisita
med.acquired hypofibrinogenaemiaerhvervet hypofibrinogenæmi
health.acquired immune deficiency syndromeerhvervet immumdefekt syndrom
health.acquired immune deficiency syndromeerhvervet immunitetsskade syndrom
health., med.acquired immune deficiency syndromeerhvervet immundefektsyndrom
med.acquired immunityerhvervet immunitet
health., med.acquired immunodeficiency syndromeerhvervet immundefektsyndrom
health.acquired immunodeficiency syndromeerhvervet immunitetsskade syndrom
health.acquired immunodeficiency syndromeerhvervet immumdefekt syndrom
med.acquired lumbar stenosiserhvervet spinalstenose
med.acquired lumbosacral stenosiserhvervet spinalstenose
life.sc.acquired mutationsomatisk mutation
med.acquired propertyerhvervet egenskab
lawacquired righterhvervet rettighed
health.acquired rightserhvervede rettigheder
law, transp.acquired rightsvelerhvervede rettigheder
med.acquired stuporerhvervet psykisk sløvsind
med.acquired stupordemens
busin., labor.org., account.charges arising from the spreading on a time basis of the premium on assets acquired at an amount above the sum payable at maturityudgifter i forbindelse med afskrivninger på aktiver, der er erhvervet til et højere beløb end det, der kommer til udbetaling ved forfald
med.chronic acquired nonhaemolytickronisk akvisit nonhæmolytisk ikterus
health., med.community-acquired MRSACommunity Acquired MRSA
health.community-acquired pneumoniasamfundserhvervet pneumoni
health.community-acquired pneumoniasamfundserhvervet lungebetændelse
law, patents.decision which has acquired the authority of a final decisionafgørelse, som har fået retskraft
commer., patents.distinctiveness acquired through usesondring,der fremkommer ved brug
lawevidence of the status acquired by a personbevis for den retlige status,som en person har opnået
health.hospital-acquired infectionsygehusinfektion
health.hospital-acquired infectionnosokomiel infektion
health.hospital-acquired infectionsygehuserhvervet infektion
health.hospital-acquired infectionhospitalsinfektion
busin., labor.org., account.income arising from the spreading on a time basis of the discount on assets acquired at an amount below the sum payable at maturitytidsmæssigt fordelte indtægter fra aktiver, der er erhvervet til et lavere beløb end det, der kommer til udbetaling ved forfald
nat.sc., agric.inheritance of acquired charactersnedarvning af erhvervede egenskaber
lawjoint ownership of movable property and all property acquired during wedlockfællesskab med hensyn til løsøre og erhvervelser
econ.original value of the asset when it was acquired or createdoprindelig værdi af den finansielle fordring,da den blev anskaffet,eller da den opstod
cust.personal property acquired by inheritancepersonlige ejendele erhvervet ved arv
transp.to proceed on acquired speedloebe ved egen fart
lawprotection of acquired rightsbeskyttelse af erhvervede rettigheder
proced.law.rights arising from the sharing of acquired matrimonial assetsformueordning hvor ægtefællerne i fællesskab ejer formuegoder erhvervet under ægteskabet
proced.law.rights arising from the sharing of acquired matrimonial assetsformuefællesskab med hensyn til erhvervelser under ægteskabet
lawrights which have been acquired in good faithrettigheder,der i god tro er erhvervet
health., anim.husb.simian acquired immunodeficiency syndromesimian acquired immuno deficiency syndrome
health., anim.husb.simian acquired immunodeficiency syndromeerhervet immundefekt-syndrom hos simian
patents.the decision has acquired the authority of a final decisionafgørelsen får retskraft
fin.the products have acquired the status of originating productsvarerne har opnået oprindelsesstatus
econ.Treasury bills acquired by non-residentsskatkammerbeviser erhvervet af ikke-hjemmehørende
gen.Working Party on Social Questions / Directive on the acquired rights of workers in the case of mergerssocialgruppen / direktivet om arbejdstagernes erhvervede rettigheder i tilfælde af selskabsfusioner