
Terms for subject General containing Working Conditions | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
improvement of working conditions for journalistsforbedring af journalisters arbejdsvilkår
Mixed Committee on the harmonisation of working conditions in the coal industryDet Blandede Udvalg for Harmonisering af Arbejdsvilkårene inden for Kulindustrien
Mixed Committee on the harmonisation of working conditions in the steel industryDet Blandede Udvalg for Harmonisering af Arbejdsvilkårene inden for Stålindustrien
Preparatory Intergovernmental Working Party on the Conditions for Registering VesselsDen Forberedende Mellemstatslige Gruppe vedrørende Betingelserne for Registrering af Skibe
Resolution concerning the inspection of seafarers' working and living conditionsresolution vedrørende tilsyn med søfarendes arbejds- og levevilkår
Working Conditions, Rights and TrainingKontor A3
Working Group on Conditions of Competition in AgricultureArbejdsgruppe vedrørende landbrugets Konkurrencevilkår
Working Party on a European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditionsgruppen vedrørende Det europæiske institut til forbedring af Leve- og Arbejdsvilkårene
Working Party on Health Conditions connected with Electric FurnacesArbejdsgruppe vedrørende Sundhedsforhold - elektriske ovne
Working Party on Health Conditions in Rolling MillsArbejdsgruppe vedrørende Sundhedsforhold - valseværker
Working Party on Hygiene and Safety at Work - Working ConditionsArbejdsgruppe vedrørende Arbejdsvilkår, Arbejdssikkerhed og -hygiejne
Working Party on Information to the Public on Securities and the conditions governing transactions in Securitiesbetingelserne for handel med Værdipapirer
Working Party on Information to the Public on Securities and the conditions governing transactions in SecuritiesArbejdsgruppe vedrørende underretning af offentligheden om værdipapirer og