
Terms containing United Nations | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
UNAd hoc Group "United Nations Conference on Science and Technology for Development UNCSTD"Ad Hoc-Gruppen vedrørende De Forenede Nationers Konference om Videnskab og Teknologi til Udviklingsformål UNCSTD
UNAgreement between the Government of Denmark and the United Nations World Food Programme relating to the Nordic Liaison Office of the World Food Programme in Copenhagenaftale mellem Danmarks regering og De Forenede Nationers verdensfødevareprogram WFP vedrørende Det Nordiske Forbindelseskontor i København for Verdenfødevareprogrammet
crim.law.Agreement between the United Nations and the Kingdom of Denmark on the Enforcement of Sentences of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslaviaaftale mellem De Forenede Nationer og Kongeriget Danmark om fuldbyrdelse af strafferetlige retsfølger pålagt af Det Internationale Tribunal til Pådømmelse af Krigsforbrydelser i det Tidligere Jugoslavien
fish.farm., UNAgreement for the Implementation of the Provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1082 relating to the Conservation and Management of Straddling Fish Socks and Highly Migratory Fish StocksDe Forenede Nationers havretskonvention af 10. december 1982 vedrørende bevarelse og forvaltning af fælles fiskebestande og stærkt vandrende fiskebestande
fish.farm.Agreement for the Implementation of the Provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982 relating to the Conservation and Management of Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocksaftale om gennemførelsen af bestemmelserne i De Forenede Nationers havretskonvention af 10. december 1982 vedrørende bevarelse og forvaltning af fælles fiskebestande og stærkt vandrende fiskebestande
fish.farm.Agreement for the Implementation of the Provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982 relating to the Conservation and Management of Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish StocksFN-aftale af 1995 om fiskebestande UNFSA
lawAgreement for United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administrationoverenskomst vedrørende De Forenede Nationers Hjælpe- og Genopbygningsforvaltning
law, transp., industr.Agreement of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe concerning the adoption of uniform technical prescriptions for wheeled vehicles, equipment and parts which can be fitted to and/or be used on wheeled vehicles and the conditions for reciprocal recognition of approvals granted on the basis of these prescriptionsoverenskomst under FN's Økonomiske Kommission for Europa om indførelse af ensartede tekniske forskrifter for hjulkøretøjer samt udstyr og dele, som kan monteres og/eller benyttes på hjulkøretøjer, samt vilkårene for gensidig anerkendelse af godkendelser, der er meddelt på grundlag af sådanne forskrifter
lawAgreement relating to the Implementation of Part XI of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Seaaftale vedrørende anvendelse af kapitel XI i De Forenede Nationers havretskonvention
lawAgreement relating to the implementation of part XI of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the SeaAftalen om anvendelse af kapitel XI i De Forenede Nationers havretskonvention
UNCharter of the United NationsDe Forenede Nationers pagt
social.sc., health.Commission on Narcotic Drugs of the Economic and Social Council on the United NationsDe forenede Nationers økonomiske og sociale Råds kommission for narkotiske midler
UNCommittee on the Charter of the United NationsFN's Pagtudvalg
UNCommittee on the Charter of the United NationsDe Forenede Nationers Pagtudvalg
environ.Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Changepartskonferencen under De Forenede Nationers rammekonvention om klimaændringer
UNConstitution of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nationsstatutter for De Forenede Nationers Fødevare- og Landbrugsorganisation
UNConstitution of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nationsstatutterne for FAO
gen.Constitution of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United NationsFAO's statutter
relig., ed., UNConstitution of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organizationkonvention om De Forenede Nationers Organisation for Uddannelse, Videnskab og Kultur
econ., UNConvention between the European Community and the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees UNRWA concerning aid to refugees in the countries of the Near Eastkonventionen mellem Det Europæiske Fællesskab og De Forenede Nationers Hjælpeorganisation for Palæstinaflygtninge UNRWA om bistand til flygtninge i Mellemøsten
UNConvention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nationskonvention om De Forenede Nationers rettigheder og immuniteter
law, UNConvention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nationskonvention om De Forenede Nationers privilegier og immuniteter
UNConvention on the Safety of United Nations and Associated PersonnelFN-konvention om sikkerhed for FN-personel samt personel knyttet til FN
UNDeputy Secretary-General of the United NationsFN's vicegeneralsekretær
crim.law., R&D.European Institute for Crime Prevention and Control affiliated with the United NationsDet Europæiske Institut for Kriminalitetsforebyggelse og -bekæmpelse, der er tilknyttet De Forenede Nationer
UNEuropean Office of the United NationsDe Forenede Nationers Europæiske Kontor
gen.European Union military operation in support of the United Nations Organisation Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo MONUC during the election processEUFOR RD Congo
gen.European Union military operation in support of the United Nations Organisation Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo MONUC during the election processDen Europæiske Unions militæroperation til støtte for De Forenede Nationers mission i Den Demokratiske Republik Congo MONUC under valgprocessen
polit.Executive committee of the Programme of the United Nations High Commissioner for RefugeesEksekutivkomitéen for Programmet under FN's Flygtningehøjkommissær
gen.Executive Committee of the Programme of the United Nations High Commissioner for RefugeesEksekutivkomitéen for programmet under FN's Flygtningehøjkommissær
agric., UNFood and Agriculture Organisation of the United NationsDe Forenede Nationers Fødevare- og Landbrugsorganisation
UNGeneral Assembly of the United NationsFN's Generalforsamling
UNGeneral Assembly of the United NationsDe Forenede Nationers Generalforsamling
gen.General Assembly of the United NationsGeneralforsamlingen
fin., environ.Global Environment Facility of the United Nations Development Programme, the United Nations Environment Programme and the International Bank for Reconstruction and DevelopmentDen Globale Miljøfacilitet
environ., UNGoverning Council of the United Nations Environment ProgrammeUNEP's styrelsesråd
environ., UNGoverning Council of the United Nations Environment ProgrammeFN's miljøprograms styrelsesråd
gen.Guidelines on the Use of Military and Civil Defence Assets to Support United Nations Humanitarian activities in Complex Emergenciesretningslinjer for anvendelsen af militær- og civilforsvarsaktiver til støtte for FN's humanitære aktiviteter i komplekse nødsituationer
gen.Guidelines on the Use of Military and Civil Defence Assets to Support United Nations Humanitarian activities in Complex EmergenciesMCDA-retningslinjerne
crim.law., R&D.Helsinki European United Nations InstituteDet Europæiske Institut for Kriminalitetsforebyggelse og -bekæmpelse, der er tilknyttet De Forenede Nationer
UNHigh-level Intergovernmental Group of Officials on the Review and Appraisal of the Implementation of the International Development Strategy for the third United Nations Development DecadeDen Mellemstatslige Gruppe på Højt Embedsmandsplan til Gennemgang og Vurdering af Gennemførelsen af Den Internationale Udviklingsstrategi for De Forenede Nationers 3. Udviklingstiår
health., UNJoint and Cosponsored United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDSFN's fælles program for bekæmpelse af hiv/aids
UNJoint Special Representative of the United Nations and the League of Arab States for SyriaFN's og Den Arabiske Ligas fælles særlig repræsentant
gen.Joint Special Representative of the United Nations and the League of Arab States for Syriafælles særlig repræsentant
health., UNJoint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDSFN's fælles program for bekæmpelse af hiv/aids
environ.Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate ChangeKyotoprotokollen til De Forenede Nationers rammekonvention om klimaændringer
gen.Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate ChangeKyotoprotokollen
transp., avia.Multilateral Agreement between the European Community and its Member States, the Republic of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republic of Bulgaria, the Republic of Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, the Republic of Iceland, the Republic of Montenegro, the Kingdom of Norway, Romania, the Republic of Serbia and the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo on the establishment of a European Common Aviation Areaaftale om oprettelse af et fælles europæisk luftfartsområde
UNOffice of the United Nations Disaster Relief CoordinatorDe Forenede Nationers Katastrofebistandskontor
UNOffice of the United Nations Disaster Relief CoordinatorFN's Kontor for Katastrofehjælp
social.sc., UNOffice of the United Nations Disaster Relief CoordinatorKontoret for De Forenede Nationers Katastrofebistandskoordinator
UNOffice of the United Nations High Commissioner for RefugeesFN's Højkommissær for Flygtninge
UNOffice of the United Nations High Commissioner for RefugeesDe Forenede Nationers Højkommissær for Flygtninge
UNOffice of the United Nations High Commissioner for RefugeesDe Forenede Nationers Højkommissariat for Flygtninge
interntl.trade., UNpreparatory committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and EmploymentKomitéen til Forberedelse af De Forenede Nationers Konference om Handel og Beskæftigelse
crim.law.Protocol against the Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms, their Parts and Components and Ammunition, supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crimeprotokol om bekæmpelse af ulovlig fremstilling af og handel med skydevåben og dele, komponenter samt ammunition hertil, til De Forenede Nationers konvention om bekæmpelse af grænseoverskridende organiseret kriminalitet
gen.Protocol against the Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms, their Parts and Components and Ammunition, supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized CrimeFN's våbenprotokol
immigr., UNProtocol against the Smuggling of Migrants by Land, Sea and Air, supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crimeprotokol om bekæmpelse af smugling af migranter til lands, ad søvejen og ad luftvejen til supplering af De Forenede Nationers konvention om bekæmpelse af grænseoverskridende kriminalitet
UNProtocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, Supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organised Crimeprotokol om forebyggelse, bekæmpelse og retsforfølgning af menneskehandel, særlig handel med kvinder og børn, til supplering af De Forenede Nationers konvention om bekæmpelse af grænseoverskridende organiseret kriminalitet
gen.Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, Supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organised CrimePalermoprotokollen
polit.regular session of the United Nations General Assemblyordinær samling i De Forenede Nationers Generalforsamling
transp., mil., grnd.forc., tech.Regulation of the Economic Commission for Europe of the United Nationsregulativ fra De Forenede Nationers Økonomiske Kommission for Europa
gen.Regulation of the Economic Commission for Europe of the United NationsFN-ECE-regulativ
gen.Regulation of the Economic Commission for Europe of the United NationsECE-regulativ
UNResolution 44/5 of the United Nations Commission on Narcotic Drugs on prevention of recreational and leisure use of drugs among young peopleresolution 44/5, vedtaget af FN's Narkotikakommission, om bekæmpelse af lejlighedsvis brug af narkotika blandt unge
UNResolution on safety and security of humanitarian personnel and protection of United Nations personnelresolution om humanitære medarbejderes sikkerhed samt beskyttelse af FN-personel
social.sc., UNSecond United Nations Conference on Human Settlements Habitat IIFN's anden konference om bolig- og bebyggelsesmiljøer Habitat II
social.sc., UNSecond United Nations Conference on Human Settlements Habitat IIDe Forenede Nationers anden konference om bolig- og bebyggelsesmiljøer Habitat II
gen.Secretary-General of the United NationsFN's generalsekretær
UNSpecial Session of the United Nations General Assemblysærlig samling i De Forenede Nationers Generalforsamling
UNSpecial Session of the United Nations General AssemblyDe Forenede Nationers Generalforsamlings særlige samling
stat.Statistical Office of the United NationsDe Forenede Nationers statistiske kontor
UNStatute of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugeesstatut for De Forenede Nationers Højkommissær for Flygtninge
UNStatute of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugeesstatut for De Forenede Nationers Højkommissariat for Flygtninge
environ.17th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate ChangeDurbankonferencen
environ.17th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Changepartskonference under De Forenede Nationers rammekonvention om klimaændringer
gen.15th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Changeklimakonferencen i København
gen.15th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Changeden 15. klimakonference under FN's klimakonvention
gen.15th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate ChangeCOP15-klimakonferencen
lawthe Charter of the United NationsDe Forenede Nationers Pagt
lawthe specialised agencies of the United Nationsde Forenede Nationers særorganisationer
environ., fish.farm.the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982 relating to the conservation and management of straddling stocks fish which are found both inside and outside exclusive economic zones and highly migratory fish stocksDe Forenede Nationers havretskonvention af 10.december 1982 for så vidt angår bevarelse og forvaltning af fiskebestande,der bevæger sig både inden for og uden for eksklusive økonomiske zonerfælles bestande,og bestande af stærkt vandrende fiskearter
law, UNThird United Nations Conference on the Law of the SeaDe forenede Nationers havretskonference
UNTreaty Section of the United NationsDe Forenede Nationers Traktatafdeling
UNUnited NationsDe Forenede Nationer
environ.United NationsDe Forenede Nationer (FN)
UNUnited Nations Angola Verification MissionFN's undersøgelsesmission i Angola
UNUnited Nations Angola Verification MissionFN's kontrolmission i Angola
social.sc., UNUnited Nations Appeal for ChildrenDe Forenede Nationers Børneindsamling
UNUnited Nations Asia and Far East Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of OffendersFN's Institut for Forebyggelse af Kriminalitet og Behandling af Lovovertrædere i Asien og Det fjerne Østen
UNUnited Nations Assistance Mission for IraqFN's bistandsmission for Irak
UNUnited Nations Assistance Mission for RwandaFN's hjælpeaktion i Rwanda
UNUnited Nations Assistance Mission for RwandaDe Forenede Nationers hjælpeaktion i Rwanda
UNUnited Nations Assistance Mission in AfghanistanFN's bistandsmission i Afghanistan
gen.United Nations AssociationDe Forenede Nationers Forening
UNUnited Nations Capital Development FundDe Forenede Nationers Kapitaludviklingsfond
UNUnited Nations Centre for DisarmamentDe Forenede Nationers Center For Nedrustning
gen.United Nations Centre for DisarmamentDe forenede Nationers center for nedrustning
environ.United Nations centre for emergency environmental assistanceFN-center for nødhjælp på miljøområdet
social.sc., UNUnited Nations Centre for Human SettlementsDe Forenede Nationers Center for Bolig- og Bebyggelsesmiljøer
R&D., UNUnited Nations Centre on Transnational CorporationsFN's Center for Transnationale Selskaber
R&D., UNUnited Nations Centre on Transnational CorporationsDe Forenede Nationers Center for Transnationale Selskaber
UNUnited Nations CharterDe Forenede Nationers pagt
econ.United Nations CharterFN-pagten
social.sc., UNUnited Nations Children's FundDe Forenede Nationers Børnefond
UNUnited Nations Civilian PoliceFN's civile politi
UNUnited Nations Civilian Police ForceFN's civile politistyrke
UNUnited Nations Civilian Police Mission in HaitiFN's mission i Haiti
UNUnited Nations Civilian Police Mission in HaitiFN's civile politimission i Haiti
ecol.United Nations Climate Change ConferenceFN's klimakonference
gen.United Nations Climate Conferenceden 15. klimakonference under FN's klimakonvention
gen.United Nations Climate ConferenceCOP15-klimakonferencen
gen.United Nations Climate Conferenceklimakonferencen i København
econ., environ., forestr.United Nations Collaborative Programme on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Developing CountriesFN's samarbejdsprogram om reduktion af emissioner fra skovrydning og skovforringelse i udviklingslandene
gen.United Nations Collaborative Programme on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Developing CountriesUN-REDD-programmet
UNUnited Nations Commission for the Unification and Rehabilitation of KoreaDe Forenede Nationers Kommission for Koreas Genforening og Genopbygning
econ., UNUnited Nations Commission for the Unification and Rehabilitation of KoreaFN's kommission for Koreas genforening og genopbygning
h.rghts.act., UNUnited Nations Commission on Human RightsMenneskerettighedskommissionen
law, fin., UNUnited Nations Commission on International Trade LawDe Forenede Nationers Kommission for International Handelsret
environ., UNUnited Nations Commission on Sustainable DevelopmentKommissionen for Bæredygtig Udvikling
h.rghts.act., UNUnited Nations Committee against TortureKomitéen mod Tortur
h.rghts.act., UNUnited Nations Committee against TortureDe Forenede Nationers Komité mod Tortur
gen.United Nations Committee against TortureTorturkomitéen
energ.ind., UNUnited Nations Committee on New and Renewable Sources of Energy and Energy for DevelopmentDe Forenede Nationers Komité for Nye og Vedvarende Energikilder og Energi til Udvikling
UNUnited Nations Compensation CommissionFN's Kompensationskomité
environ., UNUnited Nations Conference for the Negotiation of a Successor Agreement to the International Tropical Timber AgreementDe Forenede Nationers konference om forhandling om en efterfølgeroverenskomst til den internationale overenskomst om tropisk træ
UNUnited Nations Conference on an International Code of Conduct on the Transfer of TechnologyDe Forenede Nationers konference om en international adfærdskodeks for teknologioverførsel
environ.United Nations Conference on Climate Change in Durban, South Africa, COP 17/CMP 7partskonference under De Forenede Nationers rammekonvention om klimaændringer
environ.United Nations Conference on Climate Change in Durban, South Africa, COP 17/CMP 7Durbankonferencen
industr., UNUnited Nations Conference on CopperDe Forenede Nationers Kobberkonference
environ.United Nations Conference on DesertificationDe Forenede Nationers Ørkenkonference
environ., UNUnited Nations Conference on Environment and Developmenttopmøde om jorden
environ., UNUnited Nations Conference on Environment and Developmentverdensmiljøtopmøde
gen.United Nations Conference on Environment and DevelopmentFN's konference om miljø og udvikling
gen.United Nations Conference on Environment and DevelopmentDe Forenede Nationers konference om miljø og udvikling
UNUnited Nations Conference on Human SettlementsDe Forenede Nationers Konference om Bolig- og Bebyggelsesmiljø
UNUnited Nations Conference on Human SettlementsFN's konference om boligmiljø og bebyggelsesmiljø
social.sc., environ., UNUnited Nations Conference on Human SettlementsDe Forenede Nationers konference om bolig- og bebyggelsesmiljøer
UNUnited Nations Conference on International OrganizationDe Forenede nationers konference om international organisation
UNUnited Nations Conference on Least Developed CountriesDe Forenede Nationers konference om de mindst udviklede lande
energ.ind., UNUnited Nations Conference on New and Renewable Sources of EnergyFN's konference om nye og vedvarende energikilder
energ.ind., UNUnited Nations Conference on New and Renewable Sources of EnergyDe Forenede Nationers konference om nye og vedvarende energikilder
industr., UNUnited Nations Conference on NickelDe Forenede Nationers Nikkelkonference
interntl.trade., UNUnited Nations Conference on Olive OilDe Forenede Nationers Konference om Olivenolie
UNUnited Nations Conference on Restrictive Business PracticesDe Forenede Nationers konference om restriktiv handelspraksis
R&D., UNUnited Nations Conference on Science and Technology for DevelopmentDe Forenede Nationers konference om videnskab og teknologi til udviklingsformål
econ., nat.sc., UNUnited Nations Conference on Science and Technology for DevelopmentFN-konferencen om videnskab og teknologi til udviklingsformål
fish.farm., UNUnited Nations Conference on Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish StocksDe Forenede Nationers konference om fælles fiskebestande og stærkt vandrende fiskebestande
environ., UNUnited Nations Conference on Sustainable DevelopmentRio+20
environ., UNUnited Nations Conference on Sustainable DevelopmentFN-konferencen om bæredygtig udvikling
transp., nautic., UNUnited Nations Conference on the Conditions for the Registration of ShipsDe Forenede Nationers konference om betingelserne for registrering af skibe
environ., UNUnited Nations Conference on the Human EnvironmentStockholm-Konferencen om Mennesket og Miljøet
environ., UNUnited Nations Conference on the Human EnvironmentFN's konference om menneskets miljø
environ., UNUnited Nations Conference on the Human EnvironmentDe Forenede Nationers konference om det menneskelige miljø
environ., UNUnited Nations Conference on the Human Environmentkonference om det menneskelige miljø
UNUnited Nations Conference on the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its AspectsFN's konference om ulovlig handel med hånd- og mandbårne våben inden for alle områder
UNUnited Nations Conference on the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its AspectsDe Forenede Nationers konference om alle aspekterne af ulovlig handel med håndskydevåben og lette våben
law, transp., UNUnited Nations Conference on the Law of the SeaDe Forenede Nationers havretskonference
UNUnited Nations Conference on the Least Developed CountriesDe Forenede Nationers konference om de mindst udviklede lande
econ.United Nations Conference on the World Financial and Economic Crisis and Its Impact on DevelopmentDe Forenede Nationers konference om den globale finansielle og økonomiske krise og dens konsekvenser for udviklingslandene
industr., UNUnited Nations Conference on TinDe Forenede Nationers Tinkonference
UNUnited Nations Conference on Trade and DevelopmentDe Forenede Nationers Konference for Handel og Udvikling
interntl.trade., UNUnited Nations Conference on Trade and EmploymentDe Forenede Nationers konference om handel og beskæftigelse
UNUnited Nations Confidence Restoration Operation in CroatiaFN's tillidsopbyggende mission i Kroatien
law, crim.law., UNUnited Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of OffendersFN's kongres om forebyggelse af kriminalitet og behandling af lovovertrædere
crim.law., UNUnited Nations Convention against CorruptionDe Forenede Nationers konvention mod korruption
law, health., UNUnited Nations Convention against illegal traffic in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substancesDe Forenede Nationers konvention mod ulovlig handel med narkotika og psykotrope stoffer
lawUnited Nations Convention against illicit traffic in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substancesDe Forenede Nationers Konvention om Ulovlig Handel med Narkotika og Psykotrope Stoffer
crim.law., UNUnited Nations Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic SubstancesFN's konvention imod ulovlig handel med narkotika og psykotrope stoffer
law, health., UNUnited Nations Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic SubstancesDe Forenede Nationers konvention mod ulovlig handel med narkotika og psykotrope stoffer
gen.United Nations Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic SubstancesWienerkonventionen
h.rghts.act.United Nations Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishmentkonvention mod tortur og anden grusom, umenneskelig eller nedværdigende behandling eller straf
crim.law.United Nations Convention against Transnational Organised CrimeDe Forenede Nationers konvention om bekæmpelse af grænseoverskridende organiseret kriminalitet
crim.law.United Nations Convention against Transnational Organised CrimeFN-konvention om bekæmpelse af grænseoverskridende organiseret kriminalitet
gen.United Nations Convention against Transnational Organised CrimePalermokonventionen
fin.United Nations Convention for the Suppression of Financing of TerrorismFN-konvention til bekæmpelse af finansiering af terrorisme
gen.United Nations Convention for the Suppression of Terrorist BombingsFN-konvention til bekæmpelse af terrorbombninger
lawUnited Nations Convention of 10 June 1958 on the recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awardsFN-konventionen af 10.juni 1958 om anerkendelse og fuldbyrdelse af udenlandske voldgiftsafgørelser
transp., nautic.United Nations Convention on Conditions for Registration of ShipsDe Forenede Nationers konvention om betingelser for registrering af skibe
commer., UNUnited Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of GoodsDe Forenede Nationers konvention om aftaler om internationale køb
transp.United Nations Convention on International Multimodal Transport of GoodsDe Forenede Nationers konvention om international multimodal transport
insur.United Nations convention on the carriage of goods by seaFN's convention om godstransport til søs af 1978
transp., nautic., UNUnited Nations Convention on the Code of Conduct for Liner ConferencesDe Forenede Nationers Konvention om en Kodeks for Linjekonferencer
int. law.United Nations Convention on the Law of the SeaDe Forenede Nationers havretskonvention
gen.United Nations Convention on the Law of the SeaMontego Bay-konventionen
law, fin., UNUnited Nations Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral AwardsForenede Nationers konvention om anerkendelse og fuldbyrdelse af udenlandske voldgiftskendelser
law, fin., UNUnited Nations Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral AwardsDe Forenede Nationers konvention om anerkendelse og fuldbyrdelse af udenlandske voldgiftsafgørelser
law, fin., UNUnited Nations Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral AwardsNew York-konventionen
gen.United Nations Convention on the Use of Electronic Communications in International ContractsDe Forenede Nationers konvention om anvendelse af elektronisk kommunikation i internationale aftaler
gen.United Nations Convention to Combat DesertificationFN's ørkenkonvention
environ., UNUnited Nations Convention to Combat DesertificationDe Forenede Nationers konvention om bekæmpelse af ørkendannelse i de lande, der er ramt af alvorlig tørke og/eller ørkendannelse, særlig i Afrika
gen.United Nations Convention to Combat DesertificationFN's konvention om bekæmpelse af ørkendannelse
environ., UNUnited Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and/or Desertification, Particularly in AfricaDe Forenede Nationers konvention om bekæmpelse af ørkendannelse i de lande, der er ramt af alvorlig tørke og/eller ørkendannelse, særlig i Afrika
gen.United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and/or Desertification, Particularly in AfricaFN's ørkenkonvention
gen.United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and/or Desertification, Particularly in AfricaFN's konvention om bekæmpelse af ørkendannelse
polit.United Nations Convention to combat desertification in those countries experiencing serious drought and/or desertification, particularly in AfricaDe Forenede Nationers konvention om bekæmpelse af ørkendannelse i de lande,der er ramt af alvorlig tørke og/eller ørkendannelse,særlig i Afrika
environ.United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in those countries experiencing serious drought and/or desertification, particularly in AfricaDe Forenede Nationers konvention om bekæmpelse af ørkendannelse i de lande,der er ramt af alvorlig tørke og/eller ørkendannelse,særlig i Afrika
gen.United Nations Coordination TeamFN-koordinationshold
gen.United Nations Coordination TeamFN's koordinationshold
UNUnited Nations Council for NamibiaFN's Namibia-Råd
UNUnited Nations DayFN-dagen
h.rghts.act., social.sc., UNUnited Nations Day for Women's Rights and International PeaceDe Forenede Nationers dag for kvinders rettigheder og international fred
social.sc., UNUnited Nations Day for Women's Rights and International PeaceFN-dagen vedrørende kvinders rettigheder og international fred
h.rghts.act., social.sc., UNUnited Nations Day for Women's Rights and International Peaceden internationale kvindedag
social.sc., UNUnited Nations Day for Women's Rights and International Peaceinternational kvindedag
UNUnited Nations Decade against Drug AbuseFN's tiår mod narkotikamisbrug
h.rghts.act., UNUnited Nations Decade for Human Rights EducationFN's tiår for uddannelse om menneskerettigheder
social.sc., UNUnited Nations Decade for the Eradication of PovertyFN's tiår for udryddelse af fattigdom
social.sc., UNUnited Nations Decade for the Eradication of PovertyFN's første tiår for udryddelse af fattigdom
UNUnited Nations Democracy FundFN's Demokratifond
gen.United Nations Department of Humanitarian AffairsAfdeling for Humanitære Anliggender
econ., UNUnited Nations Department of Technical Cooperation for Developmentafdelingen for teknisk samarbejde under De Forenede Nationers Udviklingsprogram
UNUnited Nations Development Assistance FrameworkFN's udviklingsbistandsramme
UNUnited Nations Development DecadeFN's udviklingstiår
UNUnited Nations Development Fund for WomenDe Forenede Nationers Udviklingsfond for Kvinder
UNUnited Nations Development GroupFN's Udviklingsgruppe
UNUnited Nations Development GroupDe Forenede Nationers Udviklingsgruppe
UNUnited Nations Development ProgrammeDe Forenede Nationers udviklingsprogram
UNUnited Nations Disarmament CommissionDe Forenede Nationers Nedrustningskommission
UNUnited Nations Disaster Assessment and CoordinationFN's katastrofebedømmelses- og -koordineringshold
UNUnited Nations Disaster Assessment and CoordinationFN's katastrofebedømmelse- og -koordinering
social.sc., UNUnited Nations Disaster Relief OrganisationKontoret for De Forenede Nationers Katastrofebistandskoordinator
UNUnited Nations Disengagement Observer ForceFN's overvågningsstyrke for troppeadskillelse i Mellemøsten
UNUnited Nations Disengagement Observer ForceFN's overvågningsstyrke for troppeadskillelse
health., UNUnited Nations Division of Narcotic DrugsDe Forenede Nationers Kontor for Narkotiske Stoffer
health., UNUnited Nations Division of Narcotic DrugsDe Forenede Nationers Narkotikakontor
social.sc., UNUnited Nations Drug Control ProgrammeFN's narkotikakontrolprogram
social.sc., UNUnited Nations Drug Control ProgrammeDe forenede Nationers Program for International Narkotikakontrol
social.sc., UNUnited Nations Drug Control ProgrammeDe Forenede Nationers internationale narkotikakontrolprogram
econ., UNUnited Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the PacificDen Økonomiske og Sociale Kommission for Asien og Stillehavsområdet
fin., polit., UNUnited Nations'Economic Commission for Asia and the Far EastDen Økonomiske Kommission for Asien og Det Fjerne Østen
econ., UNUnited Nations Economic Commission for EuropeDe Forenede Nationers Økonomiske Kommission for Europa
econ., UNUnited Nations Economic Commission for EuropeDen Økonomiske Kommission for Europa
relig., ed., UNUnited Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural OrganisationDe Forenede Nationers Organisation for Uddannelse, Videnskab og Kultur
UNUnited Nations Emergency ForceDe Forenede Nationers Beredskabsstyrke
gen.United Nations' Emergency ForceDe Forenede Nationers fredsbevarende styrker
UNUnited Nations Emergency OperationDe Forenede Nationers nødhjælpsoperation
social.sc., UNUnited Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of WomenFN-Enheden for Ligestilling mellem Kønnene og Empowerment af Kvinder
gen.United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of WomenUN Women
environ., UNUnited Nations Environment AssemblyFN's miljøprograms styrelsesråd
environ., UNUnited Nations Environment AssemblyUNEP's styrelsesråd
environ., UNUnited Nations Environment Assembly of the United Nations Environment ProgrammeUNEP's styrelsesråd
environ., UNUnited Nations Environment Assembly of the United Nations Environment ProgrammeFN's miljøprograms styrelsesråd
environ., UNUnited Nations Environment OrganizationFN's Miljøagentur
environ., UNUnited Nations Environment OrganizationFN's Miljøorganisation
environ., UNUnited Nations Environment OrganizationFN-organisation for miljø
environ., UNUnited Nations Environment ProgrammeDe Forenede Nationers Miljøprogram
fin., UNUnited Nations Environment Programme Finance InitiativeFN's miljødeklaration for finansielle virksomheder
fin., UNUnited Nations Financing System for Science and Technology for DevelopmentDe Forenede Nationers finansieringssystem for videnskab og teknologi til udviklingsformål
crim.law.United Nations Firearms Protocolprotokol om bekæmpelse af ulovlig fremstilling af og handel med skydevåben og dele, komponenter samt ammunition hertil, til De Forenede Nationers konvention om bekæmpelse af grænseoverskridende organiseret kriminalitet
gen.United Nations Firearms ProtocolFN's våbenprotokol
environ., UNUnited Nations Forum on ForestsFN's Skovforum
environ., UNUnited Nations Forum on ForestsDe Forenede Nationers Skovforum
environ., UNUnited Nations Framework Convention on Climate Changerammekonventionen om klimaændringer
environ.United Nations Framework Convention on Climate ChangeDe Forenede Nationers rammekonvention om klimaændringer
gen.United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Changeklimakonventionen
med.United Nations Fund for Drug Abuse ControlFN's narkotikakontrolfond
UNUnited Nations Fund for Drug Abuse ControlDe Forenede Nationers Fond for Kontrol med Narkotikamisbrug
med.United Nations Fund for Drug Abuse ControlFN's fond for kontrol med stofmisbrug
polit.United Nations Fund for Population ActivitiesFN's Fond for Befolkningsaktiviteter
UNUnited Nations Fund for Population ActivitiesDe Forenede Nationers Befolkningsfond
gen.United Nations Fund for Science and Technology for DevelopmentDe Forenede Nationers Finansieringssystem for Videnskab og Teknologi til Udviklingsformål
UNUnited Nations General AssemblyDe Forenede Nationers Generalforsamling
UNUnited Nations General AssemblyFN's Generalforsamling
gen.United Nations General AssemblyGeneralforsamlingen
UNUnited Nations General Assembly ResolutionFN's Generalforsamlings resolution
UNUnited Nations General Assembly ResolutionGeneralforsamlingens resolution
UNUnited Nations General Assembly Resolutiongeneralforsamlingsresolution
UNUnited Nations General Assembly Special SessionDe Forenede Nationers Generalforsamlings særlige samling
UNUnited Nations General Assembly Special Sessionsærlig samling i De Forenede Nationers Generalforsamling
UNUnited Nations Global CompactGlobal Compact-initiativet
crim.law., h.rghts.act., UNUnited Nations Global Initiative to Fight Human TraffickingFN's globale initiativ til bekæmpelse af menneskehandel
UNUnited Nations Good Offices Missionmæglingsbestræbelser
geogr., UNUnited Nations Group of Experts on Geographical NamesFN's Ekspertgruppe i Geografiske Navne
UNUnited Nations Habitat and Human Settlements FoundationDe Forenede Nationers Stiftelse for Boligmiljø og Bosættelse
social.sc., industr., UNUnited Nations Habitat and Human Settlements FoundationDe Forenede Nationers stiftelse for boligmiljø og bosættelse
UNUnited Nations HeadquartersFN's hovedkvarter
UNUnited Nations HeadquartersDe Forenede Nationers hovedsæde
h.rghts.act., UNUnited Nations High Commissioner for Human RightsDe Forenede Nationers højkommissær for menneskerettigheder
h.rghts.act., UNUnited Nations High Commissioner for Human RightsFN's højkommissær for menneskerettigheder
gen.United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rightshøjkommissær for menneskerettigheder
relig.United Nations High Commissioner for RefugeesDe Forenede Nationers Højkommissær for Flygtninge
gen.United Nations High Commissioner for RefugeesFN's flygtningehøjkommissær
h.rghts.act., UNUnited Nations High Commissioner for RefugeesDe Forenede Nationers højkommissær for flygtninge
gen.United Nations High Commissioner for RefugeesFN's højkommissær for flygtninge
UNUnited Nations High-level Plenary Meeting on the Millennium Development GoalsFN's plenarmøde på højt plan om årtusindudviklingsmålene
h.rghts.act., UNUnited Nations Human Rights CouncilMenneskerettighedsrådet
gen.United Nations Human Rights Office in AbkhaziaFN's Menneskerettighedskontor i Abkhasien
UNUnited Nations Human Rights Verification Mission in GuatemalaFN's mission i Guatemala
UNUnited Nations Human Rights Verification Mission in GuatemalaFN's menneskerettighedsverifikationsmission i Guatemala
UNUnited Nations Human Settlements ProgrammeFN's program for bolig- og bebyggelsesmiljø
UNUnited Nations humanitarian agencyhumanitær organisation under FN
h.rghts.act., UNUnited Nations India and Pakistan Observer MissionDe Forenede Nationers observationshold i Indien og Pakistan
UNUnited Nations Industrial Development FundFonden for Industriel Udvikling
UNUnited Nations Industrial Development FundDe Forenede Nationers Fond for Industriel Udvikling
industr., UNUnited Nations Industrial Development OrganisationDe Forenede Nationers Organisation for Industriel Udvikling
UNUnited Nations Information CentreFN's Informationskontor
commun., UNUnited Nations Information ServiceDe Forenede Nationers Informationstjeneste
UNUnited Nations Institute for Disarmament ResearchUNIDIR
UNUnited Nations Institute for Disarmament ResearchFN's Institut for Nedrustningsforskning
gen.United Nations Institute for Training and ResearchDe Forenede Nationers Institut for Uddannelse og Forskning
UNUnited Nations' Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Science and Technology for DevelopmentDe Forenede Nationers Mellemstatslige Ekspertgruppe vedrørende Videnskab og Teknologi til Udviklingsformål
UNUnited Nations Interim Administration Mission in KosovoFN's mission i Kosovo
UNUnited Nations Interim Administration Mission in KosovoFN's midlertidige administrative mission i Kosovo
energ.ind., UNUnited Nations Interim Committee on New and Renewable Sources of EnergyDe Forenede Nationers Interimskomité for Nye og Vedvarende Energikilder
UNUnited Nations Interim Force in LebanonFN's fredsbevarende styrke i Libanon
social.sc., UNUnited Nations International Children's Emergency FundDe Forenede Nationers Børnefond
polit.United Nations International CommissionKommissionen for international Ret under De forenede Nationer
IT, UNUnited Nations International Computing CentreICC
IT, UNUnited Nations International Computing CentreInternational Computing Centre
social.sc., UNUnited Nations International Drug Control ProgrammeDe Forenede Nationers internationale narkotikakontrolprogram
social.sc., UNUnited Nations International Drug Control ProgrammeDe forenede Nationers Program for International Narkotikakontrol
social.sc., UNUnited Nations International Drug Control ProgrammeFN's narkotikakontrolprogram
UNUnited Nations International Independent Investigation CommissionFN's Internationale Uafhængige Undersøgelseskommission
UNUnited Nations International Police Task Forceden internationale politistyrke
UNUnited Nations International Police Task ForceDe Forenede Nationers internationale politistyrke
UNUnited Nations International Police Task Forceinternational politistyrke
crim.law., UNUnited Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research InstituteDe Forenede Nationers Institut for Interregional Kriminalitets- og Strafforfølgelsesforskning
UNUnited Nations Iraq-Kuwait Observation MissionFN's observatørmission mellem Irak og Kuwait
crim.law., UNUnited Nations Latin American Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of OffendersDe Forenede Nationers Latinamerika-institut for Kriminalitetsforebyggelse og Behandling af Lovovertrædere
law, social.sc., UNUnited Nations Latin American Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of OffendersFN's Latinamerikanske Institut for Forebyggelse af Kriminalitet
UNUnited Nations Main CommitteesDe Forenede Nationers hovedkomitéer
UNUnited Nations Military Liaison Officermilitær FN-forbindelsesofficer
UNUnited Nations Military Observer Group in India and PakistanFN's militære observatørgruppe i Indien og Pakistan
gen.United Nations Military Staff CommitteeDe Forenede Nationers Generalstabskomite
gen.United Nations Military Staff CommitteeFN's Generalstabskomite
gen.United Nations Military Staff Committeegeneralstabskomité
UNUnited Nations Mine Action Assistance ProgrammeDe Forenede Nationers program for minerydningsbistand
UNUnited Nations Mine Action Coordination CentreFN-minerydningskoordinationscenter
UNUnited Nations Mine Action Coordination CentreFN's minerydningskoordinationscenter
UNUnited Nations Mine Action ServiceFN's minerydningstjeneste
UNUnited Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western SaharaFN's mission vedrørende folkeafstemning i Vestsahara
UNUnited Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western SaharaFN-styrker i Vestsahara
UNUnited Nations Mission for the Verification of Human Rights and of Compliance with the Comprehensive Agreement on Human Rights in GuatemalaFN's mission i Guatemala
UNUnited Nations Mission for the Verification of Human Rights and of Compliance with the Comprehensive Agreement on Human Rights in GuatemalaFN's menneskerettighedsverifikationsmission i Guatemala
UNUnited Nations Mission in Bosnia and HerzegovinaFN's mission i Bosnien-Hercegovina
UNUnited Nations Mission in East TimorFN's mission i Østtimor
UNUnited Nations Mission in Ethiopia and EritreaFN's mission i Etiopien og Eritrea
h.rghts.act., UNUnited Nations Mission in Ethiopia and EritreaDe Forenede Nationers fredsbevarende styrke i Eritrea
UNUnited Nations Mission in KosovoFN's midlertidige administrative mission i Kosovo
UNUnited Nations Mission in KosovoFN's mission i Kosovo
UNUnited Nations Mission in LiberiaFN's mission i Liberia
UNUnited Nations Mission in LiberiaDe Forenede Nationers mission i Liberia
UNUnited Nations Mission in Sierra LeoneFN's mission i Sierra Leone
UNUnited Nations Mission in SudanFN's mission i Sudan
UNUnited Nations Mission in the Central African RepublicFN's mission i den Centralafrikanske Republik
UNUnited Nations Mission in the Central African RepublicFN's fredsbevarende styrke i Den Centralafrikanske Republik
UNUnited Nations Mission in the Central African Republic and ChadFN-mission i Den Centralafrikanske Republik og Tchad
UNUnited Nations Mission of Observers in PrevlakaFN's observatørmission på Prevlakahalvøen
UNUnited Nations Mission of Observers in TajikistanFN's observatørmission i Tadsjikistan
UNUnited Nations Mission of Support in East TimorFN's støttemission i Østtimor
fin., econ., UNUnited Nations Monetary and Financial ConferenceDe Forenede Nationers monetære og finansielle konference
UNUnited Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilisation Mission in MaliFN-mission for stabilisering af Mali
econ., fin., UNUnited Nations' new agenda for the development of AfricaFN's nye program til udvikling af Afrika
UNUnited Nations Observer Group in Central AmericaDe Forenede Nationers Observatørgruppe i Centralamerika
UNUnited Nations Observer Mission in AngolaFN's observatørmission i Angola
UNUnited Nations Observer Mission in El SalvadorDe Forenede Nationers observatørstyrke i El Salvador
UNUnited Nations Observer Mission in GeorgiaFN's observatørmission i Georgien
UNUnited Nations Observer Mission in LiberiaFN's observatørmission i Liberia
UNUnited Nations Observer Mission in Sierra LeoneFN's observatørmission i Sierra Leone
UNUnited Nations Observer Mission Uganda-RwandaFN's observatørmission i Uganda-Rwanda
UNUnited Nations Observer Mission Uganda-RwandaDe Forenede Nationers observatørmission i Uganda-Rwanda
UNUnited Nations Office at GenevaDe Forenede Nationers kontor i Genève
UNUnited Nations Office at NairobiDe Forenede Nationers kontor i Nairobi
UNUnited Nations Office at ViennaDe Forenede Nationers kontor i Wien
UNUnited Nations Office for Disarmament AffairsKontor for Nedrustningsanliggender
UNUnited Nations Office for Projects ServicesFN's Projektkontor
UNUnited Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian and Economic Assistance Programmes relating to AfghanistanFN's Kontor for Koordination af Humanitær Hjælp til Afghanistan
UNUnited Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Assistance to AfghanistanFN's Kontor for Koordination af Humanitær Hjælp til Afghanistan
UNUnited Nations Office of the Special Envoy for KosovoFN's kontor for den særlige udsending for Kosovo
UNUnited Nations Office of the Special Envoy for KosovoKontoret for FN's særlige udsending for processen vedrørende Kosovos fremtidige status
crim.law., UNUnited Nations Office on Drugs and CrimeFN's Kontor for Narkotikakontrol og Kriminalitetsbekæmpelse
int. law., fish.farm., UNUnited Nations Open-ended Informal Consultative Process on Oceans and the Law of the SeaFN's åbne uformelle høringsproces vedrørende havspørgsmål og havret
UNUnited Nations Operation in Côte d'IvoireDe Forenede Nationers operation i Côte d'Ivoire
UNUnited Nations Operation in MozambiqueFN's operation i Mozambique
UNUnited Nations Operation in MozambiqueFN-interventionsstyrke i Moçambique
UNUnited Nations Operation in SomaliaFN's operation i Somalia
UNUnited Nations OrganisationDe Forenede Nationer
UNUnited Nations Organisation Mission in the Democratic Republic of the CongoFN's stabiliseringsmission i Den Demokratiske Republik Congo
obs., UNUnited Nations Organisation Mission in the Democratic Republic of the CongoFN's mission i Den Demokratiske Republik Congo
UNUnited Nations Organisation Stabilisation Mission in the Democratic Republic of the CongoFN's stabiliseringsmission i Den Demokratiske Republik Congo
obs., UNUnited Nations Organisation Stabilisation Mission in the Democratic Republic of the CongoFN's mission i Den Demokratiske Republik Congo
UNUnited Nations Peacekeeping Force in CyprusFN's fredsbevarende styrke på Cypern
UNUnited Nations Police Support GroupFN's politistøttegruppe
UNUnited Nations Police Support GroupDe Forenede Nationers politistøttegruppe
UNUnited Nations Population FundDe Forenede Nationers Befolkningsfond
UNUnited Nations Postal AdministrationDe Forenede Nationers Postadministration
UNUnited Nations Preventive Deployment ForceFN's forebyggende styrke
UNUnited Nations Preventive Deployment ForceFN's forebyggende mission
UNUnited Nations Programme of Action to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its AspectsFN's handlingsprogram vedrørende forebyggelse, bekæmpelse og udryddelse af ulovlig handel med håndvåben og lette våben i alle dens aspekter
gen.United Nations Programme of Action to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its AspectsFN's handlingsprogram vedrørende håndvåben og lette våben
UNUnited Nations Protected AreaFN-beskyttelseszone
UNUnited Nations Protection ForceDe Forenede Nationers beskyttelsesstyrke
transp., environ.United Nations Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous GoodsFN's Anbefalinger for Transport af Farligt Gods
UNUnited Nations Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament in AfricaDe Forenede Nationers Regionale Center for Fred og Nedrustning i Afrika
UNUnited Nations Regional Centre for Peace, Disarmament and Development in Latin America and the CaribbeanDe Forenede Nationers Regionale Center for Fred, Nedrustning og Udvikling i Latinamerika og Caribien
h.rghts.act., econ., UNUnited Nations Regional Centre for Peace, Disarmament and Development in Latin America and the CaribbeanDe Forenede Nationers regionale center for fred, nedrustning og udvikling i Latinamerika og Caribien
polit.United Nations register for conventional arms transferDe Forenede Nationers register angående overførsel af konventionelle våben
UNUnited Nations Relief and Rehabilitation AgencyDe Forenede Nationers Bistands- og Genopbygningsadministration
UNUnited Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near EastDe Forenede Nationers Hjælpeorganisation for Palæstinaflygtninge i Mellemøsten
social.sc., UNUnited Nations Research Institute for Social DevelopmentDe Forenede Nationers Forskningsinstitut for Social Udvikling
h.rghts.act., econ., UNUnited Nations Rwanda Emergency OfficeFN's Nødhjælpskontor i Rwanda
UNUnited Nations Sanctions CommitteeFN's sanktionskomité
R&D., UNUnited Nations Scientific Advisory CommitteeDe Forenede Nationers Rådgivende Komité for Videnskabsspørgsmål
nat.sc., UNUnited Nations Scientific Advisory CommitteeDe Forenede Nationers rådgivende udvalg vedrørende videnskab og teknologi
nucl.phys., UNUnited Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic RadiationDe forenede Nationers Videnskabelige Komité vedrørende Effekterne af Atomstråling
nucl.phys., UNUnited Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic RadiationDe Forenede Nationers Videnskabelige Udvalg vedrørende Virkningerne af Atomudstråling
nat.sc., el., UNUnited Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic RadiationDe Forenede Nationers Videnskabelige Komité for Virkninger af ioniserende Stråling
environ., UNUnited Nations Scientific Conference on the Conservation and Utilisation of ResourcesDe Forenede Nationers Videnskabelige Konference for Bevarelse og Udnyttelse af Ressourcer
min.prod., UNUnited Nations Seabed CommitteeFN's Havbundskomité
gen.United Nations Seabed CommitteeHavbundskomitéen
UNUnited Nations Secretary-GeneralDe Forenede Nationers generalsekretær
gen.United Nations Secretary-GeneralFN's generalsekretær
UNUnited Nations Security CoordinatorFN's sikkerhedskoordinator
UNUnited Nations Security CoordinatorDe Forenede Nationers sikkerhedskoordinator
gen.United Nations Security CouncilDe Forenede Nationers Sikkerhedsråd
gen.United Nations Security CouncilFN's Sikkerhedsråd
gen.United Nations Security CouncilSikkerhedsrådet
UNUnited Nations Security Council ResolutionSikkerhedsrådets resolution
UNUnited Nations Security Council ResolutionDe Forenede Nationers Sikkerhedsråds resolution
UNUnited Nations Security Council Resolution 1325Sikkerhedsrådets resolution 1325 2000 om kvinder, fred og sikkerhed
UNUnited Nations Security Council ResolutionFN's Sikkerhedsråds resolution
gen.United Nations Security Council Resolutionsikkerhedsrådsresolution
UNUnited Nations Special CommissionDe Forenede Nationers Særlige Kommission
UNUnited Nations Special CommissionFN's særlige inspektionskomité i Irak
UNUnited Nations Special Commission of Inspection in IraqFN's særlige inspektionskomité i Irak
UNUnited Nations special envoyDe Forenede Nationers særlige udsending
UNUnited Nations special envoyFN's særlige udsending
h.rghts.act., UNUnited Nations Special Mission to AfghanistanFN's særlige mission i Afghanistan
h.rghts.act., UNUnited Nations Special Mission to AfghanistanDe Forenede Nationers særlige mission i Afghanistan
health., ed., UNUnited Nations Special programme of Research and Training on Tropical DiseasesTDR-programmet
health., ed., UNUnited Nations Special programme of Research and Training on Tropical Diseasesdet særlige program for forskning og uddannelse i tropesygdomme
fin., polit.United Nations standard messageDe Forenede Nationers standardiserede meddelse
law, crim.law., h.rghts.act.United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for Non-custodial MeasuresFN's standardminimumsregler for ikkefrihedsberøvende foranstaltninger
law, crim.law., h.rghts.act.United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for Non-custodial MeasuresFN's standardminimumsregler vedrørende foranstaltninger over for ikkefrihedsberøvede kriminelle
gen.United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for Non-custodial MeasuresTokyoreglerne
law, crim.law., social.sc.United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the Administration of Juvenile Justice "The Beijing Rules"De Forenede Nationers standardminimumsregler for retspleje over for mindreårige
law, crim.law., social.sc.United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the Administration of Juvenile Justice "The Beijing Rules"De Forenede Nationers standardminimumsregler vedrørende administration af ungdomsretspleje
gen.United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the Administration of Juvenile Justice "The Beijing Rules"Beijingregler
UNUnited Nations Standby Arrangements SystemFN's beredskabssystem
stat.United Nations Statistical OfficeDe Forenede Nationers statistiske kontor
stat., UNUnited Nations Statistical OfficeDe Forenede Nationers Statistiske Kontor
interntl.trade., UNUnited Nations Sugar ConferenceDe Forenede Nationers Sukkerkonference
UNUnited Nations Support Mission in HaitiFN's støttemission på Haiti
UNUnited Nations systemFN-systemet
UNUnited Nations System Chief Executives Board for CoordinationUnited Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination
UNUnited Nations System Chief Executives Board for CoordinationFN's Administrative Råd for Koordinering
UNUnited Nations System-wide Special Initiative on AfricaFN's særlige Afrikainitiativ
interntl.trade.United Nations Tin Conference, 1980De Forenede Nationers Tinkonference, 1980
law, IT, UNUnited Nations Trade Data Interchange DirectoryDe Forenede Nationers fortegnelse over handelsdataudveksling
UNUnited Nations Transition Assistance GroupDe Forenede Nationers Overgangsbistandsgruppe
UNUnited Nations Transitional Administration for CambodiaDe Forenede Nationers Provisoriske Myndighed i Cambodja
UNUnited Nations Transitional Administration for Eastern Slavonia, Baranja and Western SirmiumFN's overgangsadministration i Østslavonien, Baranja og Vestsirmium
UNUnited Nations Transitional Administration in East TimorFN's overgangsadministration i Østtimor
UNUnited Nations Transitional Assistance GroupDe Forenede Nationers Overgangsbistandsgruppe
UNUnited Nations Transitional Authority in CambodiaFN's overgangsadministration i Cambodja
UNUnited Nations Transitional Authority in CambodiaDe Forenede Nationers Provisoriske Myndighed i Cambodja
UNUnited Nations Transitional Authority in Eastern SlavoniaDe Forenede Nationers Overgangsmyndighed i Østslavonien
UNUnited Nations Transitory Administration in East TimorFN's overgangsmyndighed i Østtimor
UNUnited Nations Treaty SeriesDe Forenede Nationers traktatsamling
UNUnited Nations Truce Supervision OrganisationFN's organisation for overvågelse af våbenstilstanden
ed., UNUnited Nations UniversityFN-Universitetet
UNUnited Nations Voluntary Fund for Victims of TortureDe Forenede Nationers Frivillige Fond for Torturofre
gen.United Nations Voluntary Fund for Victims of TortureFN's Frivillige Fond for Torturofre
UNUnited Nations VolunteersFN's program for frivillige
UNUnited Nations VolunteersFN's frivilligprogram
polit., UNUnited Nations Water BoardFN's Generalsekretærs Rådgivende Udvalg om Vand og Sanitet
agric., UNUnited Nations Wheat conferenceDe Forende Nationers hvedekonference
gen.United Nations Working PartyGruppen vedrørende De Forenede Nationer
social.sc., UNUnited Nations World Conference on Human RightsDe Forenede Nationers verdenskonference om menneskerettigheder
social.sc., UNUnited Nations Year for Toleranceinternationalt år for tolerance
cultur., UNUnited Nations Year of Dialogue Among Civilisationsinternationalt år for dialog mellem forskellige kulturer
UNWorld Federation of United Nations AssociationsVerdensføderationen for De Forenede Nationers Forbund
UNWorld Federation of United Nations AssociationsVerdensforbundet af FN-Foreninger