
Terms for subject Commerce containing Working Party | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
Ad hoc Working Party of Senior Officials on the Simplification of Formalities in Trade within the CommunityGruppen på Højt Embedsmandsplan vedrørende Forenkling af Formaliteter i Samhandelen inden for Fællesskabet
ad hoc Working Party on the Multilateral Investment Agreement OECDAd hoc-gruppen vedrørende den Multilaterale Investeringsaftale OECD
Eco-products Working Partyarbejdsgruppen vedrørende økoprodukter
Technical Working Party on TradeDen Tekniske Handelsgruppe
Working Party on Eastern EuropeGruppen vedrørende Østeuropa
Working Party on Safety of Consumer ProductsArbejdsgruppen vedrørende Forbrugsprodukters Sikkerhed
Working Party on Trade Questions / Non-preferential treatment/ Multilateral negotiations Developed countries/GATThandelsgruppen / ordning uden præference/multilaterale forhandlinger udviklede lande/GATT