
Terms for subject Finances containing acceptance | all forms | exact matches only
acceptance for honourinterventionsaccept
acceptance for honouræresintervention
acceptance for honourintervention ved æresaccept
acceptance in blankblankoaccept
acceptance letterbankaccept
acceptance letteraccept
acceptance letterbankveksel
acceptance letterbankgaranteret veksel
acceptance of an accountanerkendelse af en afregning
acceptance of donationsmodtagelse af tilbuddet om vederlagsfri overdragelse
acceptance of the declarationantagelse af angivelsen
acceptance of the euroaccept af euroen
acceptance supra protestæresintervention
acceptance supra protestinterventionsaccept
acceptance supra protestintervention ved æresaccept
bank acceptanceaccept
bank acceptancebankveksel
bank acceptancebankaccept
bank acceptancebankgaranteret veksel
banker's acceptancebankaccept
banker's acceptancebankveksel
banker's acceptancebankgaranteret veksel
banker's acceptanceaccept
blank acceptanceblankoveksel
blank acceptanceblankoaccept
clean acceptancebetingelsesløs accept
commission for acceptanceacceptprovision
general acceptancebetingelsesløs accept
market acceptancemarkedsaccept
minority for acceptanceomvendt flertal
minority for acceptancegodkendende mindretal
minority of acceptancegodkendende mindretal
partial acceptancedelaccept
period for the acceptance of the bidfrist for accept af et overtagelsestilbud
protest for non-acceptanceoptage protest p.g.a.manglende accept
term of acceptanceacceptfrist