
Terms containing The vertical | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
life.sc.absolute deviation of the verticalabsolut lodafvigelse
agric.amount of vertical slack in the netgrad af lodret slæk i nettet
life.sc.angle of deviation of the verticallodafvigelse
life.sc.astro-geodetic deflection of the verticalastronomisk-geodætisk lodafvigelse
life.sc.curvature of the verticallodkrumning
life.sc.deflection of the vertical USAlodafvigelse
met.downward welding in the vertical positionlodret faldende svejsning
met.fillet weld with vertical leg unintentionally shorter than the horizontal legskæv kantsøm med ulige store ben
transp., construct.filling of a lock by raising the vertical lift gatefyldning og tømning af en sluse med løfteport
life.sc.gravimetric deflection of the verticalgravimetrisk lodafvigelse
earth.sc.horizontal or vertical transfer between the compartments of the oceanic systemhorisontal eller vertikal udveksling mellem havsystemets forskellige dele
met.making a butt weld in the horizontal-vertical positionsvejsning sidenind af stumpsøm
met.making a fillet weld in the horizontal-vertical positionsvejsning af stående kantsøm
transp., construct.outlet of the short vertical culvertudmunding af det korte vertikale omløb
life.sc.perturbation of the verticallodliniesvingning
life.sc.radius of curvature in the prime verticalnormalkrumningsradius
life.sc., construct.radius of the vertical curveradius af overgangskurve
life.sc.relative deflection of the verticalrelative lodafvigelse
industr., construct.roof truss with verticals on the rafterhanebåndsspærfag med støttestolper
construct.setting out of the vertical dimensionsoverførelse af mål i vandret retning
nat.sc., life.sc.the benthos, particularly in the neritic zone, shows distinct vertical zonationsærligt i den neritiske zone udviser benthos en tydelig vertikal inddeling
life.sc.topographic deflection of the verticaltopografisk lodafvigelse
life.sc.topographic-isostatic deflection of the verticaltopografisk-isostatisk lodafvigelse
met.upward welding in the vertical positionlodret stigende svejsning
transp.vertical deformation of the web of the raillodret udbøjning af skinnekrop
social.sc.vertical desegregation of the labour marketafskaffelse af den vertikale kønsopdeling på arbejdsmarkedet
transp.vertical drift of the cut-off linelys-mørke grænsens lodrette forskydning
el.vertical gradient of the refractive indexlodret gradient af refraktionsindeks
earth.sc., mech.eng.vertical setting of the ploughindstilling af sidehældning
transp., construct.working gear or operating machinery of the vertical trapezoidal sluicemaskineri til at bevæge et kileformet rullestigbord